@ -1774,7 +1774,6 @@ def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new(splitter_y_new, regions_witho
reading_order_type , x_starting , x_ending , y_type_2 , y_diff_type_2 , y_lines_without_mother , x_start_without_mother , x_end_without_mother , there_is_sep_with_child , y_lines_with_child_without_mother , x_start_with_child_without_mother , x_end_with_child_without_mother , new_main_sep_y = return_x_start_end_mothers_childs_and_type_of_reading_order ( x_min_hor_some , x_max_hor_some , cy_hor_some , peaks_neg_tot , cy_hor_diff )
reading_order_type , x_starting , x_ending , y_type_2 , y_diff_type_2 , y_lines_without_mother , x_start_without_mother , x_end_without_mother , there_is_sep_with_child , y_lines_with_child_without_mother , x_start_with_child_without_mother , x_end_with_child_without_mother , new_main_sep_y = return_x_start_end_mothers_childs_and_type_of_reading_order ( x_min_hor_some , x_max_hor_some , cy_hor_some , peaks_neg_tot , cy_hor_diff )
if ( reading_order_type == 1 ) or ( reading_order_type == 0 and ( len ( y_lines_without_mother ) > = 2 or there_is_sep_with_child == 1 ) ) :
if ( reading_order_type == 1 ) or ( reading_order_type == 0 and ( len ( y_lines_without_mother ) > = 2 or there_is_sep_with_child == 1 ) ) :
@ -2281,7 +2280,6 @@ def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new(splitter_y_new, regions_witho
ind_args = np . array ( range ( len ( y_type_2 ) ) )
ind_args = np . array ( range ( len ( y_type_2 ) ) )
for column in range ( len ( peaks_neg_tot ) - 1 ) :
for column in range ( len ( peaks_neg_tot ) - 1 ) :
ind_args_in_col = ind_args [ x_starting == column ]
ind_args_in_col = ind_args [ x_starting == column ]
@ -2338,3 +2336,253 @@ def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new(splitter_y_new, regions_witho
#boxes.append([ 0, regions_without_separators[:,:].shape[1] ,splitter_y_new[i],splitter_y_new[i+1]])
#boxes.append([ 0, regions_without_separators[:,:].shape[1] ,splitter_y_new[i],splitter_y_new[i+1]])
return boxes , peaks_neg_tot_tables
return boxes , peaks_neg_tot_tables
def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new_right2left ( splitter_y_new , regions_without_separators , matrix_of_lines_ch , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts , tables ) :
boxes = [ ]
peaks_neg_tot_tables = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( splitter_y_new ) - 1 ) :
matrix_new = matrix_of_lines_ch [ : , : ] [ ( matrix_of_lines_ch [ : , 6 ] > splitter_y_new [ i ] ) & ( matrix_of_lines_ch [ : , 7 ] < splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) ]
#print(len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] ))
