@ -26,12 +26,16 @@ sys.stderr = stderr
import tensorflow as tf
tf . get_logger ( ) . setLevel ( " ERROR " )
warnings . filterwarnings ( " ignore " )
from scipy . signal import find_peaks
import matplotlib . pyplot as plt
from scipy . ndimage import gaussian_filter1d
from . utils . contour import (
filter_contours_area_of_image ,
filter_contours_area_of_image_tables ,
find_contours_mean_y_diff ,
find_new_features_of_contours ,
find_features_of_contours ,
get_text_region_boxes_by_given_contours ,
get_textregion_contours_in_org_image ,
return_contours_of_image ,
@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ class Eynollah:
allow_enhancement = False ,
curved_line = False ,
full_layout = False ,
tables = False ,
input_binary = False ,
allow_scaling = False ,
headers_off = False ,
@ -110,10 +115,12 @@ class Eynollah:
self . allow_enhancement = allow_enhancement
self . curved_line = curved_line
self . full_layout = full_layout
self . tables = tables
self . input_binary = input_binary
self . allow_scaling = allow_scaling
self . headers_off = headers_off
self . plotter = None if not enable_plotting else EynollahPlotter (
dir_out = self . dir_out ,
dir_of_all = dir_of_all ,
dir_of_deskewed = dir_of_deskewed ,
dir_of_cropped_images = dir_of_cropped_images ,
@ -137,6 +144,7 @@ class Eynollah:
self . model_page_dir = dir_models + " /model_page_mixed_best.h5 "
self . model_region_dir_p_ens = dir_models + " /model_ensemble_s.h5 "
self . model_textline_dir = dir_models + " /model_textline_newspapers.h5 "
self . model_tables = dir_models + " /model_tables_ens_mixed_new_2.h5 "
def _cache_images ( self , image_filename = None , image_pil = None ) :
ret = { }
@ -1166,7 +1174,7 @@ class Eynollah:
try :
img_only_regions = cv2 . erode ( img_only_regions_with_sep [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 20 )
_ , _ = find_num_col ( img_only_regions , multiplier= 6.0 )
_ , _ = find_num_col ( img_only_regions , num_col_classifier, self . tables , multiplier= 6.0 )
img = resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ( 1.2 if is_image_enhanced else 1 ) ) )
@ -1612,11 +1620,325 @@ class Eynollah:
order_text_new . append ( np . where ( np . array ( order_of_texts_tot ) == iii ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
return order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot
def check_iou_of_bounding_box_and_contour_for_tables ( self , layout , table_prediction_early , pixel_tabel , num_col_classifier ) :
layout_org = np . copy ( layout )
layout_org [ : , : , 0 ] [ layout_org [ : , : , 0 ] == pixel_tabel ] = 0
layout = ( layout [ : , : , 0 ] == pixel_tabel ) * 1
layout = np . repeat ( layout [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 )
layout = layout . astype ( np . uint8 )
imgray = cv2 . cvtColor ( layout , cv2 . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
_ , thresh = cv2 . threshold ( imgray , 0 , 255 , 0 )
contours , _ = cv2 . findContours ( thresh , cv2 . RETR_TREE , cv2 . CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )
cnt_size = np . array ( [ cv2 . contourArea ( contours [ j ] ) for j in range ( len ( contours ) ) ] )
contours_new = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( contours ) ) :
x , y , w , h = cv2 . boundingRect ( contours [ i ] )
iou = cnt_size [ i ] / float ( w * h ) * 100
if iou < 80 :
layout_contour = np . zeros ( ( layout_org . shape [ 0 ] , layout_org . shape [ 1 ] ) )
layout_contour = cv2 . fillPoly ( layout_contour , pts = [ contours [ i ] ] , color = ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
layout_contour_sum = layout_contour . sum ( axis = 0 )
layout_contour_sum_diff = np . diff ( layout_contour_sum )
layout_contour_sum_diff = np . abs ( layout_contour_sum_diff )
layout_contour_sum_diff_smoothed = gaussian_filter1d ( layout_contour_sum_diff , 10 )
peaks , _ = find_peaks ( layout_contour_sum_diff_smoothed , height = 0 )
peaks = peaks [ layout_contour_sum_diff_smoothed [ peaks ] > 4 ]
for j in range ( len ( peaks ) ) :
layout_contour [ : , peaks [ j ] - 3 + 1 : peaks [ j ] + 1 + 3 ] = 0
layout_contour = cv2 . erode ( layout_contour [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 5 )
layout_contour = cv2 . dilate ( layout_contour [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 5 )
layout_contour = np . repeat ( layout_contour [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 )
layout_contour = layout_contour . astype ( np . uint8 )
imgray = cv2 . cvtColor ( layout_contour , cv2 . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
_ , thresh = cv2 . threshold ( imgray , 0 , 255 , 0 )
contours_sep , _ = cv2 . findContours ( thresh , cv2 . RETR_TREE , cv2 . CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )
for ji in range ( len ( contours_sep ) ) :
contours_new . append ( contours_sep [ ji ] )
if num_col_classifier > = 2 :
only_recent_contour_image = np . zeros ( ( layout . shape [ 0 ] , layout . shape [ 1 ] ) )
only_recent_contour_image = cv2 . fillPoly ( only_recent_contour_image , pts = [ contours_sep [ ji ] ] , color = ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
table_pixels_masked_from_early_pre = only_recent_contour_image [ : , : ] * table_prediction_early [ : , : ]
iou_in = table_pixels_masked_from_early_pre . sum ( ) / float ( only_recent_contour_image . sum ( ) ) * 100
if iou_in > 30 :
layout_org = cv2 . fillPoly ( layout_org , pts = [ contours_sep [ ji ] ] , color = ( pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel ) )
else :
else :
layout_org = cv2 . fillPoly ( layout_org , pts = [ contours_sep [ ji ] ] , color = ( pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel ) )
else :
contours_new . append ( contours [ i ] )
if num_col_classifier > = 2 :
only_recent_contour_image = np . zeros ( ( layout . shape [ 0 ] , layout . shape [ 1 ] ) )
only_recent_contour_image = cv2 . fillPoly ( only_recent_contour_image , pts = [ contours [ i ] ] , color = ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
