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Gerber, Mike 493541fddf 🐛 dinglehopper: Always work with NFC text
.screenshots 📝 dinglehopper: Add screenshot
qurator 🐛 dinglehopper: Always work with NFC text
.travis.yml dinglehopper: Add Travis configuration
LICENSE 📝 dinglehopper: Add a LICENSE file
README.md dinglehopper: Make Travis CI badge link to build status
pytest.ini 🧹 dinglehopper: Move pytest.ini
requirements.txt dinglehopper: Add OCR-D interface
setup.py 📝 dinglehopper: Update author info



dinglehopper is an OCR evaluation tool and reads ALTO, PAGE and text files.

Build Status


  • Useful
    • As an UI tool
    • For an automated evaluation
    • As a library
  • Unicode support


dinglehopper some-document.gt.page.xml some-document.ocr.alto.xml

This generates report.html and report.json.

As a OCR-D processor:

ocrd-dinglehopper -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-GT-PAGE,OCR-D-OCR-TESS -O OCR-D-OCR-TESS-EVAL

This generates HTML and JSON reports in the OCR-D-OCR-TESS-EVAL filegroup.

dinglehopper displaying metrics and character differences