# TSV - Processing Tools ## Installation: Setup virtual environment: ``` virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv ``` Activate virtual environment: ``` source venv/bin/activate ``` Upgrade pip: ``` pip install -U pip ``` Install package together with its dependencies in development mode: ``` pip install -e ./ ``` ## PAGE-XML to TSV Transformation: Create a TSV file from OCR in PAGE-XML format (with word segmentation): ``` page2tsv PAGE1.xml PAGE.tsv --image-url=http://link-to-corresponding-image-1 ``` In order to create a TSV file for multiple PAGE XML files just perform successive calls of the tool using the same TSV file: ``` page2tsv PAGE1.xml PAGE.tsv --image-url=http://link-to-corresponding-image-1 page2tsv PAGE2.xml PAGE.tsv --image-url=http://link-to-corresponding-image-2 page2tsv PAGE3.xml PAGE.tsv --image-url=http://link-to-corresponding-image-3 page2tsv PAGE4.xml PAGE.tsv --image-url=http://link-to-corresponding-image-4 page2tsv PAGE5.xml PAGE.tsv --image-url=http://link-to-corresponding-image-5 ... ... ... ``` For instance, for the file [example.xml](https://github.com/qurator-spk/page2tsv/blob/master/example.xml): ``` page2tsv example.xml example.tsv --image-url=http://content.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/zefys/SNP27646518-18800101-0-3-0-0/left,top,width,height/full/0/default.jpg ``` --- ## Processing of already existing TSV files: Create a URL-annotated TSV file from an existing TSV file: ``` annotate-tsv enp_DE.tsv enp_DE-annotated.tsv ```