table_pixels_masked_from_early_pre = only_recent_contour_image [ : , : ] * table_prediction_early [ : , : ]
iou_in = table_pixels_masked_from_early_pre . sum ( ) / float ( only_recent_contour_image . sum ( ) ) * 100
if iou_in > 30 :
layout_org = cv2 . fillPoly ( layout_org , pts = [ contours [ i ] ] , color = ( pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel ) )
else :
else :
layout_org = cv2 . fillPoly ( layout_org , pts = [ contours [ i ] ] , color = ( pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel , pixel_tabel ) )
return layout_org , contours_new
def delete_separator_around ( self , spliter_y , peaks_neg , image_by_region , pixel_line , pixel_table ) :
# format of subboxes: box=[x1, x2 , y1, y2]
pix_del = 100
if len ( image_by_region . shape ) == 3 :
for i in range ( len ( spliter_y ) - 1 ) :
for j in range ( 1 , len ( peaks_neg [ i ] ) - 1 ) :
image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] == pixel_line ] = 0
image_by_region [ spliter_y [ i ] : spliter_y [ i + 1 ] , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 1 ] == pixel_line ] = 0
image_by_region [ spliter_y [ i ] : spliter_y [ i + 1 ] , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 2 ] == pixel_line ] = 0
image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] == pixel_table ] = 0
image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 1 ] == pixel_table ] = 0
image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 0 ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del , 2 ] == pixel_table ] = 0
else :
for i in range ( len ( spliter_y ) - 1 ) :
for j in range ( 1 , len ( peaks_neg [ i ] ) - 1 ) :
image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del ] == pixel_line ] = 0
image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del ] [ image_by_region [ int ( spliter_y [ i ] ) : int ( spliter_y [ i + 1 ] ) , peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] - pix_del : peaks_neg [ i ] [ j ] + pix_del ] == pixel_table ] = 0
return image_by_region
def add_tables_heuristic_to_layout ( self , image_regions_eraly_p , boxes , slope_mean_hor , spliter_y , peaks_neg_tot , image_revised , num_col_classifier , min_area , pixel_line ) :
pixel_table = 10
image_revised_1 = self . delete_separator_around ( spliter_y , peaks_neg_tot , image_revised , pixel_line , pixel_table )
try :
image_revised_1 [ : , : 30 ] [ image_revised_1 [ : , : 30 ] == pixel_line ] = 0
image_revised_1 [ : , image_revised_1 . shape [ 1 ] - 30 : ] [ image_revised_1 [ : , image_revised_1 . shape [ 1 ] - 30 : ] == pixel_line ] = 0
except :
img_comm_e = np . zeros ( image_revised_1 . shape )
img_comm = np . repeat ( img_comm_e [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 )
for indiv in np . unique ( image_revised_1 ) :
image_col = ( image_revised_1 == indiv ) * 255
img_comm_in = np . repeat ( image_col [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 )
img_comm_in = img_comm_in . astype ( np . uint8 )
imgray = cv2 . cvtColor ( img_comm_in , cv2 . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
ret , thresh = cv2 . threshold ( imgray , 0 , 255 , 0 )
contours , hirarchy = cv2 . findContours ( thresh . copy ( ) , cv2 . RETR_TREE , cv2 . CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )
if indiv == pixel_table :
main_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables ( thresh , contours , hirarchy , max_area = 1 , min_area = 0.001 )
else :
main_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables ( thresh , contours , hirarchy , max_area = 1 , min_area = min_area )
img_comm = cv2 . fillPoly ( img_comm , pts = main_contours , color = ( indiv , indiv , indiv ) )
img_comm = img_comm . astype ( np . uint8 )
if not self . isNaN ( slope_mean_hor ) :
image_revised_last = np . zeros ( ( image_regions_eraly_p . shape [ 0 ] , image_regions_eraly_p . shape [ 1 ] , 3 ) )
for i in range ( len ( boxes ) ) :
image_box = img_comm [ int ( boxes [ i ] [ 2 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 3 ] ) , int ( boxes [ i ] [ 0 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 1 ] ) , : ]
try :
image_box_tabels_1 = ( image_box [ : , : , 0 ] == pixel_table ) * 1
contours_tab , _ = return_contours_of_image ( image_box_tabels_1 )
contours_tab = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables ( image_box_tabels_1 , contours_tab , _ , 1 , 0.003 )
image_box_tabels_1 = ( image_box [ : , : , 0 ] == pixel_line ) * 1
image_box_tabels_and_m_text = ( ( image_box [ : , : , 0 ] == pixel_table ) | ( image_box [ : , : , 0 ] == 1 ) ) * 1
image_box_tabels_and_m_text = image_box_tabels_and_m_text . astype ( np . uint8 )
image_box_tabels_1 = image_box_tabels_1 . astype ( np . uint8 )
image_box_tabels_1 = cv2 . dilate ( image_box_tabels_1 , KERNEL , iterations = 5 )
contours_table_m_text , _ = return_contours_of_image ( image_box_tabels_and_m_text )
image_box_tabels = np . repeat ( image_box_tabels_1 [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 )
image_box_tabels = image_box_tabels . astype ( np . uint8 )
imgray = cv2 . cvtColor ( image_box_tabels , cv2 . COLOR_BGR2GRAY )
ret , thresh = cv2 . threshold ( imgray , 0 , 255 , 0 )
contours_line , hierachy = cv2 . findContours ( thresh , cv2 . RETR_TREE , cv2 . CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE )
y_min_main_line , y_max_main_line = find_features_of_contours ( contours_line )
y_min_main_tab , y_max_main_tab = find_features_of_contours ( contours_tab )
cx_tab_m_text , cy_tab_m_text , x_min_tab_m_text , x_max_tab_m_text , y_min_tab_m_text , y_max_tab_m_text , _ = find_new_features_of_contours ( contours_table_m_text )
cx_tabl , cy_tabl , x_min_tabl , x_max_tabl , y_min_tabl , y_max_tabl , _ = find_new_features_of_contours ( contours_tab )
if len ( y_min_main_tab ) > 0 :
y_down_tabs = [ ]
y_up_tabs = [ ]
for i_t in range ( len ( y_min_main_tab ) ) :
y_down_tab = [ ]
y_up_tab = [ ]
for i_l in range ( len ( y_min_main_line ) ) :
