
Gerber, Mike 5 years ago
parent 9d42de5da4
commit a6695f2927

@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ firefox OCR-D-OCR-CALAMARI-EVAL/OCR-D-OCR-CALAMARI-EVAL_00000024.html
The `ppn2ocr` script produces a METS file with the best images for a given
document in the State Library Berlin (SBB)'s digitized collection.
The `ppn2ocr` script produces a workspace and METS file with the best images for
a given document in the State Library Berlin (SBB)'s digitized collection.
Install it with an up-to-date pip (otherwise this will fail due to [a opencv-python-headless build failure](https://github.com/skvark/opencv-python#frequently-asked-questions)):
@ -87,7 +87,19 @@ cd PPN77164308X
This produces a workspace directory `PPN77164308X` with the OCR results in it;
the results are viewable as explained above.
ppn2ocr requires a working Docker setup and properly set up environment
variables for the proxy configuration. At SBB, please read
`howto/docker-proxy.md` and `howto/proxy-settings-for-shell+python.md`
(in qurator's mono-repo).
ppn2ocr requires properly set up environment variables for the proxy
configuration. At SBB, please read `howto/docker-proxy.md` and
`howto/proxy-settings-for-shell+python.md` (in qurator's mono-repo).
The `ocrd-workspace-from-images` script produces a OCR-D workspace (incl. METS)
for the given images.
~/devel/my_ocrd_workflow/ocrd-workspace-from-images 0005.png
cd workspace-sj4EH
~/devel/my_ocrd_workflow/run-docker-hub -I BEST --skip-validation
This produces a workspace from the files and then runs the OCR workflow on it.

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# Create an OCR-D workspace from images
# ocrd-workspace-from-images *.png
# In order to produce a workspace that validates, this script makes best effort
# to generate random IDs and to create the necessary structures like the
# physical page sequence.
workspace_dir=`mktemp -d "workspace-XXXXX"`
workspace_id=`basename $workspace_dir`
ocrd workspace -d $workspace_dir init
ocrd workspace -d $workspace_dir set-id $workspace_id
make_file_id_from_filename() {
file_id=`echo $file_id | sed 's#(.png|.tif|.jpe?g)$##i'`
file_id=`echo $file_id | sed 's#[^A-Za-z0-9_-]#_#g'`
echo "$file_id"
mkdir $workspace_dir/OCR-D-IMG
for img_orig in "$@"; do
page_count=$(($page_count + 1))
img="$workspace_dir/OCR-D-IMG/`basename $img_orig`"
cp -L "$img_orig" "$img"
file_id=`make_file_id_from_filename "$img"`
mime_type=`file -b --mime-type "$img"`
page_id=`printf "P%05d" $page_count`
ocrd workspace -d $workspace_dir add -G OCR-D-IMG "$img" --file-id $file_id --page-id $page_id --mimetype $mime_type
ocrd workspace -d $workspace_dir validate
echo $workspace_dir