# check to see is there any vertical separator to find holes.
if 1 > 0 : #len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1])>=0.1*(np.abs(splitter_y_new[i+1]-splitter_y_new[i] )):
try :
if erosion_hurts :
num_col , peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col ( regions_without_separators [ int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) : int ( splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) , : ] , num_col_classifier , tables , multiplier = 6. )
else :
num_col , peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col ( regions_without_separators [ int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) : int ( splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) , : ] , num_col_classifier , tables , multiplier = 7. )
except :
peaks_neg_fin = [ ]
num_col = 0
try :
peaks_neg_fin_org = np . copy ( peaks_neg_fin )
if ( len ( peaks_neg_fin ) + 1 ) < num_col_classifier or num_col_classifier == 6 :
if len ( peaks_neg_fin ) == 0 :
num_col , peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col ( regions_without_separators [ int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) : int ( splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) , : ] , num_col_classifier , tables , multiplier = 3. )
peaks_neg_fin_early = [ ]
peaks_neg_fin_early . append ( 0 )
for p_n in peaks_neg_fin :
peaks_neg_fin_early . append ( p_n )
peaks_neg_fin_early . append ( regions_without_separators . shape [ 1 ] - 1 )
peaks_neg_fin_rev = [ ]
for i_n in range ( len ( peaks_neg_fin_early ) - 1 ) :
#plt.plot(regions_without_separators[int(splitter_y_new[i]):int(splitter_y_new[i+1]),peaks_neg_fin_early[i_n]:peaks_neg_fin_early[i_n+1]].sum(axis=0) )
try :
num_col , peaks_neg_fin1 = find_num_col ( regions_without_separators [ int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) : int ( splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg_fin_early [ i_n ] : peaks_neg_fin_early [ i_n + 1 ] ] , num_col_classifier , tables , multiplier = 7. )
except :
peaks_neg_fin1 = [ ]
try :
num_col , peaks_neg_fin2 = find_num_col ( regions_without_separators [ int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) : int ( splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg_fin_early [ i_n ] : peaks_neg_fin_early [ i_n + 1 ] ] , num_col_classifier , tables , multiplier = 5. )
except :
peaks_neg_fin2 = [ ]
if len ( peaks_neg_fin1 ) > = len ( peaks_neg_fin2 ) :
peaks_neg_fin = list ( np . copy ( peaks_neg_fin1 ) )
else :
peaks_neg_fin = list ( np . copy ( peaks_neg_fin2 ) )
peaks_neg_fin = list ( np . array ( peaks_neg_fin ) + peaks_neg_fin_early [ i_n ] )
if i_n != ( len ( peaks_neg_fin_early ) - 2 ) :
peaks_neg_fin_rev . append ( peaks_neg_fin_early [ i_n + 1 ] )
peaks_neg_fin_rev = peaks_neg_fin_rev + peaks_neg_fin
if len ( peaks_neg_fin_rev ) > = len ( peaks_neg_fin_org ) :
peaks_neg_fin = list ( np . sort ( peaks_neg_fin_rev ) )
num_col = len ( peaks_neg_fin )
else :
peaks_neg_fin = list ( np . copy ( peaks_neg_fin_org ) )
num_col = len ( peaks_neg_fin )
except :
#num_col, peaks_neg_fin=find_num_col(regions_without_separators[int(splitter_y_new[i]):int(splitter_y_new[i+1]),:],multiplier=7.0)
x_min_hor_some = matrix_new [ : , 2 ] [ ( matrix_new [ : , 9 ] == 0 ) ]
x_max_hor_some = matrix_new [ : , 3 ] [ ( matrix_new [ : , 9 ] == 0 ) ]
cy_hor_some = matrix_new [ : , 5 ] [ ( matrix_new [ : , 9 ] == 0 ) ]
cy_hor_diff = matrix_new [ : , 7 ] [ ( matrix_new [ : , 9 ] == 0 ) ]
arg_org_hor_some = matrix_new [ : , 0 ] [ ( matrix_new [ : , 9 ] == 0 ) ]
peaks_neg_tot = return_points_with_boundies ( peaks_neg_fin , 0 , regions_without_separators [ : , : ] . shape [ 1 ] )
peaks_neg_tot_tables . append ( peaks_neg_tot )