if y_min_main_tab [ i_t ] > y_min_main_line [ i_l ] and y_max_main_tab [ i_t ] > y_min_main_line [ i_l ] and y_min_main_tab [ i_t ] > y_max_main_line [ i_l ] and y_max_main_tab [ i_t ] > y_min_main_line [ i_l ] :
elif y_min_main_tab [ i_t ] < y_max_main_line [ i_l ] and y_max_main_tab [ i_t ] < y_max_main_line [ i_l ] and y_max_main_tab [ i_t ] < y_min_main_line [ i_l ] and y_min_main_tab [ i_t ] < y_min_main_line [ i_l ] :
elif np . abs ( y_max_main_line [ i_l ] - y_min_main_line [ i_l ] ) < 100 :
else :
y_up_tab . append ( np . min ( [ y_min_main_line [ i_l ] , y_min_main_tab [ i_t ] ] ) )
y_down_tab . append ( np . max ( [ y_max_main_line [ i_l ] , y_max_main_tab [ i_t ] ] ) )
if len ( y_up_tab ) == 0 :
y_up_tabs . append ( y_min_main_tab [ i_t ] )
y_down_tabs . append ( y_max_main_tab [ i_t ] )
else :
y_up_tabs . append ( np . min ( y_up_tab ) )
y_down_tabs . append ( np . max ( y_down_tab ) )
else :
y_down_tabs = [ ]
y_up_tabs = [ ]
except :
y_down_tabs = [ ]
y_up_tabs = [ ]
for ii in range ( len ( y_up_tabs ) ) :
image_box [ y_up_tabs [ ii ] : y_down_tabs [ ii ] , : , 0 ] = pixel_table
image_revised_last [ int ( boxes [ i ] [ 2 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 3 ] ) , int ( boxes [ i ] [ 0 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 1 ] ) , : ] = image_box [ : , : , : ]
else :
for i in range ( len ( boxes ) ) :
image_box = img_comm [ int ( boxes [ i ] [ 2 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 3 ] ) , int ( boxes [ i ] [ 0 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 1 ] ) , : ]
image_revised_last [ int ( boxes [ i ] [ 2 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 3 ] ) , int ( boxes [ i ] [ 0 ] ) : int ( boxes [ i ] [ 1 ] ) , : ] = image_box [ : , : , : ]
if num_col_classifier == 1 :
img_tables_col_1 = ( image_revised_last [ : , : , 0 ] == pixel_table ) * 1
img_tables_col_1 = img_tables_col_1 . astype ( np . uint8 )
contours_table_col1 , _ = return_contours_of_image ( img_tables_col_1 )
_ , _ , _ , _ , y_min_tab_col1 , y_max_tab_col1 , _ = find_new_features_of_contours ( contours_table_col1 )
if len ( y_min_tab_col1 ) > 0 :
for ijv in range ( len ( y_min_tab_col1 ) ) :
image_revised_last [ int ( y_min_tab_col1 [ ijv ] ) : int ( y_max_tab_col1 [ ijv ] ) , : , : ] = pixel_table
return image_revised_last
def do_order_of_regions ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if self . full_layout :
return self . do_order_of_regions_full_layout ( * args , * * kwargs )
return self . do_order_of_regions_no_full_layout ( * args , * * kwargs )
def get_tables_from_model ( self , img , num_col_classifier ) :
img_org = np . copy ( img )
img_height_h = img_org . shape [ 0 ]
img_width_h = img_org . shape [ 1 ]
model_region , session_region = self . start_new_session_and_model ( self . model_tables )
patches = False
if num_col_classifier < 4 and num_col_classifier > 2 :
prediction_table = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region )
pre_updown = self . do_prediction ( patches , cv2 . flip ( img [ : , : , : ] , - 1 ) , model_region )
pre_updown = cv2 . flip ( pre_updown , - 1 )
prediction_table [ : , : , 0 ] [ pre_updown [ : , : , 0 ] == 1 ] = 1
prediction_table = prediction_table . astype ( np . int16 )
elif num_col_classifier == 2 :
height_ext = 0 #int( img.shape[0]/4. )
h_start = int ( height_ext / 2. )
width_ext = int ( img . shape [ 1 ] / 8. )
w_start = int ( width_ext / 2. )
height_new = img . shape [ 0 ] + height_ext
width_new = img . shape [ 1 ] + width_ext
img_new = np . ones ( ( height_new , width_new , img . shape [ 2 ] ) ) . astype ( float ) * 0
img_new [ h_start : h_start + img . shape [ 0 ] , w_start : w_start + img . shape [ 1 ] , : ] = img [ : , : , : ]
prediction_ext = self . do_prediction ( patches , img_new , model_region )
pre_updown = self . do_prediction ( patches , cv2 . flip ( img_new [ : , : , : ] , - 1 ) , model_region )
pre_updown = cv2 . flip ( pre_updown , - 1 )
prediction_table = prediction_ext [ h_start : h_start + img . shape [ 0 ] , w_start : w_start + img . shape [ 1 ] , : ]
prediction_table_updown = pre_updown [ h_start : h_start + img . shape [ 0 ] , w_start : w_start + img . shape [ 1 ] , : ]
prediction_table [ : , : , 0 ] [ prediction_table_updown [ : , : , 0 ] == 1 ] = 1
prediction_table = prediction_table . astype ( np . int16 )
elif num_col_classifier == 1 :
height_ext = 0 # int( img.shape[0]/4. )
h_start = int ( height_ext / 2. )
width_ext = int ( img . shape [ 1 ] / 4. )
w_start = int ( width_ext / 2. )
height_new = img . shape [ 0 ] + height_ext
width_new = img . shape [ 1 ] + width_ext
img_new = np . ones ( ( height_new , width_new , img . shape [ 2 ] ) ) . astype ( float ) * 0
img_new [ h_start : h_start + img . shape [ 0 ] , w_start : w_start + img . shape [ 1 ] , : ] = img [ : , : , : ]
prediction_ext = self . do_prediction ( patches , img_new , model_region )
pre_updown = self . do_prediction ( patches , cv2 . flip ( img_new [ : , : , : ] , - 1 ) , model_region )
pre_updown = cv2 . flip ( pre_updown , - 1 )
prediction_table = prediction_ext [ h_start : h_start + img . shape [ 0 ] , w_start : w_start + img . shape [ 1 ] , : ]
prediction_table_updown = pre_updown [ h_start : h_start + img . shape [ 0 ] , w_start : w_start + img . shape [ 1 ] , : ]
prediction_table [ : , : , 0 ] [ prediction_table_updown [ : , : , 0 ] == 1 ] = 1
prediction_table = prediction_table . astype ( np . int16 )
else :
prediction_table = np . zeros ( img . shape )
img_w_half = int ( img . shape [ 1 ] / 2. )
pre1 = self . do_prediction ( patches , img [ : , 0 : img_w_half , : ] , model_region )
pre2 = self . do_prediction ( patches , img [ : , img_w_half : , : ] , model_region )
pre_full = self . do_prediction ( patches , img [ : , : , : ] , model_region )
pre_updown = self . do_prediction ( patches , cv2 . flip ( img [ : , : , : ] , - 1 ) , model_region )
pre_updown = cv2 . flip ( pre_updown , - 1 )
prediction_table_full_erode = cv2 . erode ( pre_full [ : , : , 0 ] , KERNEL , iterations = 4 )
prediction_table_full_erode = cv2 . dilate ( prediction_table_full_erode , KERNEL , iterations = 4 )
prediction_table_full_updown_erode = cv2 . erode ( pre_updown [ : , : , 0 ] , KERNEL , iterations = 4 )
prediction_table_full_updown_erode = cv2 . dilate ( prediction_table_full_updown_erode , KERNEL , iterations = 4 )
prediction_table [ : , 0 : img_w_half , : ] = pre1 [ : , : , : ]
prediction_table [ : , img_w_half : , : ] = pre2 [ : , : , : ]
prediction_table [ : , : , 0 ] [ prediction_table_full_erode [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 1
prediction_table [ : , : , 0 ] [ prediction_table_full_updown_erode [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 1
prediction_table = prediction_table . astype ( np . int16 )
#prediction_table_erode = cv2.erode(prediction_table[:,:,0], self.kernel, iterations=6)
#prediction_table_erode = cv2.dilate(prediction_table_erode, self.kernel, iterations=6)
prediction_table_erode = cv2 . erode ( prediction_table [ : , : , 0 ] , KERNEL , iterations = 20 )
prediction_table_erode = cv2 . dilate ( prediction_table_erode , KERNEL , iterations = 20 )
del model_region
del session_region
gc . collect ( )
return prediction_table_erode . astype ( np . int16 )
def run_graphics_and_columns ( self , text_regions_p_1 , num_col_classifier , num_column_is_classified , erosion_hurts ) :
img_g = self . imread ( grayscale = True , uint8 = True )
@ -1628,6 +1950,12 @@ class Eynollah:
img_g3 [ : , : , 2 ] = img_g [ : , : ]
image_page , page_coord , cont_page = self . extract_page ( )
if self . tables :
table_prediction = self . get_tables_from_model ( image_page , num_col_classifier )
else :
table_prediction = ( np . zeros ( ( image_page . shape [ 0 ] , image_page . shape [ 1 ] ) ) ) . astype ( np . int16 )
if self . plotter :
self . plotter . save_page_image ( image_page )
@ -1648,14 +1976,14 @@ class Eynollah:
try :
num_col , _ = find_num_col ( img_only_regions , multiplier= 6.0 )
num_col , _ = find_num_col ( img_only_regions , num_col_classifier, self . tables , multiplier= 6.0 )
num_col = num_col + 1
if not num_column_is_classified :
num_col_classifier = num_col + 1
except Exception as why :
self . logger . error ( why )
num_col = None
return num_col , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions , page_coord , image_page , mask_images , mask_lines , text_regions_p_1 , cont_page
return num_col , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions , page_coord , image_page , mask_images , mask_lines , text_regions_p_1 , cont_page , table_prediction
def run_enhancement ( self ) :
self . logger . info ( " resize and enhance image " )
@ -1667,6 +1995,8 @@ class Eynollah:
if self . allow_enhancement :
img_res = img_res . astype ( np . uint8 )
self . get_image_and_scales ( img_org , img_res , scale )
if self . plotter :
self . plotter . save_enhanced_image ( img_res )
else :
self . get_image_and_scales_after_enhancing ( img_org , img_res )
else :
@ -1699,7 +2029,7 @@ class Eynollah:
self . logger . info ( " slope_deskew: %s " , slope_deskew )
return slope_deskew , slope_first
def run_marginals ( self , image_page , textline_mask_tot_ea , mask_images , mask_lines , num_col_classifier , slope_deskew , text_regions_p_1 ):
def run_marginals ( self , image_page , textline_mask_tot_ea , mask_images , mask_lines , num_col_classifier , slope_deskew , text_regions_p_1 , table_prediction ):
image_page_rotated , textline_mask_tot = image_page [ : , : ] , textline_mask_tot_ea [ : , : ]
textline_mask_tot [ mask_images [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 0
@ -1710,6 +2040,8 @@ class Eynollah:
if num_col_classifier in ( 1 , 2 ) :
try :
regions_without_separators = ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
if self . tables :
regions_without_separators [ table_prediction == 1 ] = 1
regions_without_separators = regions_without_separators . astype ( np . uint8 )
text_regions_p = get_marginals ( rotate_image ( regions_without_separators , slope_deskew ) , text_regions_p , num_col_classifier , slope_deskew , kernel = KERNEL )
except Exception as e :
@ -1720,24 +2052,29 @@ class Eynollah:
self . plotter . save_plot_of_layout_main ( text_regions_p , image_page )
return textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , image_page_rotated
def run_boxes_no_full_layout ( self , image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts) :
def run_boxes_no_full_layout ( self , image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , table_prediction, erosion_hurts) :
self . logger . debug ( ' enter run_boxes_no_full_layout ' )
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
_ , textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p_1_n = rotation_not_90_func ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew )
_ , textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p_1_n , table_prediction_n = rotation_not_90_func ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , table_prediction , slope_deskew )
text_regions_p_1_n = resize_image ( text_regions_p_1_n , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
textline_mask_tot_d = resize_image ( textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
table_prediction_n = resize_image ( table_prediction_n , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
regions_without_separators_d = ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
if self . tables :
regions_without_separators_d [ table_prediction_n [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 1
regions_without_separators = ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 # ( (text_regions_p[:,:]==1) | (text_regions_p[:,:]==2) )*1 #self.return_regions_without_separators_new(text_regions_p[:,:,0],img_only_regions)
if self . tables :
regions_without_separators [ table_prediction == 1 ] = 1
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
text_regions_p_1_n = None
textline_mask_tot_d = None
regions_without_separators_d = None
pixel_lines = 3
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , pixel_lines )
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines )
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , pixel_lines )
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines )
K . clear_session ( )
self . logger . info ( " num_col_classifier: %s " , num_col_classifier )
@ -1751,26 +2088,153 @@ class Eynollah:
regions_without_separators_d = cv2 . erode ( regions_without_separators_d [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 6 )
t1 = time . time ( )
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
boxes = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new , regions_without_separators , matrix_of_lines_ch , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurt s)
boxes , peaks_neg_tot_tables = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new , regions_without_separators , matrix_of_lines_ch , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurt s, self . table s)
boxes_d = None
self . logger . debug ( " len(boxes): %s " , len ( boxes ) )
text_regions_p_tables = np . copy ( text_regions_p )
text_regions_p_tables [ : , : ] [ ( table_prediction [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 10
pixel_line = 3
img_revised_tab2 = self . add_tables_heuristic_to_layout ( text_regions_p_tables , boxes , 0 , splitter_y_new , peaks_neg_tot_tables , text_regions_p_tables , num_col_classifier , 0.000005 , pixel_line )
img_revised_tab2 , contoures_tables = self . check_iou_of_bounding_box_and_contour_for_tables ( img_revised_tab2 , table_prediction , 10 , num_col_classifier )
else :
boxes_d = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new_d , regions_without_separators_d , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts )
boxes_d , peaks_neg_tot_tables_d = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new_d , regions_without_separators_d , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurt s, self . table s)
boxes = None
self . logger . debug ( " len(boxes): %s " , len ( boxes_d ) )
text_regions_p_tables = np . copy ( text_regions_p_1_n )
text_regions_p_tables = np . round ( text_regions_p_tables )
text_regions_p_tables [ : , : ] [ ( text_regions_p_tables [ : , : ] != 3 ) & ( table_prediction_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 10
pixel_line = 3
img_revised_tab2 = self . add_tables_heuristic_to_layout ( text_regions_p_tables , boxes_d , 0 , splitter_y_new_d , peaks_neg_tot_tables_d , text_regions_p_tables , num_col_classifier , 0.000005 , pixel_line )
img_revised_tab2_d , _ = self . check_iou_of_bounding_box_and_contour_for_tables ( img_revised_tab2 , table_prediction_n , 10 , num_col_classifier )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = rotate_image ( img_revised_tab2_d , - slope_deskew )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = np . round ( img_revised_tab2_d_rotated )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = img_revised_tab2_d_rotated . astype ( np . int8 )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = resize_image ( img_revised_tab2_d_rotated , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
self . logger . info ( " detecting boxes took %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t1 ) )
img_revised_tab = text_regions_p [ : , : ]
if self . tables :
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
img_revised_tab = np . copy ( img_revised_tab2 [ : , : , 0 ] )
img_revised_tab [ : , : ] [ ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( img_revised_tab [ : , : ] != 10 ) ] = 1
else :
img_revised_tab = np . copy ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
img_revised_tab [ : , : ] [ img_revised_tab [ : , : ] == 10 ] = 0
img_revised_tab [ : , : ] [ img_revised_tab2_d_rotated [ : , : , 0 ] == 10 ] = 10
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 10 ] = 0
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ img_revised_tab [ : , : ] == 10 ] = 10
else :
img_revised_tab = text_regions_p [ : , : ]
#img_revised_tab = text_regions_p[:, :]
polygons_of_images = return_contours_of_interested_region ( img_revised_tab , 2 )
# plt.imshow(img_revised_tab)
# plt.show()
pixel_img = 4
min_area_mar = 0.00001
polygons_of_marginals = return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions_p , pixel_img , min_area_mar )
pixel_img = 10
contours_tables = return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions_p , pixel_img , min_area_mar )
K . clear_session ( )
self . logger . debug ( ' exit run_boxes_no_full_layout ' )
return polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , boxes , boxes_d
return polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , boxes , boxes_d , polygons_of_marginals , contours_tables
def run_boxes_full_layout ( self , image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions ) :
def run_boxes_full_layout ( self , image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions , table_prediction , erosion_hurts ):
self . logger . debug ( ' enter run_boxes_full_layout ' )
if self . tables :
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
image_page_rotated_n , textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p_1_n , table_prediction_n = rotation_not_90_func ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , table_prediction , slope_deskew )
text_regions_p_1_n = resize_image ( text_regions_p_1_n , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
textline_mask_tot_d = resize_image ( textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
table_prediction_n = resize_image ( table_prediction_n , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
regions_without_separators_d = ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
regions_without_separators_d [ table_prediction_n [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 1
else :
