@ -39,121 +39,131 @@ class EynollahPlotter():
self . scale_y = scale_y
def save_plot_of_layout_main ( self , text_regions_p , image_page ) :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ ' Background ' , ' Main text ' , ' Image ' , ' Separator ' , ' Marginalia ' ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 40 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 40 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_layout , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout_main.png " ) )
if self . dir_of_layout is not None :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ ' Background ' , ' Main text ' , ' Image ' , ' Separator ' , ' Marginalia ' ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 40 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 40 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_layout , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout_main.png " ) )
def save_plot_of_layout_main_all ( self , text_regions_p , image_page ) :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ ' Background ' , ' Main text ' , ' Image ' , ' Separator ' , ' Marginalia ' ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( image_page )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 60 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout_main_and_page.png " ) )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ ' Background ' , ' Main text ' , ' Image ' , ' Separator ' , ' Marginalia ' ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( image_page )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 60 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout_main_and_page.png " ) )
def save_plot_of_layout ( self , text_regions_p , image_page ) :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ " Background " , " Main text " , " Header " , " Marginalia " , " Drop capital " , " Image " , " Separator " ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 8 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 40 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 40 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_layout , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout.png " ) )
if self . dir_of_layout is not None :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ " Background " , " Main text " , " Header " , " Marginalia " , " Drop capital " , " Image " , " Separator " ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 8 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 40 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 40 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_layout , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout.png " ) )
def save_plot_of_layout_all ( self , text_regions_p , image_page ) :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ " Background " , " Main text " , " Header " , " Marginalia " , " Drop capital " , " Image " , " Separator " ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 8 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( image_page )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 60 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout_and_page.png " ) )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
values = np . unique ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
# pixels=['Background' , 'Main text' , 'Heading' , 'Marginalia' ,'Drop capitals' , 'Images' , 'Seperators' , 'Tables', 'Graphics']
pixels = [ " Background " , " Main text " , " Header " , " Marginalia " , " Drop capital " , " Image " , " Separator " ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 , 2 , 8 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( image_page )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
im = plt . imshow ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 60 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _layout_and_page.png " ) )
def save_plot_of_textlines ( self , textline_mask_tot_ea , image_page ) :
values = np . unique ( textline_mask_tot_ea [ : , : ] )
pixels = [ " Background " , " Textlines " ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( image_page )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
im = plt . imshow ( textline_mask_tot_ea [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 60 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _textline_and_page.png " ) )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
values = np . unique ( textline_mask_tot_ea [ : , : ] )
pixels = [ " Background " , " Textlines " ]
values_indexes = [ 0 , 1 ]
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ " font.size " ] = " 40 "
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( image_page )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
im = plt . imshow ( textline_mask_tot_ea [ : , : ] )
colors = [ im . cmap ( im . norm ( value ) ) for value in values ]
patches = [ mpatches . Patch ( color = colors [ np . where ( values == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ] , label = " {l} " . format ( l = pixels [ int ( np . where ( values_indexes == i ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] ) ] ) ) for i in values ]
plt . legend ( handles = patches , bbox_to_anchor = ( 1.05 , 1 ) , loc = 2 , borderaxespad = 0.0 , fontsize = 60 )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _textline_and_page.png " ) )
