@ -120,46 +120,48 @@ class CalamariRecognize(Processor):
spaces = (c == ' ')
yield word
word_no = 0
i = 0
for word_text in _words(prediction.sentence):
word_length = len(word_text)
if not all(c == ' ' for c in word_text):
word_positions = prediction.positions[i:i+word_length]
word_start = word_positions[0].global_start
word_end = word_positions[-1].global_end
polygon = polygon_from_x0y0x1y1([word_start, 0, word_end, line_image.height])
points = points_from_polygon(coordinates_for_segment(polygon, None, line_coords))
# XXX Crop to line polygon?
if self.parameter['textequiv_level'] in ['word', 'glyph']:
word_no = 0
i = 0
for word_text in _words(prediction.sentence):
word_length = len(word_text)
if not all(c == ' ' for c in word_text):
word_positions = prediction.positions[i:i+word_length]
word_start = word_positions[0].global_start
word_end = word_positions[-1].global_end
polygon = polygon_from_x0y0x1y1([word_start, 0, word_end, line_image.height])
points = points_from_polygon(coordinates_for_segment(polygon, None, line_coords))
# XXX Crop to line polygon?
word = WordType(id='%s_word%04d' % (line.id, word_no), Coords=CoordsType(points))
word = WordType(id='%s_word%04d' % (line.id, word_no), Coords=CoordsType(points))
for glyph_no, p in enumerate(word_positions):
glyph_start = p.global_start
glyph_end = p.global_end
if self.parameter['textequiv_level'] == 'glyph':
for glyph_no, p in enumerate(word_positions):
glyph_start = p.global_start
glyph_end = p.global_end
polygon = polygon_from_x0y0x1y1([glyph_start, 0, glyph_end, line_image.height])
points = points_from_polygon(coordinates_for_segment(polygon, None, line_coords))
polygon = polygon_from_x0y0x1y1([glyph_start, 0, glyph_end, line_image.height])
points = points_from_polygon(coordinates_for_segment(polygon, None, line_coords))
glyph = GlyphType(id='%s_glyph%04d' % (word.id, glyph_no), Coords=CoordsType(points))
glyph = GlyphType(id='%s_glyph%04d' % (word.id, glyph_no), Coords=CoordsType(points))
chars = sorted(p.chars, key=lambda k: k.probability, reverse=True)
char_index = 1 # Must start with 1, see https://ocr-d.github.io/page#multiple-textequivs
for char in chars:
if char.char:
glyph.add_TextEquiv(TextEquivType(Unicode=char.char, index=char_index, conf=char.probability))
char_index += 1
# XXX Note that omission probabilities are not normalized?!
chars = sorted(p.chars, key=lambda k: k.probability, reverse=True)
char_index = 1 # Must start with 1, see https://ocr-d.github.io/page#multiple-textequivs
for char in chars:
if char.char:
glyph.add_TextEquiv(TextEquivType(Unicode=char.char, index=char_index, conf=char.probability))
char_index += 1
# XXX Note that omission probabilities are not normalized?!
word_no += 1
word_no += 1
i += word_length
i += word_length
_page_update_higher_textequiv_levels('line', pcgts)