text_regions_p_1_n = None
textline_mask_tot_d = None
regions_without_separators_d = None
regions_without_separators = ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 #( (text_regions_p[:,:]==1) | (text_regions_p[:,:]==2) )*1 #self.return_regions_without_seperators_new(text_regions_p[:,:,0],img_only_regions)
regions_without_separators [ table_prediction == 1 ] = 1
pixel_lines = 3
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
num_col , peaks_neg_fin , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , seperators_closeup_n = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines )
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
num_col_d , peaks_neg_fin_d , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , seperators_closeup_n_d = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines )
K . clear_session ( )
gc . collect ( )
if num_col_classifier > = 3 :
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
regions_without_separators = regions_without_separators . astype ( np . uint8 )
regions_without_separators = cv2 . erode ( regions_without_separators [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 6 )
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
regions_without_separators_d = regions_without_separators_d . astype ( np . uint8 )
regions_without_separators_d = cv2 . erode ( regions_without_separators_d [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 6 )
else :
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
boxes , peaks_neg_tot_tables = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new , regions_without_separators , matrix_of_lines_ch , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts , self . tables )
text_regions_p_tables = np . copy ( text_regions_p )
text_regions_p_tables [ : , : ] [ ( table_prediction [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 10
pixel_line = 3
img_revised_tab2 = self . add_tables_heuristic_to_layout ( text_regions_p_tables , boxes , 0 , splitter_y_new , peaks_neg_tot_tables , text_regions_p_tables , num_col_classifier , 0.000005 , pixel_line )
img_revised_tab2 , contoures_tables = self . check_iou_of_bounding_box_and_contour_for_tables ( img_revised_tab2 , table_prediction , 10 , num_col_classifier )
else :
boxes_d , peaks_neg_tot_tables_d = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new_d , regions_without_separators_d , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts , self . tables )
text_regions_p_tables = np . copy ( text_regions_p_1_n )
text_regions_p_tables = np . round ( text_regions_p_tables )
text_regions_p_tables [ : , : ] [ ( text_regions_p_tables [ : , : ] != 3 ) & ( table_prediction_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 10
pixel_line = 3
img_revised_tab2 = self . add_tables_heuristic_to_layout ( text_regions_p_tables , boxes_d , 0 , splitter_y_new_d , peaks_neg_tot_tables_d , text_regions_p_tables , num_col_classifier , 0.000005 , pixel_line )
img_revised_tab2_d , _ = self . check_iou_of_bounding_box_and_contour_for_tables ( img_revised_tab2 , table_prediction_n , 10 , num_col_classifier )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = rotate_image ( img_revised_tab2_d , - slope_deskew )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = np . round ( img_revised_tab2_d_rotated )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = img_revised_tab2_d_rotated . astype ( np . int8 )
img_revised_tab2_d_rotated = resize_image ( img_revised_tab2_d_rotated , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < 0.13 :
img_revised_tab = np . copy ( img_revised_tab2 [ : , : , 0 ] )
else :
img_revised_tab = np . copy ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
img_revised_tab [ : , : ] [ img_revised_tab [ : , : ] == 10 ] = 0
img_revised_tab [ : , : ] [ img_revised_tab2_d_rotated [ : , : , 0 ] == 10 ] = 10
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 10 ] = 0
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ img_revised_tab [ : , : ] == 10 ] = 10
#img_revised_tab[img_revised_tab2[:,:,0]==10] =10
pixel_img = 4
min_area_mar = 0.00001
polygons_of_marginals = return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions_p , pixel_img , min_area_mar )
pixel_img = 10
contours_tables = return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions_p , pixel_img , min_area_mar )
# set first model with second model
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 2 ] = 5
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 3 ] = 6
@ -1811,26 +2275,27 @@ class Eynollah:
text_regions_p [ : , : ] [ regions_fully_np [ : , : , 0 ] == 4 ] = 4
####if not self.tables:
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
_ , textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p_1_n , regions_fully_n = rotation_not_90_func_full_layout ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , regions_fully , slope_deskew )
text_regions_p_1_n = resize_image ( text_regions_p_1_n , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
textline_mask_tot_d = resize_image ( textline_mask_tot_d , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
regions_fully_n = resize_image ( regions_fully_n , text_regions_p . shape [ 0 ] , text_regions_p . shape [ 1 ] )
regions_without_separators_d = ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
if not self . tables :
regions_without_separators_d = ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
else :
text_regions_p_1_n = None
textline_mask_tot_d = None
regions_without_separators_d = None
regions_without_separators = ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 # ( (text_regions_p[:,:]==1) | (text_regions_p[:,:]==2) )*1 #self.return_regions_without_separators_new(text_regions_p[:,:,0],img_only_regions)
if not self . tables :
regions_without_separators = ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
K . clear_session ( )
img_revised_tab = np . copy ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] )
