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28 lines
634 B

FROM my_ocrd_workflow-core
ARG PIP_INSTALL="pip install --no-cache-dir"
# Build pip installable stuff
# Resolve conflicts early:
'tensorflow-gpu == 1.15.*' \
'calamari-ocr == 0.3.5' \
# Now the real stuff:
'ocrd_calamari >= 0.0.7'
# Copy OCR models
RUN mkdir -p /var/lib/calamari-models/GT4HistOCR
COPY data/calamari-models/GT4HistOCR/2019-07-22T15_49+0200 /var/lib/calamari-models/GT4HistOCR/2019-07-22T15_49+0200
# Check pip dependencies
RUN pip check
# Default command
RUN ln -s ocrd-calamari-recognize /usr/local/bin/ocrd-calamari-recognize03
CMD ["ocrd-calamari-recognize"]