How to add a processor ---------------------- * Add model download to `build` (if necessary) * Add a Dockerfile * Add commands to `wrapper/qurator/ocrd_galley/` Releasing --------- * `git tag -m 'v' 'v'` * `for r in origin github github-qurator-spk; do git push -d $r stable; done` * `git tag -fm 'stable' 'stable'` * `for r in origin github github-qurator-spk; do git push --tags $r master; done` * This - the tags - triggers Travis builds for the mikegerber repo, including building the Docker images and pushing them to Docker Hub. * Make sure that qurator-spk gets tags pushed (for consistency). * Create release on GitHub Inclusion policy ---------------- 1. Only use PyPI version where possible. 2. If that is not possible (= available) use a versioned release from GitHub 3. Otherwise, use a GitHub commit If, for some reason, we must deviate from this, to e.g. hotfix something, an issue should be open that reminds us to go back to a versioned release again. Other than relying on "proper releases", this also has a second purpose: Review releases of qurator-spk releases. Test builds ----------- XXX Review this ``` GIT_COMMIT=test ./build Dockerfile-core Dockerfile-ocrd_tesserocr DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=test ./ ```