polygons_of_images = return_contours_of_interested_region ( img_revised_tab , 5 )
self . logger . debug ( ' exit run_boxes_full_layout ' )
return polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , regions_fully , regions_without_separators
return polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , regions_fully , regions_without_separators , polygons_of_marginals , contours_tables
def run ( self ) :
@ -1848,7 +2313,7 @@ class Eynollah:
self . logger . info ( " Textregion detection took %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t1 ) )
t1 = time . time ( )
num_col , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions , page_coord , image_page , mask_images , mask_lines , text_regions_p_1 , cont_page = \
num_col , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions , page_coord , image_page , mask_images , mask_lines , text_regions_p_1 , cont_page , table_prediction = \
self . run_graphics_and_columns ( text_regions_p_1 , num_col_classifier , num_column_is_classified , erosion_hurts )
self . logger . info ( " Graphics detection took %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t1 ) )
self . logger . info ( ' cont_page %s ' , cont_page )
@ -1867,21 +2332,17 @@ class Eynollah:
slope_deskew , slope_first = self . run_deskew ( textline_mask_tot_ea )
self . logger . info ( " deskewing took %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t1 ) )
t1 = time . time ( )
textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , image_page_rotated = self . run_marginals ( image_page , textline_mask_tot_ea , mask_images , mask_lines , num_col_classifier , slope_deskew , text_regions_p_1 )
textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , image_page_rotated = self . run_marginals ( image_page , textline_mask_tot_ea , mask_images , mask_lines , num_col_classifier , slope_deskew , text_regions_p_1 , table_prediction )
self . logger . info ( " detection of marginals took %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t1 ) )
t1 = time . time ( )
if not self . full_layout :
polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , boxes , boxes_d = self . run_boxes_no_full_layout ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts )
pixel_img = 4
min_area_mar = 0.00001
polygons_of_marginals = return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions_p , pixel_img , min_area_mar )
polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , boxes , boxes_d , polygons_of_marginals , contours_tables = self . run_boxes_no_full_layout ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , table_prediction , erosion_hurts )
if self . full_layout :
polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , regions_fully , regions_without_separators = self . run_boxes_full_layout ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions )
polygons_of_images , img_revised_tab , text_regions_p_1_n , textline_mask_tot_d , regions_without_separators_d , regions_fully , regions_without_separators , polygons_of_marginals , contours_tables = self . run_boxes_full_layout ( image_page , textline_mask_tot , text_regions_p , slope_deskew , num_col_classifier , img_only_regions , table_prediction , erosion_hurts )
text_only = ( ( img_revised_tab [ : , : ] == 1 ) ) * 1
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) > = SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
text_only_d = ( ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : ] == 1 ) ) * 1
@ -2018,24 +2479,24 @@ class Eynollah:
K . clear_session ( )
polygons_of_tabels = [ ]
pixel_img = 4
polygons_of_drop_capitals = return_contours_of_interested_region_by_min_size ( text_regions_p , pixel_img )
all_found_texline_polygons = adhere_drop_capital_region_into_corresponding_textline ( text_regions_p , polygons_of_drop_capitals , contours_only_text_parent , contours_only_text_parent_h , all_box_coord , all_box_coord_h , all_found_texline_polygons , all_found_texline_polygons_h , kernel = KERNEL , curved_line = self . curved_line )
# print(len(contours_only_text_parent_h),len(contours_only_text_parent_h_d_ordered),'contours_only_text_parent_h')
pixel_lines = 6
if not self . headers_off :
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
num_col , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , pixel_lines , contours_only_text_parent_h )
num_col , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines , contours_only_text_parent_h )
else :
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , pixel_lines , contours_only_text_parent_h_d_ordered )
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines , contours_only_text_parent_h_d_ordered )
elif self . headers_off :
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
num_col , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , pixel_lines )
num_col , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch , splitter_y_new , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines )
else :
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , pixel_lines )
_ , _ , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , splitter_y_new_d , _ = find_number_of_columns_in_document ( np . repeat ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : , np . newaxis ] , 3 , axis = 2 ) , num_col_classifier , self . tables , pixel_lines )
# print(peaks_neg_fin,peaks_neg_fin_d,'num_col2')
# print(splitter_y_new,splitter_y_new_d,'num_col_classifier')
@ -2045,22 +2506,42 @@ class Eynollah:
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
regions_without_separators = regions_without_separators . astype ( np . uint8 )
regions_without_separators = cv2 . erode ( regions_without_separators [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 6 )
random_pixels_for_image = np . random . randn ( regions_without_separators . shape [ 0 ] , regions_without_separators . shape [ 1 ] )
random_pixels_for_image [ random_pixels_for_image < - 0.5 ] = 0
random_pixels_for_image [ random_pixels_for_image != 0 ] = 1
