#!/bin/bash LOG_LEVEL='DEBUG' set -e # Abort on error if [ "$LOG_LEVEL" = "DEBUG" -o "$LOG_LEVEL" = "TRACE" ]; then set -x fi remove_filegrp() { # Remove the given file group from the workspace filegrp_use=$1 mets=$2 xmlstarlet ed --inplace \ -N mets=http://www.loc.gov/METS/ \ -d "//mets:fileGrp[@USE='$filegrp_use']" $mets # XXX See also https://github.com/OCR-D/core/issues/245 # XXX This should also delete the files (after checking if they are indeed inside the workspace) and the directory } do_binarization() { # Binarize the images remove_filegrp OCR-D-IMG-BIN mets.xml ocrd-kraken-binarize -l $LOG_LEVEL \ -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-IMG -O OCR-D-IMG-BIN } do_fontident() { # Identify fonts in the images network=`python3 -c "import ocrd_typegroups_classifier, os; print(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ocrd_typegroups_classifier.__file__), 'models', 'classifier.tgc'))"` ocrd_typegroups_classifier_parameters=" { \"network\": \"$network\", \"stride\": 143 }" remove_filegrp OCR-D-FONTIDENT mets.xml ocrd-typegroups-classifier -l $LOG_LEVEL \ -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-IMG -O OCR-D-FONTIDENT \ -p <(echo $ocrd_typegroups_classifier_parameters) # XXX Check if ocrd-typegroups-classifier uses the whole image # XXX does DEFAULT have any meaning? /buerger_gedichte_1778.ocrd does not have # any DEFAULT, yet -I DEFAULT seems to work for ocrd-typegroups-classifier #ocrd workspace validate mets.xml # XXX Unspecified USE category 'FONTIDENT' in fileGrp 'OCR-D-FONTIDENT' # XXX File 'OCR-D-FONTIDENT_OCR-D-IMG_0002' does not manifest any physical page. # XXX Won't download remote image } do_linesegmentation() { # Segment the lines in the binarized images remove_filegrp OCR-D-SEG-REGION mets.xml remove_filegrp OCR-D-SEG-LINE mets.xml #ocrd-ocropy-segment -l $LOG_LEVEL \ # -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-IMG-BIN -O OCR-D-SEG-LINE # XXX ocrd-ocropy-segment throws an exception for buerger_gedichte_1778.ocrd #ocrd workspace validate mets.xml ocrd-tesserocr-segment-region -l $LOG_LEVEL \ -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-IMG-BIN -O OCR-D-SEG-REGION #ocrd workspace validate mets.xml ocrd-tesserocr-segment-line -l $LOG_LEVEL \ -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-SEG-REGION -O OCR-D-SEG-LINE #ocrd workspace validate mets.xml # XXX compare ocrd-tesserocr-segment* vs tesseract native } do_ocr() { # Perform OCR on the segmented lines ocrd_tesserocr_recognize_parameters='{ "model": "frk" }' # TODO mods:language + fontident → model remove_filegrp OCR-D-OCR-TESS mets.xml ocrd-tesserocr-recognize -l $LOG_LEVEL \ -m mets.xml -I OCR-D-SEG-LINE -O OCR-D-OCR-TESS \ -p <(echo $ocrd_tesserocr_recognize_parameters) #ocrd workspace validate mets.xml # XXX INCONSISTENCY in TextRegion ID 'dummy' # (The whitespace is different) } page_fix_xml() { # Fix the PAGE XML generated by OCR-D core # # XXX core does not produce valid XML (See https://github.com/OCR-D/core/issues/242), fix it by setting the correct # PAGE XML version. This makes PAGE Viewer open the file. filegrp=$1 local file for file in `ocrd workspace find -G $filegrp`; do sed -i 's#pagecontent/2017-07-15#pagecontent/2019-07-15#g' $file sed -i 's#pagecontent/2018-07-15#pagecontent/2019-07-15#g' $file done } page_validate_xml() { # Validate all PAGE XML against the XML schema filegrp=$1 local file for file in `ocrd workspace find -G $filegrp`; do xmllint --noout --schema `dirname $0`/xsd/pagecontent.2019-07-15.xsd $file done } page_fix_image_references() { # Make image references relative to the PAGE XML file # # The rest of OCR-D probably isn't going to like it, but it is a. correct and b. makes PAGE Viewer open the image file # automatically. filegrp=$1 local file for file in `ocrd workspace find -G $filegrp`; do sed -i 's#imageFilename="OCR-D-IMG#imageFilename="../OCR-D-IMG#g' $file done } do_fontident do_binarization do_linesegmentation do_ocr page_fix_xml OCR-D-OCR-TESS page_validate_xml OCR-D-OCR-TESS page_fix_image_references OCR-D-OCR-TESS # vim:tw=120: