@ -1239,8 +1239,14 @@ class eynollah:
# all_box_coord.append(crop_coor)
mask_textline = np . zeros ( ( textline_mask_tot_ea . shape ) )
mask_textline = cv2 . fillPoly ( mask_textline , pts = [ contours_per_process [ mv ] ] , color = ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
denoised = None
all_text_region_raw = textline_mask_tot_ea [ boxes_text [ mv ] [ 1 ] : boxes_text [ mv ] [ 1 ] + boxes_text [ mv ] [ 3 ] , boxes_text [ mv ] [ 0 ] : boxes_text [ mv ] [ 0 ] + boxes_text [ mv ] [ 2 ] ]
all_text_region_raw = ( textline_mask_tot_ea * mask_textline [ : , : ] ) [ boxes_text [ mv ] [ 1 ] : boxes_text [ mv ] [ 1 ] + boxes_text [ mv ] [ 3 ] , boxes_text [ mv ] [ 0 ] : boxes_text [ mv ] [ 0 ] + boxes_text [ mv ] [ 2 ] ]
all_text_region_raw = all_text_region_raw . astype ( np . uint8 )
img_int_p = all_text_region_raw [ : , : ] # self.all_text_region_raw[mv]
@ -2750,74 +2756,83 @@ class eynollah:
tree . write ( os . path . join ( dir_of_image , self . f_name ) + " .xml " )
# cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_of_image, self.f_name) + ".tif",self.image_org)
def get_regions_from_xy_2models ( self , img , is_image_enhanced ) :
img_org = np . copy ( img )
def get_regions_from_xy_2models ( self , img , is_image_enhanced ) :
img_org = np . copy ( img )
img_height_h = img_org . shape [ 0 ]
img_width_h = img_org . shape [ 1 ]
img_height_h = img_org . shape [ 0 ]
img_width_h = img_org . shape [ 1 ]
model_region , session_region = self . start_new_session_and_model ( self . model_region_dir_p_ens )
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
ratio_y = 1.3
ratio_x = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] * ratio_y ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ratio_x ) )
ratio_y = 1.3
ratio_x = 1
median_blur = False
img = self . resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] * ratio_y ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ratio_x ) )
if binary :
img = otsu_copy_binary ( img ) # otsu_copy(img)
img = self . otsu_copy_binary ( img ) #self. otsu_copy(img)
img = img . astype ( np . uint16 )
if median_blur :
img = cv2 . medianBlur ( img , 5 )
img = cv2 . medianBlur ( img , 5 )
if gaussian_filter :
img = cv2 . GaussianBlur ( img , ( 5 , 5 ) , 0 )
img = cv2 . GaussianBlur ( img , ( 5 , 5 ) , 0 )
img = img . astype ( np . uint16 )
prediction_regions_org_y = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region )
prediction_regions_org_y = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region )
prediction_regions_org_y = self . resize_image ( prediction_regions_org_y , img_height_h , img_width_h )
prediction_regions_org_y = prediction_regions_org_y [ : , : , 0 ]
mask_zeros_y = ( prediction_regions_org_y [ : , : ] == 0 ) * 1
prediction_regions_org_y = resize_image ( prediction_regions_org_y , img_height_h , img_width_h )
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_org_y[:,:,0])
# plt.show()
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_org_y = prediction_regions_org_y [ : , : , 0 ]
mask_zeros_y = ( prediction_regions_org_y [ : , : ] == 0 ) * 1
if is_image_enhanced :
ratio_x = 1.2
ratio_x = 1.2
else :
ratio_x = 1
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] * ratio_y ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ratio_x ) )
img = self . resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] * ratio_y ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ratio_x ) )
if binary :
img = otsu_copy_binary ( img ) # otsu_copy(img)
img = self . otsu_copy_binary ( img ) #self. otsu_copy(img)
img = img . astype ( np . uint16 )
if median_blur :
img = cv2 . medianBlur ( img , 5 )
img = cv2 . medianBlur ( img , 5 )
if gaussian_filter :
img = cv2 . GaussianBlur ( img , ( 5 , 5 ) , 0 )
img = cv2 . GaussianBlur ( img , ( 5 , 5 ) , 0 )
img = img . astype ( np . uint16 )
prediction_regions_org = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region )
prediction_regions_org = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region )
prediction_regions_org = resize_image ( prediction_regions_org , img_height_h , img_width_h )
prediction_regions_org = self . resize_image ( prediction_regions_org , img_height_h , img_width_h )
prediction_regions_org = prediction_regions_org [ : , : , 0 ]
prediction_regions_org = prediction_regions_org [ : , : , 0 ]
prediction_regions_org [ ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( mask_zeros_y [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 0
prediction_regions_org [ ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( mask_zeros_y [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 0
session_region . close ( )
del model_region
del session_region
@ -2826,32 +2841,37 @@ class eynollah:
model_region , session_region = self . start_new_session_and_model ( self . model_region_dir_p2 )
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] * ratio_y ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ratio_x ) )
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = self . resize_image ( img_org , int ( img_org . shape [ 0 ] * ratio_y ) , int ( img_org . shape [ 1 ] * ratio_x ) )
if binary :
img = otsu_copy_binary ( img ) # otsu_copy(img)
img = self . otsu_copy_binary ( img ) #self. otsu_copy(img)
img = img . astype ( np . uint16 )
if median_blur :
img = cv2 . medianBlur ( img , 5 )
img = cv2 . medianBlur ( img , 5 )
if gaussian_filter :
img = cv2 . GaussianBlur ( img , ( 5 , 5 ) , 0 )
img = cv2 . GaussianBlur ( img , ( 5 , 5 ) , 0 )
img = img . astype ( np . uint16 )
prediction_regions_org2 = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region )
prediction_regions_org2 = resize_image ( prediction_regions_org2 , img_height_h , img_width_h )
marginal_patch = 0.2
prediction_regions_org2 = self . do_prediction ( patches , img , model_region , marginal_patch )
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_org2[:,:,0])
# plt.show()
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_org2 = self . resize_image ( prediction_regions_org2 , img_height_h , img_width_h )
session_region . close ( )
@ -2860,124 +2880,135 @@ class eynollah:
gc . collect ( )
mask_zeros2 = ( prediction_regions_org2 [ : , : , 0 ] == 0 ) * 1
mask_lines2 = ( prediction_regions_org2 [ : , : , 0 ] == 3 ) * 1
mask_zeros2 = ( prediction_regions_org2 [ : , : , 0 ] == 0 ) * 1
mask_lines2 = ( prediction_regions_org2 [ : , : , 0 ] == 3 ) * 1
text_sume_early = ( ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 ) . sum ( )
text_sume_early = ( ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 ) . sum ( )
prediction_regions_org_copy= np . copy ( prediction_regions_org )
prediction_regions_org_copy = np . copy ( prediction_regions_org )
prediction_regions_org_copy [ ( prediction_regions_org_copy [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( mask_zeros2 [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 0
prediction_regions_org_copy [ ( prediction_regions_org_copy [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( mask_zeros2 [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 0
text_sume_second = ( ( prediction_regions_org_copy [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 ) . sum ( )
text_sume_second = ( ( prediction_regions_org_copy [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1 ) . sum ( )
rate_two_models = text_sume_second / float ( text_sume_early ) * 100
rate_two_models = text_sume_second / float ( text_sume_early ) * 100
print ( rate_two_models , " ratio_of_two_models " )
if is_image_enhanced and rate_two_models < 95.50 : # 98.45:
print ( rate_two_models , ' ratio_of_two_models ' )
if is_image_enhanced and rate_two_models < 95.50 : # 98.45:
else :
prediction_regions_org = np . copy ( prediction_regions_org_copy )
prediction_regions_org = np . copy ( prediction_regions_org_copy )
prediction_regions_org [ ( mask_lines2 [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 0 ) ] = 3
prediction_regions_org [ ( mask_lines2 [ : , : ] == 1 ) & ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 0 ) ] = 3
del mask_lines2
del mask_zeros2
del prediction_regions_org2
# if is_image_enhanced:
# pass
# else:
# model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_region_dir_p2)
# if is_image_enhanced:
# pass
# else:
# model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_region_dir_p2)
# gaussian_filter=False
# patches=True
# binary=False
# gaussian_filter=False
# patches=True
# binary=False
# ratio_x=1
# ratio_y=1
# median_blur=False
# img= resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0]*ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1]*ratio_x))
# if binary:
# img = otsu_copy_binary(img)#otsu_copy(img)
# img = img.astype(np.uint16)
# if median_blur:
# img=cv2.medianBlur(img,5)
# if gaussian_filter:
# img= cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(5,5),0)
# img = img.astype(np.uint16)
# prediction_regions_org2=self.do_prediction(patches,img,model_region)
# prediction_regions_org2=resize_image(prediction_regions_org2, img_height_h, img_width_h )
#img= self.resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0]*ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1]*ratio_x))
#if binary:
#img = self.otsu_copy_binary(img)#self.otsu_copy(img)
#img = img.astype(np.uint16)
# session_region.close()
# del model_region
# del session_region
# gc.collect()
#if median_blur:
#if gaussian_filter:
#img= cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(5,5),0)
#img = img.astype(np.uint16)
# mask_zeros2=(prediction_regions_org2[:,:,0]==0)*1
# mask_lines2=(prediction_regions_org2[:,:,0]==3)*1
#prediction_regions_org2=self.resize_image(prediction_regions_org2, img_height_h, img_width_h )
# text_sume_early=( (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1)*1 ).sum()
# prediction_regions_org[(prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1) & (mask_zeros2[:,:]==1)]=0
#del model_region
#del session_region
# prediction_regions_org[(mask_lines2[:,:]==1) & (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==0)]=3
# text_sume_second =( (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1)*1 ).sum()
#text_sume_early =( (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1)*1 ).sum()
# print(text_sume_second/float(text_sume_early)*100,'twomodelsratio')
# del mask_lines2
# del mask_zeros2
# del prediction_regions_org2
#prediction_regions_org[(prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1) & (mask_zeros2[:,:]==1)]=0
mask_lines_only = ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 3 ) * 1
#prediction_regions_org[(mask_lines2[:,:]==1) & (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==0)]=3
prediction_regions_org = cv2 . erode ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] , self . kernel , iterations = 2 )
#text_sume_second=( (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1)*1 ).sum( )
# plt.imshow(text_region2_1st_channel)
# plt.show()
#del mask_lines2
#del mask_zeros2
#del prediction_regions_org2
mask_lines_only = ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 3 ) * 1
prediction_regions_org = cv2 . erode ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] , self . kernel , iterations = 2 )
prediction_regions_org = cv2 . dilate ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] , self . kernel , iterations = 2 )
mask_texts_only = ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
mask_images_only = ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 2 ) * 1
prediction_regions_org = cv2 . dilate ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] , self . kernel , iterations = 2 )
mask_texts_only = ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 1 ) * 1
mask_images_only = ( prediction_regions_org [ : , : ] == 2 ) * 1
pixel_img = 1
min_area_text = 0.00001
polygons_of_only_texts = self . return_contours_of_interested_region ( mask_texts_only , pixel_img , min_area_text )
pixel_img = 1
min_area_text = 0.00001
polygons_of_only_texts = return_contours_of_interested_region ( mask_texts_only , pixel_img , min_area_text )
polygons_of_only_images = self . return_contours_of_interested_region ( mask_images_only , pixel_img )
polygons_of_only_images = return_contours_of_interested_region ( mask_images_only , pixel_img )
polygons_of_only_lines = self . return_contours_of_interested_region ( mask_lines_only , pixel_img , min_area_text )
polygons_of_only_lines = return_contours_of_interested_region ( mask_lines_only , pixel_img , min_area_text )
text_regions_p_true = np . zeros ( prediction_regions_org . shape )
# text_regions_p_true[:,:]=text_regions_p_1[:,:]
text_regions_p_true = np . zeros ( prediction_regions_org . shape )
# text_regions_p_true[:,:]=text_regions_p_1[:,:]
text_regions_p_true = cv2 . fillPoly ( text_regions_p_true , pts = polygons_of_only_lines , color = ( 3 , 3 , 3 ) )
text_regions_p_true = cv2 . fillPoly ( text_regions_p_true , pts = polygons_of_only_lines , color = ( 3 , 3 , 3 ) )
##text_regions_p_true=cv2.fillPoly(text_regions_p_true,pts=polygons_of_only_images, color=(2,2,2))
text_regions_p_true [ : , : ] [ mask_images_only [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 2
text_regions_p_true [ : , : ] [ mask_images_only [ : , : ] == 1 ] = 2
text_regions_p_true = cv2 . fillPoly ( text_regions_p_true , pts = polygons_of_only_texts , color = ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
text_regions_p_true = cv2 . fillPoly ( text_regions_p_true , pts = polygons_of_only_texts , color = ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) )
# text_regions_p_true_3d=np.repeat(text_regions_p_1[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
# text_regions_p_true_3d=text_regions_p_true_3d.astype(np.uint8)
#text_regions_p_true_3d=np.repeat(text_regions_p_1[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
del polygons_of_only_texts
del polygons_of_only_images
@ -2993,6 +3024,7 @@ class eynollah:
return text_regions_p_true
def write_images_into_directory ( self , img_contoures , dir_of_cropped_imgs , image_page ) :
index = 0
for cont_ind in img_contoures :
@ -3009,215 +3041,245 @@ class eynollah:
cv2 . imwrite ( path , croped_page )
index + = 1
def get_marginals ( self , text_with_lines , text_regions , num_col , slope_deskew ) :
mask_marginals = np . zeros ( ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] , text_with_lines . shape [ 1 ] ) )
mask_marginals = mask_marginals . astype ( np . uint8 )
def get_marginals ( self , text_with_lines , text_regions , num_col , slope_deskew ) :
mask_marginals = np . zeros ( ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] , text_with_lines . shape [ 1 ] ) )
mask_marginals = mask_marginals . astype ( np . uint8 )
text_with_lines = text_with_lines . astype ( np . uint8 )
text_with_lines = text_with_lines . astype ( np . uint8 )
text_with_lines_eroded = cv2 . erode ( text_with_lines , self . kernel , iterations = 5 )
text_with_lines_eroded = cv2 . erode ( text_with_lines , self . kernel , iterations = 5 )
if text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] < = 1500 :
if text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] < = 1500 :
elif text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] > 1500 and text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] < = 1800 :
text_with_lines = resize_image ( text_with_lines , int ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] * 1.5 ) , text_with_lines . shape [ 1 ] )
text_with_lines = cv2 . erode ( text_with_lines , self . kernel , iterations = 5 )
text_with_lines = resize_image ( text_with_lines , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 0 ] , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 1 ] )
elif text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] > 1500 and text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] < = 1800 :
text_with_lines = self . resize_image ( text_with_lines , int ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] * 1.5 ) , text_with_lines . shape [ 1 ] )
text_with_lines = cv2 . erode ( text_with_lines , self . kernel , iterations = 5 )
text_with_lines = self . resize_image ( text_with_lines , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 0 ] , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 1 ] )
else :
text_with_lines = resize_image ( text_with_lines , int ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] * 1.8 ) , text_with_lines . shape [ 1 ] )
text_with_lines = cv2 . erode ( text_with_lines , self . kernel , iterations = 7 )
text_with_lines = resize_image ( text_with_lines , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 0 ] , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 1 ] )
text_with_lines = self . resize_image ( text_with_lines , int ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] * 1.8 ) , text_with_lines . shape [ 1 ] )
text_with_lines = cv2 . erode ( text_with_lines , self . kernel , iterations = 7 )
text_with_lines = self . resize_image ( text_with_lines , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 0 ] , text_with_lines_eroded . shape [ 1 ] )
text_with_lines_y = text_with_lines . sum ( axis = 0 )
text_with_lines_y_eroded = text_with_lines_eroded . sum ( axis = 0 )
thickness_along_y_percent = text_with_lines_y_eroded . max ( ) / ( float ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] ) ) * 100
text_with_lines_y = text_with_lines . sum ( axis = 0 )
text_with_lines_y_eroded = text_with_lines_eroded . sum ( axis = 0 )
# print(thickness_along_y_percent,'thickness_along_y_percent')
thickness_along_y_percent = text_with_lines_y_eroded . max ( ) / ( float ( text_with_lines . shape [ 0 ] ) ) * 100
if thickness_along_y_percent < 30 :
min_textline_thickness = 8
elif thickness_along_y_percent > = 30 and thickness_along_y_percent < 50 :
min_textline_thickness = 20
if thickness_along_y_percent < 30 :
min_textline_thickness = 8
elif thickness_along_y_percent > = 30 and thickness_along_y_percent < 50 :
min_textline_thickness = 20
else :
min_textline_thickness = 40
min_textline_thickness = 40
if thickness_along_y_percent > = 14 :
text_with_lines_y_rev = - 1 * text_with_lines_y [ : ]
# print(text_with_lines_y)
# print(text_with_lines_y_rev)
# plt.plot(text_with_lines_y)
# plt.show()
if thickness_along_y_percent > = 14 :
text_with_lines_y_rev = text_with_lines_y_rev - np . min ( text_with_lines_y_rev )
text_with_lines_y_rev = - 1 * text_with_lines_y [ : ]
# plt.plot(text_with_lines_y_rev)
# plt.show()
sigma_gaus = 1
region_sum_0 = gaussian_filter1d ( text_with_lines_y , sigma_gaus )
region_sum_0_rev = gaussian_filter1d ( text_with_lines_y_rev , sigma_gaus )
# plt.plot(region_sum_0_rev)
# plt.show()
region_sum_0_updown = region_sum_0 [ len ( region_sum_0 ) : : - 1 ]
first_nonzero = next ( ( i for i , x in enumerate ( region_sum_0 ) if x ) , None )
last_nonzero = next ( ( i for i , x in enumerate ( region_sum_0_updown ) if x ) , None )
text_with_lines_y_rev = text_with_lines_y_rev - np . min ( text_with_lines_y_rev )
sigma_gaus = 1
region_sum_0 = gaussian_filter1d ( text_with_lines_y , sigma_gaus )
last_nonzero = len ( region_sum_0 ) - last_nonzero
region_sum_0_rev = gaussian_filter1d ( text_with_lines_y_rev , sigma_gaus )
region_sum_0_updown = region_sum_0 [ len ( region_sum_0 ) : : - 1 ]
first_nonzero = ( next ( ( i for i , x in enumerate ( region_sum_0 ) if x ) , None ) )
last_nonzero = ( next ( ( i for i , x in enumerate ( region_sum_0_updown ) if x ) , None ) )
last_nonzero = len ( region_sum_0 ) - last_nonzero
mid_point = ( last_nonzero + first_nonzero ) / 2.0
one_third_right = ( last_nonzero - mid_point ) / 3.0
one_third_left = ( mid_point - first_nonzero ) / 3.0
mid_point = ( last_nonzero + first_nonzero ) / 2.
one_third_right = ( last_nonzero - mid_point ) / 3.0
one_third_left = ( mid_point - first_nonzero ) / 3.0
# img_sum_0_smooth_rev=img_sum_0_smooth_rev-np.min(img_sum_0_smooth_rev)
peaks , _ = find_peaks ( text_with_lines_y_rev , height = 0 )
peaks = np . array ( peaks )
# print(region_sum_0[peaks])
peaks = np . array ( peaks )
# print(first_nonzero,last_nonzero,peaks)
peaks = peaks [ ( peaks > first_nonzero ) & ( ( peaks < last_nonzero ) ) ]
peaks = peaks [ ( peaks > first_nonzero ) & ( ( peaks < last_nonzero ) ) ]
# print(first_nonzero,last_nonzero,peaks)
# print(region_sum_0[peaks]<10)
# print(region_sum_0[peaks]<10)
####peaks=peaks[region_sum_0[peaks]<25 ]
# print(region_sum_0[peaks])
peaks = peaks [ region_sum_0 [ peaks ] < min_textline_thickness ]
# print(peaks)
# print(first_nonzero,last_nonzero,one_third_right,one_third_left)
peaks = peaks [ region_sum_0 [ peaks ] < min_textline_thickness ]
if num_col == 1 :
peaks_right = peaks [ peaks > mid_point ]
peaks_left = peaks [ peaks < mid_point ]
if num_col == 2 :
peaks_right = peaks [ peaks > ( mid_point + one_third_right ) ]
