from __future__ import absolute_import import os import itertools from glob import glob import numpy as np from ocrd_utils import ( assert_file_grp_cardinality, concat_padded, coordinates_for_segment, getLogger, make_file_id, points_from_polygon, polygon_from_x0y0x1y1, MIMETYPE_PAGE, tf_disable_interactive_logs, ) # Disable tensorflow/keras logging via print before importing calamari tf_disable_interactive_logs() from calamari_ocr import __version__ as calamari_version from calamari_ocr.ocr import MultiPredictor from import voter_from_proto from calamari_ocr.proto import VoterParams from ocrd import Processor from ocrd_modelfactory import page_from_file from ocrd_models.ocrd_page import ( LabelType, LabelsType, MetadataItemType, TextEquivType, WordType, GlyphType, CoordsType, to_xml ) from ocrd_calamari.config import OCRD_TOOL from tensorflow import __version__ as tensorflow_version TOOL = 'ocrd-calamari-recognize' class CalamariRecognize(Processor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ocrd_tool'] = OCRD_TOOL['tools'][TOOL] kwargs['version'] = '%s (calamari %s, tensorflow %s)' % (OCRD_TOOL['version'], calamari_version, tensorflow_version) super(CalamariRecognize, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'output_file_grp'): # processing context self.setup() def setup(self): """ Set up the model prior to processing. """ resolved = self.resolve_resource(self.parameter['checkpoint_dir']) checkpoints = glob('%s/*.ckpt.json' % resolved) self.predictor = MultiPredictor(checkpoints=checkpoints) self.network_input_channels = self.predictor.predictors[0].network.input_channels #self.network_input_channels = self.predictor.predictors[0].network_params.channels # not used! # binarization = self.predictor.predictors[0].model_params.data_preprocessor.binarization # not used! # self.features = ('' if self.network_input_channels != 1 else # 'binarized' if binarization != 'GRAY' else # 'grayscale_normalized') self.features = '' voter_params = VoterParams() voter_params.type = VoterParams.Type.Value(self.parameter['voter'].upper()) self.voter = voter_from_proto(voter_params) def process(self): """ Perform text recognition with Calamari on the workspace. If ``texequiv_level`` is ``word`` or ``glyph``, then additionally create word / glyph level segments by splitting at white space characters / glyph boundaries. In the case of ``glyph``, add all alternative character hypotheses down to ``glyph_conf_cutoff`` confidence threshold. """ log = getLogger('processor.CalamariRecognize') assert_file_grp_cardinality(self.input_file_grp, 1) assert_file_grp_cardinality(self.output_file_grp, 1) for (n, input_file) in enumerate(self.input_files): page_id = input_file.pageId or input_file.ID"INPUT FILE %i / %s", n, page_id) pcgts = page_from_file(self.workspace.download_file(input_file)) page = pcgts.get_Page() page_image, page_coords, page_image_info = self.workspace.image_from_page( page, page_id, feature_selector=self.features) for region in page.get_AllRegions(classes=['Text']): region_image, region_coords = self.workspace.image_from_segment( region, page_image, page_coords, feature_selector=self.features) textlines = region.get_TextLine()"About to recognize %i lines of region '%s'", len(textlines), line_images_np = [] line_coordss = [] for line in textlines: log.debug("Recognizing line '%s' in region '%s'",, line_image, line_coords = self.workspace.image_from_segment(line, region_image, region_coords, feature_selector=self.features) if ('binarized' not in line_coords['features'] and 'grayscale_normalized' not in line_coords['features'] and self.network_input_channels == 1): # We cannot use a feature selector for this since we don't # know whether the model expects (has been trained on) # binarized or grayscale images; but raw images are likely # always inadequate: log.warning("Using raw image for line '%s' in region '%s'",, if (not all(line_image.size) or line_image.height <= 8 or line_image.width <= 8 or 'binarized' in line_coords['features'] and line_image.convert('1').getextrema()[0] == 255): # empty size or too tiny or no foreground at all: skip log.warning("Skipping empty line '%s' in region '%s'",, line_image_np = np.array([[0]], dtype=np.uint8) else: line_image_np = np.array(line_image, dtype=np.uint8) line_images_np.append(line_image_np) line_coordss.append(line_coords) raw_results_all = self.predictor.predict_raw(line_images_np, progress_bar=False) for line, line_coords, raw_results in zip(textlines, line_coordss, raw_results_all): for i, p in enumerate(raw_results): = "fold_{}".format(i) prediction = self.voter.vote_prediction_result(raw_results) = "voted" # Build line text on our own # # Calamari does whitespace post-processing on prediction.sentence, while it does not do the same # on prediction.positions. Do it on our own to have consistency. # # XXX Check Calamari's built-in post-processing on prediction.sentence def _sort_chars(p): """Filter and sort chars of prediction p""" chars = p.chars chars = [c for c in chars if c.char] # XXX Note