import os
import requests
import json
def ned(tsv, ner_result, ned_rest_endpoint, json_file=None, threshold=None, priority=None):
if json_file is not None and os.path.exists(json_file):
print('Loading {}'.format(json_file))
with open(json_file, "r") as fp:
ned_result = json.load(fp)
resp = requests.post(url=ned_rest_endpoint + '/parse', json=ner_result)
ner_parsed = json.loads(resp.content)
ned_rest_endpoint = ned_rest_endpoint + '/ned?return_full=' + str(int(json_file is not None)).lower()
if priority is not None:
ned_rest_endpoint += "&priority=" + str(int(priority))
resp = requests.post(url=ned_rest_endpoint, json=ner_parsed, timeout=3600000)
ned_result = json.loads(resp.content)
rids = []
entity = ""
entity_type = None
tsv['ID'] = '-'
tsv['conf'] = '-'
def check_entity(tag):
nonlocal entity, entity_type, rids
if (entity != "") and ((tag == 'O') or tag.startswith('B-') or (tag[2:] != entity_type)):
eid = entity + "-" + entity_type
if eid in ned_result:
if 'ranking' in ned_result[eid]:
ranking = ned_result[eid]['ranking']
# tsv.loc[rids, 'ID'] = ranking[0][1]['wikidata']
# if threshold is None or ranking[0][1]['proba_1'] >= threshold else ''
tmp = "|".join([ranking[i][1]['wikidata']
for i in range(len(ranking))
if threshold is None or ranking[i][1]['proba_1'] >= threshold])
tsv.loc[rids, 'ID'] = tmp if len(tmp) > 0 else '-'
tmp = ",".join([str(ranking[i][1]['proba_1'])
for i in range(len(ranking))
if threshold is None or ranking[i][1]['proba_1'] >= threshold])
tsv.loc[rids, 'conf'] = tmp if len(tmp) > 0 else '-'
rids = []
entity = ""
entity_type = None
ner_tmp = tsv.copy()
ner_tmp.loc[~ner_tmp['NE-TAG'].isin(['O', 'B-PER', 'B-LOC', 'B-ORG', 'I-PER', 'I-LOC', 'I-ORG']), 'NE-TAG'] = 'O'
for rid, row in ner_tmp.iterrows():
if row['NE-TAG'] != 'O':
entity_type = row['NE-TAG'][2:]
entity += " " if entity != "" else ""
entity += str(row['TOKEN'])
return tsv, ned_result