EYNOLLAH_MODELS ?= $(PWD)/models_eynollah export EYNOLLAH_MODELS # DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE = artefakt.dev.sbb.berlin:5000/sbb/ocrd_core:v2.68.0 DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE = docker.io/ocrd/core:v2.68.0 DOCKER_TAG = ocrd/eynollah # BEGIN-EVAL makefile-parser --make-help Makefile help: @echo "" @echo " Targets" @echo "" @echo " models Download and extract models to $(PWD)/models_eynollah" @echo " install Install with pip" @echo " install-dev Install editable with pip" @echo " test Run unit tests" @echo "" @echo " Variables" @echo "" # END-EVAL # Download and extract models to $(PWD)/models_eynollah models: models_eynollah models_eynollah: models_eynollah.tar.gz tar xf models_eynollah.tar.gz models_eynollah.tar.gz: # wget 'https://qurator-data.de/eynollah/2021-04-25/models_eynollah.tar.gz' # wget 'https://qurator-data.de/eynollah/2022-04-05/models_eynollah_renamed.tar.gz' wget 'https://qurator-data.de/eynollah/2022-04-05/models_eynollah.tar.gz' # wget 'https://github.com/qurator-spk/eynollah/releases/download/v0.3.0/models_eynollah.tar.gz' # wget 'https://github.com/qurator-spk/eynollah/releases/download/v0.3.1/models_eynollah.tar.gz' # Install with pip install: pip install . # Install editable with pip install-dev: pip install -e . smoke-test: eynollah layout -i tests/resources/kant_aufklaerung_1784_0020.tif -o . -m $(PWD)/models_eynollah # Run unit tests test: pytest tests # Build docker image docker: docker build \ --build-arg DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE=$(DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE) \ --build-arg VCS_REF=$$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \ --build-arg BUILD_DATE=$$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \ -t $(DOCKER_TAG) .