🐛 Build line text on our own

Calamari does whitespace post-processing on prediction.sentence, while
it does not do the same on prediction.positions. Do it on our own to
have consistency.

Fixes GH-37.
Gerber, Mike 4 years ago
parent 30f7e1b246
commit 5b6d8b3f41

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import itertools
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
@ -84,8 +85,39 @@ class CalamariRecognize(Processor):
prediction = self.voter.vote_prediction_result(raw_results)
prediction.id = "voted"
line_text = prediction.sentence
line_conf = prediction.avg_char_probability
# Build line text on our own
# Calamari does whitespace post-processing on prediction.sentence, while it does not do the same
# on prediction.positions. Do it on our own to have consistency.
# XXX Check Calamari's built-in post-processing on prediction.sentence
def _drop_leading_spaces(positions):
return list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda p: p.chars[0].char == " ", positions))
def _drop_trailing_spaces(positions):
return list(reversed(_drop_leading_spaces(reversed(positions))))
def _drop_double_spaces(positions):
def _drop_double_spaces_generator(positions):
last_was_space = False
for p in positions:
if p.chars[0].char == " ":
if not last_was_space:
yield p
last_was_space = True
yield p
last_was_space = False
return list(_drop_double_spaces_generator(positions))
positions = prediction.positions
positions = _drop_leading_spaces(positions)
positions = _drop_trailing_spaces(positions)
positions = _drop_double_spaces(positions)
positions = list(positions)
line_text = ''.join(p.chars[0].char for p in positions)
if line_text != prediction.sentence:
log.warning("Our own line text is not the same as Calamari's: '%s' != '%s'",
line_text, prediction.sentence)
# Delete existing results
if line.get_TextEquiv():
@ -96,8 +128,10 @@ class CalamariRecognize(Processor):
# Save line results
line_conf = prediction.avg_char_probability
line.set_TextEquiv([TextEquivType(Unicode=line_text, conf=line_conf)])
# Save word results
# Calamari OCR does not provide word positions, so we infer word positions from a. text segmentation
@ -124,10 +158,12 @@ class CalamariRecognize(Processor):
word_no = 0
i = 0
for word_text in _words(prediction.sentence):
for word_text in _words(line_text):
word_length = len(word_text)
if not all(c == ' ' for c in word_text):
word_positions = prediction.positions[i:i+word_length]
word_positions = positions[i:i+word_length]
word_start = word_positions[0].global_start
word_end = word_positions[-1].global_end