reading_order_type , x_starting , x_ending , y_type_2 , y_diff_type_2 , y_lines_without_mother , x_start_without_mother , x_end_without_mother , there_is_sep_with_child , y_lines_with_child_without_mother , x_start_with_child_without_mother , x_end_with_child_without_mother , new_main_sep_y = return_x_start_end_mothers_childs_and_type_of_reading_order ( x_min_hor_some , x_max_hor_some , cy_hor_some , peaks_neg_tot , cy_hor_diff )
y_lines_by_order = [ ]
x_start_by_order = [ ]
x_end_by_order = [ ]
if len ( x_starting ) > 0 :
all_columns = np . array ( range ( len ( peaks_neg_tot ) - 1 ) )
columns_covered_by_lines_covered_more_than_2col = [ ]
for dj in range ( len ( x_starting ) ) :
if set ( list ( np . array ( range ( x_starting [ dj ] , x_ending [ dj ] ) ) ) ) == set ( all_columns ) :
else :
columns_covered_by_lines_covered_more_than_2col = columns_covered_by_lines_covered_more_than_2col + list ( np . array ( range ( x_starting [ dj ] , x_ending [ dj ] ) ) )
columns_covered_by_lines_covered_more_than_2col = list ( set ( columns_covered_by_lines_covered_more_than_2col ) )
columns_not_covered = list ( set ( all_columns ) - set ( columns_covered_by_lines_covered_more_than_2col ) )
y_type_2 = list ( y_type_2 )
x_starting = list ( x_starting )
x_ending = list ( x_ending )
for lj in columns_not_covered :
y_type_2 . append ( int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) )
x_starting . append ( lj )
x_ending . append ( lj + 1 )
if len ( new_main_sep_y ) > 0 :
y_type_2 . append ( int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) )
x_starting . append ( 0 )
x_ending . append ( len ( peaks_neg_tot ) - 1 )
else :
y_type_2 . append ( int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) )
x_starting . append ( x_starting [ 0 ] )
x_ending . append ( x_ending [ 0 ] )
y_type_2 = np . array ( y_type_2 )
x_starting = np . array ( x_starting )
x_ending = np . array ( x_ending )
else :
all_columns = np . array ( range ( len ( peaks_neg_tot ) - 1 ) )
columns_not_covered = list ( set ( all_columns ) )
y_type_2 = list ( y_type_2 )
x_starting = list ( x_starting )
x_ending = list ( x_ending )
for lj in columns_not_covered :
y_type_2 . append ( int ( splitter_y_new [ i ] ) )
x_starting . append ( lj )
x_ending . append ( lj + 1 )
y_type_2 = np . array ( y_type_2 )
x_starting = np . array ( x_starting )
x_ending = np . array ( x_ending )
ind_args = np . array ( range ( len ( y_type_2 ) ) )
for column in range ( len ( peaks_neg_tot ) - 1 , 0 , - 1 ) :
ind_args_in_col = ind_args [ x_ending == column ]
ind_args_in_col = np . array ( ind_args_in_col )
y_column = y_type_2 [ ind_args_in_col ]
x_start_column = x_starting [ ind_args_in_col ]
x_end_column = x_ending [ ind_args_in_col ]
ind_args_col_sorted = np . argsort ( y_column )
y_col_sort = y_column [ ind_args_col_sorted ]
x_start_column_sort = x_start_column [ ind_args_col_sorted ]
x_end_column_sort = x_end_column [ ind_args_col_sorted ]
for ii in range ( len ( y_col_sort ) ) :
y_lines_by_order . append ( y_col_sort [ ii ] )
x_start_by_order . append ( x_start_column_sort [ ii ] )
x_end_by_order . append ( x_end_column_sort [ ii ] - 1 )
for il in range ( len ( y_lines_by_order ) ) :
y_copy = list ( np . copy ( y_lines_by_order ) )
x_start_copy = list ( np . copy ( x_start_by_order ) )
x_end_copy = list ( np . copy ( x_end_by_order ) )
y_itself = y_copy . pop ( il )
x_start_itself = x_start_copy . pop ( il )
x_end_itself = x_end_copy . pop ( il )
for column in range ( x_end_itself + 1 - 1 , x_start_itself - 1 , - 1 ) :
y_in_cols = [ ]
for yic in range ( len ( y_copy ) ) :
if y_copy [ yic ] > y_itself and column > = x_start_copy [ yic ] and column < = x_end_copy [ yic ] :
y_in_cols . append ( y_copy [ yic ] )
if len ( y_in_cols ) > 0 :
y_down = np . min ( y_in_cols )
else :
y_down = [ int ( splitter_y_new [ i + 1 ] ) ] [ 0 ]
boxes . append ( [ peaks_neg_tot [ column ] , peaks_neg_tot [ column + 1 ] , y_itself , y_down ] )
#boxes.append([ 0, regions_without_separators[:,:].shape[1] ,splitter_y_new[i],splitter_y_new[i+1]])
return boxes , peaks_neg_tot_tables