regions_without_separators [ ( random_pixels_for_image [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( text_regions_p [ : , : ] == 5 ) ] = 1
#regions_without_separators_0 = regions_without_separators[:, :].sum(axis=0)
#meda_n_updown = regions_without_separators_0[len(regions_without_separators_0) :: -1]
#first_nonzero = next((i for i, x in enumerate(regions_without_separators_0) if x), 0)
#last_nonzero = next((i for i, x in enumerate(meda_n_updown) if x), 0)
#last_nonzero = len(regions_without_separators_0) - last_nonzero
#random_pixels_for_image = np.random.randn(regions_without_separators.shape[0], regions_without_separators.shape[1])
#random_pixels_for_image[random_pixels_for_image < -0.5] = 0
#random_pixels_for_image[random_pixels_for_image != 0] = 1
#regions_without_separators[(random_pixels_for_image[:, :] == 1) & (text_regions_p[:, :] == 5)] = 1
#regions_without_separators[:, 0:first_nonzero] = 0
#regions_without_separators[:, last_nonzero:] = 0
else :
regions_without_separators_d = regions_without_separators_d . astype ( np . uint8 )
regions_without_separators_d = cv2 . erode ( regions_without_separators_d [ : , : ] , KERNEL , iterations = 6 )
random_pixels_for_image = np . random . randn ( regions_without_separators_d . shape [ 0 ] , regions_without_separators_d . shape [ 1 ] )
random_pixels_for_image [ random_pixels_for_image < - 0.5 ] = 0
random_pixels_for_image [ random_pixels_for_image != 0 ] = 1
regions_without_separators_d [ ( random_pixels_for_image [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( text_regions_p_1_n [ : , : ] == 5 ) ] = 1
#regions_without_separators_0 = regions_without_separators_d[:, :].sum(axis=0)
#meda_n_updown = regions_without_separators_0[len(regions_without_separators_0) :: -1]
#first_nonzero = next((i for i, x in enumerate(regions_without_separators_0) if x), 0)
#last_nonzero = next((i for i, x in enumerate(meda_n_updown) if x), 0)
#last_nonzero = len(regions_without_separators_0) - last_nonzero
#random_pixels_for_image = np.random.randn(regions_without_separators_d.shape[0], regions_without_separators_d.shape[1])
#random_pixels_for_image[random_pixels_for_image < -0.5] = 0
#random_pixels_for_image[random_pixels_for_image != 0] = 1
##regions_without_separators_d[(random_pixels_for_image[:, :] == 1) & (text_regions_p_1_n[:, :] == 5)] = 1
#regions_without_separators_d[:, 0:first_nonzero] = 0
#regions_without_separators_d[:, last_nonzero:] = 0
if np . abs ( slope_deskew ) < SLOPE_THRESHOLD :
boxes = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new , regions_without_separators , matrix_of_lines_ch , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts )
boxes , peaks_neg_tot_tables = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new , regions_without_separators , matrix_of_lines_ch , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurt s, self . table s)
else :
boxes_d = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new_d , regions_without_separators_d , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurts )
boxes_d , peaks_neg_tot_tables_d = return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_new ( splitter_y_new_d , regions_without_separators_d , matrix_of_lines_ch_d , num_col_classifier , erosion_hurt s, self . table s)
if self . plotter :
self . plotter . write_images_into_directory ( polygons_of_images , image_page )
@ -2071,7 +2552,7 @@ class Eynollah:
else :
order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot = self . do_order_of_regions ( contours_only_text_parent_d_ordered , contours_only_text_parent_h_d_ordered , boxes_d , textline_mask_tot_d )
pcgts = self . writer . build_pagexml_full_layout ( contours_only_text_parent , contours_only_text_parent_h , page_coord , order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot , all_found_texline_polygons , all_found_texline_polygons_h , all_box_coord , all_box_coord_h , polygons_of_images , polygons_of_tabel s, polygons_of_drop_capitals , polygons_of_marginals , all_found_texline_polygons_marginals , all_box_coord_marginals , slopes , slopes_h , slopes_marginals , cont_page , polygons_lines_xml )
pcgts = self . writer . build_pagexml_full_layout ( contours_only_text_parent , contours_only_text_parent_h , page_coord , order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot , all_found_texline_polygons , all_found_texline_polygons_h , all_box_coord , all_box_coord_h , polygons_of_images , contours_table s, polygons_of_drop_capitals , polygons_of_marginals , all_found_texline_polygons_marginals , all_box_coord_marginals , slopes , slopes_h , slopes_marginals , cont_page , polygons_lines_xml )
self . logger . info ( " Job done in %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t0 ) )
return pcgts
else :
@ -2081,6 +2562,6 @@ class Eynollah:
else :
contours_only_text_parent_d_ordered = list ( np . array ( contours_only_text_parent_d_ordered ) [ index_by_text_par_con ] )
order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot = self . do_order_of_regions ( contours_only_text_parent_d_ordered , contours_only_text_parent_h , boxes_d , textline_mask_tot_d )
pcgts = self . writer . build_pagexml_no_full_layout ( txt_con_org , page_coord , order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot , all_found_texline_polygons , all_box_coord , polygons_of_images , polygons_of_marginals , all_found_texline_polygons_marginals , all_box_coord_marginals , slopes , slopes_marginals , cont_page , polygons_lines_xml )
pcgts = self . writer . build_pagexml_no_full_layout ( txt_con_org , page_coord , order_text_new , id_of_texts_tot , all_found_texline_polygons , all_box_coord , polygons_of_images , polygons_of_marginals , all_found_texline_polygons_marginals , all_box_coord_marginals , slopes , slopes_marginals , cont_page , polygons_lines_xml , contours_tables )
self . logger . info ( " Job done in %s s " , str ( time . time ( ) - t0 ) )
return pcgts