You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
5.4 KiB

from __future__ import division, print_function
from typing import Iterator
from warnings import warn
import sys
from lxml import etree as ET
from lxml.etree import XMLSyntaxError
from .extracted_text import ExtractedText, normalize_sbb
def alto_namespace(tree: ET.ElementTree) -> str:
"""Return the ALTO namespace used in the given ElementTree.
This relies on the assumption that, in any given ALTO file, the root element has the local name "alto". We do not
check if the files uses any valid ALTO namespace.
root_name = ET.QName(tree.getroot().tag)
if root_name.localname == "alto":
return root_name.namespace
raise ValueError("Not an ALTO tree")
def alto_extract_lines(tree: ET.ElementTree) -> Iterator[ExtractedText]:
nsmap = {"alto": alto_namespace(tree)}
for line in tree.iterfind(".//alto:TextLine", namespaces=nsmap):
line_id = line.attrib.get("ID")
line_text = " ".join(
for string in line.iterfind("alto:String", namespaces=nsmap)
yield ExtractedText(line_id, None, None, normalize_sbb(line_text))
# FIXME hardcoded SBB normalization
def alto_extract(tree: ET.ElementTree) -> ExtractedText:
"""Extract text from the given ALTO ElementTree."""
return ExtractedText(None, list(alto_extract_lines(tree)), "\n", None)
def alto_text(tree):
return alto_extract(tree).text
def page_namespace(tree):
"""Return the PAGE content namespace used in the given ElementTree.
This relies on the assumption that, in any given PAGE content file, the root element has the local name "PcGts". We
do not check if the files uses any valid PAGE namespace.
root_name = ET.QName(tree.getroot().tag)
if root_name.localname == "PcGts":
return root_name.namespace
raise ValueError("Not a PAGE tree")
def page_extract(tree, *, textequiv_level="region"):
"""Extract text from the given PAGE content ElementTree."""
# Internally, this is just parsing the Reading Order (if it exists) and
# and leaves reading the TextRegions to ExtractedText.from_text_segment().
nsmap = {"page": page_namespace(tree)}
regions = []
reading_order = tree.find(".//page:ReadingOrder", namespaces=nsmap)
if reading_order is not None:
for group in reading_order.iterfind("./*", namespaces=nsmap):
group, tree, nsmap, textequiv_level
for region in tree.iterfind(".//page:TextRegion", namespaces=nsmap):
region, nsmap, textequiv_level=textequiv_level
# Filter empty region texts
regions = [r for r in regions if r.text != ""]
return ExtractedText(None, regions, "\n", None)
def extract_texts_from_reading_order_group(group, tree, nsmap, textequiv_level):
"""Recursive function to extract the texts from TextRegions in ReadingOrder."""
regions = []
if ET.QName(group.tag).localname in ["OrderedGroup", "OrderedGroupIndexed"]:
ro_children = list(group)
ro_children = filter(lambda child: "index" in child.attrib.keys(), ro_children)
ro_children = sorted(ro_children, key=lambda child: int(child.attrib["index"]))
elif ET.QName(group.tag).localname in ["UnorderedGroup","UnorderedGroupIndexed"]:
ro_children = list(group)
raise NotImplementedError
for ro_child in ro_children:
if ET.QName(ro_child.tag).localname in ["OrderedGroup", "OrderedGroupIndexed", "UnorderedGroup", "UnorderedGroupIndexed"]:
ro_child, tree, nsmap, textequiv_level
region_id = ro_child.attrib["regionRef"]
region = tree.find(
'.//page:TextRegion[@id="%s"]' % region_id, namespaces=nsmap
if region is not None:
region, nsmap, textequiv_level=textequiv_level
pass # Not a TextRegion
return regions
def page_text(tree, *, textequiv_level="region"):
return page_extract(tree, textequiv_level=textequiv_level).text
def plain_extract(filename):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
return ExtractedText(
ExtractedText("line %d" % no, None, None, normalize_sbb(line))
for no, line in enumerate(f.readlines())
# XXX hardcoded SBB normalization
def plain_text(filename):
return plain_extract(filename).text
def extract(filename, *, textequiv_level="region"):
"""Extract the text from the given file.
Supports PAGE, ALTO and falls back to plain text.
tree = ET.parse(filename)
except XMLSyntaxError:
return plain_extract(filename)
return page_extract(tree, textequiv_level=textequiv_level)
except ValueError:
return alto_extract(tree)
def text(filename):
return extract(filename).text
if __name__ == "__main__":