add tsv2tsv tool;make easy re-processing of tsv files possible

Kai Labusch 4 months ago
parent 24ecc16b2d
commit 438b10e407

@ -215,6 +215,7 @@ def alto2tsv(alto_xml_file, tsv_out_file, purpose, image_url, ner_rest_endpoint,
except requests.HTTPError as e:
def unicode_normalize(text, normalization_map=None, use_combining_characters=True):
if normalization_map is None:
@ -252,6 +253,123 @@ def unicode_normalize(text, normalization_map=None, use_combining_characters=Tru
return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', ret)
@click.argument('tsv-in-file', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, nargs=1)
@click.option('--tsv-out-file', type=click.Path(), default=None, help="Write modified TSV to this file.")
@click.option('--ner-rest-endpoint', type=str, default=None, help="")
@click.option('--noproxy', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='disable proxy. default: enabled.')
@click.option('--num-tokens', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Print number of tokens in input/output file.')
@click.option('--sentence-count', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Print sentence count in input/output file.')
@click.option('--max-sentence-len', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Print maximum sentence len for input/output file.')
@click.option('--keep-tokenization', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Keep the word tokenization exactly as it is.')
@click.option('--sentence-split-only', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Do only sentence splitting.')
@click.option('--show-urls', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Print contained visualization URLs.')
@click.option('--just-zero', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Process only files that have max sentence length zero,'
'i.e., that do not have sentence splitting.')
@click.option('--sanitize-sentence-numbers', type=bool, is_flag=True, help='Sanitize sentence numbering.')
def tsv2tsv(tsv_in_file, tsv_out_file, ner_rest_endpoint, noproxy,
num_tokens, sentence_count, max_sentence_len, keep_tokenization, sentence_split_only,
show_urls, just_zero, sanitize_sentence_numbers):
if noproxy:
os.environ['no_proxy'] = '*'
keep_tokenization = keep_tokenization or sentence_split_only
tsv, urls, contexts = read_tsv(tsv_in_file)
tsv.loc[tsv.TOKEN.isnull(), 'TOKEN'] = ""
print("Input file: {}".format(tsv_in_file))
if show_urls:
if tsv['No.'].max() > 0 and just_zero:
print("File {} already has sentence splitting (--just-zero). Skipping.".format(tsv_in_file))
if num_tokens:
print("Number of tokens {}". format(len(tsv)), end=" ")
if sentence_count:
print("Number of sentences {}". format(sum(tsv['No.'] == 0)), end=" ")
if max_sentence_len:
print("Maximum sentence length {}.".format(tsv['No.'].max()), end=" ")
if ner_rest_endpoint is None:
tsv_tmp = tsv
tsv_tmp, _ = ner(tsv, ner_rest_endpoint, keep_tokenization=keep_tokenization)
print("Output file: {}".format(tsv_out_file))
if num_tokens:
print("Number of tokens {}". format(len(tsv_tmp)), end=" ")
if sentence_count:
print("Number of sentences {}". format(sum(tsv_tmp['No.'] == 0)), end=" ")
if max_sentence_len:
print("Maximum sentence length {}.".format(tsv_tmp['No.'].max()), end=" ")
num_diff = -1
if keep_tokenization:
num_diff = sum(tsv.TOKEN != tsv_tmp.TOKEN)
if keep_tokenization and num_diff > 0:
print("Number of token differences: {}".format(num_diff))
raise AssertionError()
# diff = pd.concat([tsv.loc[tsv.TOKEN != tsv_tmp.TOKEN],
# tsv_tmp[['TOKEN']].loc[tsv.TOKEN != tsv_tmp.TOKEN].
# rename(columns={'TOKEN': 'TOKEN_TMP'})], axis=1)
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
if sentence_split_only:
tsv_out = tsv
tsv_out['No.'] = tsv_tmp['No.']
tsv_out = tsv_tmp
if sanitize_sentence_numbers:
word_pos = 0
prev_pos = 0
for idx, _ in tsv_out.iterrows():
# if idx < len(tsv_out) and len(tsv_out.loc[idx, 'TOKEN']) == 0 and tsv_out.loc[idx+1, 'No.'] == 0:
# print("word_pos=0!!!!")
# word_pos = 0
# if 0 < tsv_out.loc[idx, 'No.'] < word_pos:
# word_pos = 0
if prev_pos != 0 and not tsv_out.loc[idx, 'NE-TAG'].startswith('I-') and \
tsv_out.loc[idx, 'No.'] == 0 or len(tsv_out.loc[idx, 'TOKEN']) == 0:
word_pos = 0
prev_pos = word_pos
tsv_out.loc[idx, 'No.'] = word_pos
word_pos += 1
if tsv_out_file is None:
write_tsv(tsv_out, urls, contexts, tsv_out_file)
def page2tsv(page_xml_file, tsv_out_file, purpose, image_url, ner_rest_endpoint, ned_rest_endpoint,
noproxy, scale_factor, ned_threshold, min_confidence, max_confidence, ned_priority, normalization_file):
@ -287,8 +405,6 @@ def page2tsv(page_xml_file, tsv_out_file, purpose, image_url, ner_rest_endpoint,
normalization_map = normalization_map.set_index('decimal')
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
_unicode_normalize = lambda s: unicode_normalize(s, normalization_map=normalization_map)
for region_idx, region in enumerate(pcgts.get_Page().get_AllRegions(classes=['Text'], order='reading-order')):
@ -367,16 +483,12 @@ def page2tsv(page_xml_file, tsv_out_file, purpose, image_url, ner_rest_endpoint,
tsv = tsv.merge(line_info, left_on='line', right_index=True)
tsv = tsv[out_columns].reset_index(drop=True)
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
if purpose == 'NERD' and ner_rest_endpoint is not None:
tsv, ner_result = ner(tsv, ner_rest_endpoint)
if ned_rest_endpoint is not None:
tsv, _ = ned(tsv, ner_result, ned_rest_endpoint, threshold=ned_threshold, priority=ned_priority)
# import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace()
tsv.to_csv(tsv_out_file, sep="\t", quoting=3, index=False, mode='a', header=False, encoding='utf-8')
except requests.HTTPError as e:

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ setup(
