Change Log ========== Versioned according to [Semantic Versioning]( ## Unreleased ## [0.1.0] - 2023-03-22 Fixed: * Do not produce spurious `TextEquiv`, #68 * Less spammy logging, #64, #65, #71 Changed: * Upgrade to tensorflow 2.4.0, #74 * Improved README * CI: test for python 3.7+, #90 ## [0.0.11] - 2022-02-02 Fixed: * `models` parameter should have `content-type`, #61, OCR-D/core#777 ## [0.0.10] - 2021-09-27 Fixed: * call to `uild_pagexml_no_full_layout` for empty pages, #52 ## [0.0.9] - 2021-08-16 Added: * Table detection, #48 Fixed: * Catch exception, #47 ## [0.0.8] - 2021-07-27 Fixed: * `pc:PcGts/@pcGtsId` was not set, #49 ## [0.0.7] - 2021-07-01 Fixed: * `slopes`/`slopes_h` retval/arguments mixed up, #45, #46 ## [0.0.6] - 2021-06-22 Fixed: * Cast arguments to opencv2 to python native types, #43, #44, opencv/opencv#20186 ## [0.0.5] - 2021-05-19 Changed: * Remove `allow_enhancement` parameter, #42 ## [0.0.4] - 2021-05-18 * fix contour bug, #40 ## [0.0.3] - 2021-05-11 * fix NaN bug, #38 ## [0.0.2] - 2021-05-04 Fixed: * prevent negative coordinates for textlines in marginals * fix a bug in the contour logic, #38 * the binarization model is added into the models and now binarization of input can be done at the first stage of eynollah's pipline. This option can be turned on by -ib (-input_binary) argument. This is suggested for very dark or bright documents ## [0.0.1] - 2021-04-22 Initial release [0.1.0]: ../../compare/v0.1.0...v0.0.11 [0.0.11]: ../../compare/v0.0.11...v0.0.10 [0.0.10]: ../../compare/v0.0.10...v0.0.9 [0.0.9]: ../../compare/v0.0.9...v0.0.8 [0.0.8]: ../../compare/v0.0.8...v0.0.7 [0.0.7]: ../../compare/v0.0.7...v0.0.6 [0.0.6]: ../../compare/v0.0.6...v0.0.5 [0.0.5]: ../../compare/v0.0.5...v0.0.4 [0.0.4]: ../../compare/v0.0.4...v0.0.3 [0.0.3]: ../../compare/v0.0.3...v0.0.2 [0.0.2]: ../../compare/v0.0.2...v0.0.1 [0.0.1]: ../../compare/HEAD...v0.0.1