that omission probabilities are not normalized?! chars = [c for c in chars if c.probability >= self.parameter['glyph_conf_cutoff']] chars = sorted(chars, key=lambda k: k.probability, reverse=True) return chars def _drop_leading_spaces(positions): return list(itertools.dropwhile(lambda p: _sort_chars(p)[0].char == " ", positions)) def _drop_trailing_spaces(positions): return list(reversed(_drop_leading_spaces(reversed(positions)))) def _drop_double_spaces(positions): def _drop_double_spaces_generator(positions): last_was_space = False for p in positions: if p.chars[0].char == " ": if not last_was_space: yield p last_was_space = True else: yield p last_was_space = False return list(_drop_double_spaces_generator(positions)) positions = prediction.positions positions = _drop_leading_spaces(positions) positions = _drop_trailing_spaces(positions) positions = _drop_double_spaces(positions) positions = list(positions) line_text = ''.join(_sort_chars(p)[0].char for p in positions) if line_text != prediction.sentence: log.warning("Our own line text is not the same as Calamari's: '%s' != '%s'", line_text, prediction.sentence) # Delete existing results if line.get_TextEquiv(): log.warning("Line '%s' already contained text results", line.set_TextEquiv([]) if line.get_Word(): log.warning("Line '%s' already contained word segmentation", line.set_Word([]) # Save line results line_conf = prediction.avg_char_probability line.set_TextEquiv([TextEquivType(Unicode=line_text, conf=line_conf)]) # Save word results # # Calamari OCR does not provide word positions, so we infer word positions from a. text segmentation # and b. the glyph positions. This is necessary because the PAGE XML format enforces a strict # hierarchy of lines > words > glyphs. def _words(s): """Split words based on spaces and include spaces as 'words'""" spaces = None word = '' for c in s: if c == ' ' and spaces is True: word += c elif c != ' ' and spaces is False: word += c else: if word: yield word word = c spaces = (c == ' ') yield word if self.parameter['textequiv_level'] in ['word', 'glyph']: word_no = 0 i = 0 for word_text in _words(line_text): word_length = len(word_text) if not all(c == ' ' for c in word_text): word_positions = positions[i:i+word_length] word_start = word_positions[0].global_start word_end = word_positions[-1].global_end polygon = polygon_from_x0y0x1y1([word_start, 0, word_end, line_image.height]) points = points_from_polygon(coordinates_for_segment(polygon, None, line_coords)) # XXX Crop to line polygon? word = WordType(id='%s_word%04d' % (, word_no), Coords=CoordsType(points)) word.add_TextEquiv(TextEquivType(Unicode=word_text)) if self.parameter['textequiv_level'] == 'glyph': for glyph_no, p in enumerate(word_positions): glyph_start = p.global_start glyph_end = p.global_end polygon = polygon_from_x0y0x1y1([glyph_start, 0, glyph_end, line_image.height]) points = points_from_polygon(coordinates_for_segment(polygon, None, line_coords)) glyph = GlyphType(id='%s_glyph%04d' % (, glyph_no), Coords=CoordsType(points)) # Add predictions (= TextEquivs) char_index_start = 1 # Must start with 1, see for char_index, char in enumerate(_sort_chars(p), start=char_index_start): glyph.add_TextEquiv(TextEquivType(Unicode=char.char, index=char_index, conf=char.probability)) word.add_Glyph(glyph) line.add_Word(word) word_no += 1 i += word_length _page_update_higher_textequiv_levels('line', pcgts) # Add metadata about this operation and its runtime parameters: self.add_metadata(pcgts) file_id = make_file_id(input_file, self.output_file_grp) pcgts.set_pcGtsId(file_id) self.workspace.add_file( ID=file_id, file_grp=self.output_file_grp, pageId=input_file.pageId, mimetype=MIMETYPE_PAGE, local_filename=os.path.join(self.output_file_grp, file_id + '.xml'), content=to_xml(pcgts)) # TODO: This is a copy of ocrd_tesserocr's function, and should probably be moved to a ocrd lib def _page_update_higher_textequiv_levels(level, pcgts): """Update the TextEquivs of all PAGE-XML hierarchy levels above `level` for consistency. Starting with the hierarchy level chosen for processing, join all first TextEquiv (by the rules governing the respective level) into TextEquiv of the next higher level, replacing them. """ regions = pcgts.get_Page().get_TextRegion() if level != 'region': for region in regions: lines = region.get_TextLine() if level != 'line': for line in lines: words = line.get_Word() if level != 'word': for word in words: glyphs = word.get_Glyph() word_unicode = u''.join(glyph.get_TextEquiv()[0].Unicode if glyph.get_TextEquiv() else u'' for glyph in glyphs) word.set_TextEquiv( [TextEquivType(Unicode=word_unicode)]) # remove old line_unicode = u' '.join(word.get_TextEquiv()[0].Unicode if word.get_TextEquiv() else u'' for word in words) line.set_TextEquiv( [TextEquivType(Unicode=line_unicode)]) # remove old region_unicode = u'\n'.join(line.get_TextEquiv()[0].Unicode if line.get_TextEquiv() else u'' for line in lines) region.set_TextEquiv( [TextEquivType(Unicode=region_unicode)]) # remove old # vim:tw=120: