You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
6.0 KiB

import os
import click
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from markupsafe import escape
from uniseg.graphemecluster import grapheme_clusters
from ocrd_utils import initLogging
from .character_error_rate import character_error_rate_n
from .word_error_rate import word_error_rate_n, words_normalized
from .align import seq_align
from .extracted_text import ExtractedText
from .ocr_files import extract
from .config import Config
def gen_diff_report(gt_in, ocr_in, css_prefix, joiner, none):
gtx = ""
ocrx = ""
def format_thing(t, css_classes=None, id_=None):
if t is None:
html_t = none
css_classes += " ellipsis"
elif t == "\n":
html_t = "<br>"
html_t = escape(t)
html_custom_attrs = ""
# Set Bootstrap tooltip to the segment id
if id_:
html_custom_attrs += 'data-toggle="tooltip" title="{}"'.format(id_)
if css_classes:
return '<span class="{css_classes}" {html_custom_attrs}>{html_t}</span>'.format(
return "{html_t}".format(html_t=html_t)
if isinstance(gt_in, ExtractedText):
if not isinstance(ocr_in, ExtractedText):
raise TypeError()
# XXX splitting should be done in ExtractedText
gt_things = list(grapheme_clusters(gt_in.text))
ocr_things = list(grapheme_clusters(ocr_in.text))
gt_things = gt_in
ocr_things = ocr_in
g_pos = 0
o_pos = 0
for k, (g, o) in enumerate(seq_align(gt_things, ocr_things)):
css_classes = None
gt_id = None
ocr_id = None
if g != o:
css_classes = "{css_prefix}diff{k} diff".format(css_prefix=css_prefix, k=k)
if isinstance(gt_in, ExtractedText):
gt_id = gt_in.segment_id_for_pos(g_pos) if g is not None else None
ocr_id = ocr_in.segment_id_for_pos(o_pos) if o is not None else None
# Deletions and inserts only produce one id + None, UI must
# support this, i.e. display for the one id produced
gtx += joiner + format_thing(g, css_classes, gt_id)
ocrx += joiner + format_thing(o, css_classes, ocr_id)
if g is not None:
g_pos += len(g)
if o is not None:
o_pos += len(o)
return """
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 gt">{}</div>
<div class="col-md-6 ocr">{}</div>
gtx, ocrx
def json_float(value):
"""Convert a float value to an JSON float.
This is here so that float('inf') yields "Infinity", not "inf".
if value == float("inf"):
return "Infinity"
elif value == float("-inf"):
return "-Infinity"
return str(value)
def process(gt, ocr, report_prefix, *, metrics=True, textequiv_level="region"):
"""Check OCR result against GT.
The @click decorators change the signature of the decorated functions, so we keep this undecorated version and use
Click on a wrapper.
gt_text = extract(gt, textequiv_level=textequiv_level)
ocr_text = extract(ocr, textequiv_level=textequiv_level)
cer, n_characters = character_error_rate_n(gt_text, ocr_text)
wer, n_words = word_error_rate_n(gt_text, ocr_text)
char_diff_report = gen_diff_report(
gt_text, ocr_text, css_prefix="c", joiner="", none="·"
gt_words = words_normalized(gt_text)
ocr_words = words_normalized(ocr_text)
word_diff_report = gen_diff_report(
gt_words, ocr_words, css_prefix="w", joiner=" ", none=""
env = Environment(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "templates")
env.filters["json_float"] = json_float
for report_suffix in (".html", ".json"):
template_fn = "report" + report_suffix + ".j2"
out_fn = report_prefix + report_suffix
template = env.get_template(template_fn)
@click.argument("gt", type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument("ocr", type=click.Path(exists=True))
@click.argument("report_prefix", type=click.Path(), default="report")
"--metrics/--no-metrics", default=True, help="Enable/disable metrics and green/red"
help="PAGE TextEquiv level to extract text from",
@click.option("--progress", default=False, is_flag=True, help="Show progress bar")
def main(gt, ocr, report_prefix, metrics, textequiv_level, progress):
Compare the PAGE/ALTO/text document GT against the document OCR.
dinglehopper detects if GT/OCR are ALTO or PAGE XML documents to extract
their text and falls back to plain text if no ALTO or PAGE is detected.
The files GT and OCR are usually a ground truth document and the result of
an OCR software, but you may use dinglehopper to compare two OCR results. In
that case, use --no-metrics to disable the then meaningless metrics and also
change the color scheme from green/red to blue.
The comparison report will be written to $REPORT_PREFIX.{html,json}, where
$REPORT_PREFIX defaults to "report". The reports include the character error
rate (CER) and the word error rate (WER).
By default, the text of PAGE files is extracted on 'region' level. You may
use "--textequiv-level line" to extract from the level of TextLine tags.
Config.progress = progress
process(gt, ocr, report_prefix, metrics=metrics, textequiv_level=textequiv_level)
if __name__ == "__main__":