def save_deskewed_image ( self , slope_deskew ) :
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
img_rotated = rotyate_image_different ( self . image_org , slope_deskew )
cv2 . imwrite ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _org.png " ) , self . image_org )
cv2 . imwrite ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_deskewed , self . image_filename_stem + " _deskewed.png " ) , img_rotated )
if self . dir_of_deskewed is not None :
img_rotated = rotyate_image_different ( self . image_org , slope_deskew )
cv2 . imwrite ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_deskewed , self . image_filename_stem + " _deskewed.png " ) , img_rotated )
def save_page_image ( self , image_page ) :
cv2 . imwrite ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _page.png " ) , image_page )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
cv2 . imwrite ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + " _page.png " ) , image_page )
def save_plot_of_textline_density ( self , img_patch_org ) :
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ ' font.size ' ] = ' 50 '
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( img_patch_org )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
plt . plot ( gaussian_filter1d ( img_patch_org . sum ( axis = 1 ) , 3 ) , np . array ( range ( len ( gaussian_filter1d ( img_patch_org . sum ( axis = 1 ) , 3 ) ) ) ) , linewidth = 8 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Density of textline prediction in direction of X axis ' , fontsize = 60 )
plt . ylabel ( ' Height ' , fontsize = 60 )
plt . yticks ( [ 0 , len ( gaussian_filter1d ( img_patch_org . sum ( axis = 1 ) , 3 ) ) ] )
plt . gca ( ) . invert_yaxis ( )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + ' _density_of_textline.png ' ) )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 80 , 40 ) )
plt . rcParams [ ' font.size ' ] = ' 50 '
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 1 )
plt . imshow ( img_patch_org )
plt . subplot ( 1 , 2 , 2 )
plt . plot ( gaussian_filter1d ( img_patch_org . sum ( axis = 1 ) , 3 ) , np . array ( range ( len ( gaussian_filter1d ( img_patch_org . sum ( axis = 1 ) , 3 ) ) ) ) , linewidth = 8 )
plt . xlabel ( ' Density of textline prediction in direction of X axis ' , fontsize = 60 )
plt . ylabel ( ' Height ' , fontsize = 60 )
plt . yticks ( [ 0 , len ( gaussian_filter1d ( img_patch_org . sum ( axis = 1 ) , 3 ) ) ] )
plt . gca ( ) . invert_yaxis ( )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + ' _density_of_textline.png ' ) )
def save_plot_of_rotation_angle ( self , angels , var_res ) :
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 60 , 30 ) )
plt . rcParams [ ' font.size ' ] = ' 50 '
plt . plot ( angels , np . array ( var_res ) , ' -o ' , markersize = 25 , linewidth = 4 )
plt . xlabel ( ' angle ' , fontsize = 50 )
plt . ylabel ( ' variance of sum of rotated textline in direction of x axis ' , fontsize = 50 )
plt . plot ( angels [ np . argmax ( var_res ) ] , var_res [ np . argmax ( np . array ( var_res ) ) ] , ' * ' , markersize = 50 , label = ' Angle of deskewing= ' + str ( " {:.2f} " . format ( angels [ np . argmax ( var_res ) ] ) ) + r ' $ \ degree$ ' )
plt . legend ( loc = ' best ' )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + ' _rotation_angle.png ' ) )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :
plt . figure ( figsize = ( 60 , 30 ) )
plt . rcParams [ ' font.size ' ] = ' 50 '
plt . plot ( angels , np . array ( var_res ) , ' -o ' , markersize = 25 , linewidth = 4 )
plt . xlabel ( ' angle ' , fontsize = 50 )
plt . ylabel ( ' variance of sum of rotated textline in direction of x axis ' , fontsize = 50 )
plt . plot ( angels [ np . argmax ( var_res ) ] , var_res [ np . argmax ( np . array ( var_res ) ) ] , ' * ' , markersize = 50 , label = ' Angle of deskewing= ' + str ( " {:.2f} " . format ( angels [ np . argmax ( var_res ) ] ) ) + r ' $ \ degree$ ' )
plt . legend ( loc = ' best ' )
plt . savefig ( os . path . join ( self . dir_of_all , self . image_filename_stem + ' _rotation_angle.png ' ) )
def write_images_into_directory ( self , img_contoures , image_page ) :
index = 0
for cont_ind in img_contoures :
x , y , w , h = cv2 . boundingRect ( cont_ind )
box = [ x , y , w , h ]
croped_page , page_coord = crop_image_inside_box ( box , image_page )
croped_page = resize_image ( croped_page , int ( croped_page . shape [ 0 ] / self . scale_y ) , int ( croped_page . shape [ 1 ] / self . scale_x ) )
path = os . path . join ( self . dir_of_cropped_images , self . image_filename_stem + " _ " + str ( index ) + " .jpg " )
cv2 . imwrite ( path , croped_page )
index + = 1
if self . dir_of_cropped_images is not None :
index = 0
for cont_ind in img_contoures :
x , y , w , h = cv2 . boundingRect ( cont_ind )
box = [ x , y , w , h ]
croped_page , page_coord = crop_image_inside_box ( box , image_page )
croped_page = resize_image ( croped_page , int ( croped_page . shape [ 0 ] / self . scale_y ) , int ( croped_page . shape [ 1 ] / self . scale_x ) )
path = os . path . join ( self . dir_of_cropped_images , self . image_filename_stem + " _ " + str ( index ) + " .jpg " )
cv2 . imwrite ( path , croped_page )
index + = 1