peaks_left = peaks [ peaks < ( mid_point - one_third_left ) ]
if num_col == 1 :
peaks_right = peaks [ peaks > mid_point ]
peaks_left = peaks [ peaks < mid_point ]
if num_col == 2 :
peaks_right = peaks [ peaks > ( mid_point + one_third_right ) ]
peaks_left = peaks [ peaks < ( mid_point - one_third_left ) ]
try :
point_right = np . min ( peaks_right )
point_right = np . min ( peaks_right )
except :
point_right = last_nonzero
point_right = last_nonzero
try :
point_left = np . max ( peaks_left )
point_left = np . max ( peaks_left )
except :
point_left = first_nonzero
point_left = first_nonzero
# print(point_left,point_right)
# print(text_regions.shape)
if point_right > = mask_marginals . shape [ 1 ] :
point_right = mask_marginals . shape [ 1 ] - 1
if point_right > = mask_marginals . shape [ 1 ] :
point_right = mask_marginals . shape [ 1 ] - 1
try :
mask_marginals [ : , point_left : point_right ] = 1
mask_marginals [ : , point_left : point_right ] = 1
except :
mask_marginals [ : , : ] = 1
mask_marginals [ : , : ] = 1
# print(mask_marginals.shape,point_left,point_right,'nadosh')
mask_marginals_rotated = rotate_image ( mask_marginals , - slope_deskew )
# print(mask_marginals.shape,point_left,point_right,'nadosh')
mask_marginals_rotated = self . rotate_image ( mask_marginals , - slope_deskew )
# print(mask_marginals_rotated.shape,'nadosh')
mask_marginals_rotated_sum = mask_marginals_rotated . sum ( axis = 0 )
# print(mask_marginals_rotated.shape,'nadosh')
mask_marginals_rotated_sum = mask_marginals_rotated . sum ( axis = 0 )
mask_marginals_rotated_sum [ mask_marginals_rotated_sum != 0 ] = 1
index_x = np . array ( range ( len ( mask_marginals_rotated_sum ) ) ) + 1
mask_marginals_rotated_sum [ mask_marginals_rotated_sum != 0 ] = 1
index_x = np . array ( range ( len ( mask_marginals_rotated_sum ) ) ) + 1
index_x_interest = index_x [ mask_marginals_rotated_sum == 1 ]
index_x_interest = index_x [ mask_marginals_rotated_sum == 1 ]
min_point_of_left_marginal = np . min ( index_x_interest ) - 16
max_point_of_right_marginal = np . max ( index_x_interest ) + 16
min_point_of_left_marginal = np . min ( index_x_interest ) - 16
max_point_of_right_marginal = np . max ( index_x_interest ) + 16
if min_point_of_left_marginal < 0 :
min_point_of_left_marginal = 0
if max_point_of_right_marginal > = text_regions . shape [ 1 ] :
max_point_of_right_marginal = text_regions . shape [ 1 ] - 1
if min_point_of_left_marginal < 0 :
min_point_of_left_marginal = 0
if max_point_of_right_marginal > = text_regions . shape [ 1 ] :
max_point_of_right_marginal = text_regions . shape [ 1 ] - 1
# print(np.min(index_x_interest) ,np.max(index_x_interest),'minmaxnew')
# print(mask_marginals_rotated.shape,text_regions.shape,'mask_marginals_rotated')
# plt.imshow(mask_marginals)
# plt.show()
# plt.imshow(mask_marginals_rotated)
# plt.show()
#print(np.min(index_x_interest) ,np.max(index_x_interest),'minmaxnew')
text_regions [ ( mask_marginals_rotated [ : , : ] != 1 ) & ( text_regions [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 4
pixel_img = 4
min_area_text = 0.00001
polygons_of_marginals = return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions , pixel_img , min_area_text )
text_regions [ ( mask_marginals_rotated [ : , : ] != 1 ) & ( text_regions [ : , : ] == 1 ) ] = 4
cx_text_only , cy_text_only , x_min_text_only , x_max_text_only , y_min_text_only , y_max_text_only , y_cor_x_min_main = find_new_features_of_contoures ( polygons_of_marginals )
text_regions [ ( text_regions [ : , : ] == 4 ) ] = 1
pixel_img = 4
min_area_text = 0.00001
polygons_of_marginals = self . return_contours_of_interested_region ( text_regions , pixel_img , min_area_text )
marginlas_should_be_main_text = [ ]
cx_text_only, cy_text_only , x_min_text_only , x_max_text_only , y_min_text_only , y_max_text_only , y_cor_x_min_main = self . find_new_features_of_contoures ( polygons_of_marginals )
x_min_marginals_left = [ ]
x_min_marginals_right = [ ]
text_regions [ ( text_regions [ : , : ] == 4 ) ] = 1
marginlas_should_be_main_text = [ ]
x_min_marginals_left = [ ]
x_min_marginals_right = [ ]
for i in range ( len ( cx_text_only ) ) :
x_width_mar = abs ( x_min_text_only [ i ] - x_max_text_only [ i ] )
y_height_mar = abs ( y_min_text_only [ i ] - y_max_text_only [ i ] )
# print(x_width_mar,y_height_mar,'y_height_mar')
if x_width_mar > 16 and y_height_mar / x_width_mar < 10 :
x_width_mar = abs ( x_min_text_only [ i ] - x_max_text_only [ i ] )
y_height_mar = abs ( y_min_text_only [ i ] - y_max_text_only [ i ] )
# print(x_width_mar,y_height_mar,y_height_mar/x_width _mar,'y_height_mar')
if x_width_mar > 16 and y_height_mar / x_width_mar < 18 :
marginlas_should_be_main_text . append ( polygons_of_marginals [ i ] )
if x_min_text_only [ i ] < ( mid_point - one_third_left ) :
x_min_marginals_left_new = x_min_text_only [ i ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_left ) == 0 :
if x_min_text_only [ i ] < ( mid_point - one_third_left ) :
x_min_marginals_left_new = x_min_text_only [ i ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_left ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_left . append ( x_min_marginals_left_new )
else :
x_min_marginals_left [ 0 ] = min ( x_min_marginals_left [ 0 ] , x_min_marginals_left_new )
x_min_marginals_left [ 0 ] = min ( x_min_marginals_left [ 0 ] , x_min_marginals_left_new )
else :
x_min_marginals_right_new = x_min_text_only [ i ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_right ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_right_new = x_min_text_only [ i ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_right ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_right . append ( x_min_marginals_right_new )
else :
x_min_marginals_right [ 0 ] = min ( x_min_marginals_right [ 0 ] , x_min_marginals_right_new )
x_min_marginals_right [ 0 ] = min ( x_min_marginals_right [ 0 ] , x_min_marginals_right_new )
if len ( x_min_marginals_left ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_left = [ 0 ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_right ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_right = [ text_regions . shape [ 1 ] - 1 ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_left ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_left = [ 0 ]
if len ( x_min_marginals_right ) == 0 :
x_min_marginals_right = [ text_regions . shape [ 1 ] - 1 ]
# print(x_min_marginals_left[0],x_min_marginals_right[0],'margo')
# print(marginlas_should_be_main_text,'marginlas_should_be_main_text')
text_regions = cv2 . fillPoly ( text_regions , pts = marginlas_should_be_main_text , color = ( 4 , 4 ) )
# print(np.unique(text_regions))
# text_regions[:,:int(x_min_marginals_left[0])][text_regions[:,:int(x_min_marginals_left[0])]==1]=0
# text_regions[:,int(x_min_marginals_right[0]):][text_regions[:,int(x_min_marginals_right[0]):]==1]=0
# print(marginlas_should_be_main_text,'marginlas_should_be_main_text')
text_regions = cv2 . fillPoly ( text_regions , pts = marginlas_should_be_main_text , color = ( 4 , 4 ) )
text_regions [ : , : int ( min_point_of_left_marginal ) ] [ text_regions [ : , : int ( min_point_of_left_marginal ) ] == 1 ] = 0
text_regions [ : , int ( max_point_of_right_marginal ) : ] [ text_regions [ : , int ( max_point_of_right_marginal ) : ] == 1 ] = 0
text_regions [ : , : int ( min_point_of_left_marginal ) ] [ text_regions [ : , : int ( min_point_of_left_marginal ) ] == 1 ] = 0
text_regions [ : , int ( max_point_of_right_marginal ) : ] [ text_regions [ : , int ( max_point_of_right_marginal ) : ] == 1 ] = 0
###text_regions[:,point_right:][ text_regions[:,point_right:]==1]=4
# plt.plot(region_sum_0)
# plt.plot(peaks,region_sum_0[peaks],'*')
# plt.show()
# plt.plot(region_sum_0)
# plt.plot(peaks,region_sum_0[peaks],'*')
# plt.show()
# plt.imshow(text_regions)
# plt.show()
# sys.exit()
else :
return text_regions
@ -4119,7 +4181,7 @@ class eynollah:
num_col = None
peaks_neg_fin = [ ]
print ( num_col , " num_colnum_col " )
#print(num_col, "num_colnum_col" )
if num_col is None :
txt_con_org = [ ]
order_text_new = [ ]
@ -4144,7 +4206,7 @@ class eynollah:
K . clear_session ( )
gc . collect ( )
print ( np . unique ( textline_mask_tot_ea [ : , : ] ) , " textline " )
#print(np.unique(textline_mask_tot_ea[:, :]), "textline" )
if self . dir_of_all is not None :