from os import environ from os.path import join from pathlib import Path from pkg_resources import resource_string from json import loads from PIL import Image import numpy as np import cv2 from click import command from ocrd_utils import ( getLogger, assert_file_grp_cardinality, make_file_id, MIMETYPE_PAGE ) from ocrd import Processor from ocrd_modelfactory import page_from_file from ocrd_models.ocrd_page import AlternativeImageType, to_xml from ocrd.decorators import ocrd_cli_options, ocrd_cli_wrap_processor from .sbb_binarize import SbbBinarizer OCRD_TOOL = loads(resource_string(__name__, 'ocrd-tool.json').decode('utf8')) TOOL = 'ocrd-sbb-binarize' def cv2pil(img): return Image.fromarray(img.astype('uint8')) def pil2cv(img): # from ocrd/ if img.mode in ('LA', 'RGBA'): newimg =[:-1], img.size, 'white') newimg.paste(img, mask=img.getchannel('A')) img = newimg color_conversion = cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR if img.mode in ('1', 'L') else cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR pil_as_np_array = np.array(img).astype('uint8') if img.mode == '1' else np.array(img) return cv2.cvtColor(pil_as_np_array, color_conversion) class SbbBinarizeProcessor(Processor): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['ocrd_tool'] = OCRD_TOOL['tools'][TOOL] kwargs['version'] = OCRD_TOOL['version'] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'output_file_grp'): # processing context self.setup() def setup(self): """ Set up the model prior to processing. """ LOG = getLogger('processor.SbbBinarize.__init__') if not 'model' in self.parameter: raise ValueError("'model' parameter is required") # resolve relative path via environment variable model_path = Path(self.parameter['model']) if not model_path.is_absolute(): if 'SBB_BINARIZE_DATA' in environ and environ['SBB_BINARIZE_DATA']:"Environment variable SBB_BINARIZE_DATA is set to '%s'" \ " - prepending to model value '%s'. If you don't want this mechanism," \ " unset the SBB_BINARIZE_DATA environment variable.", environ['SBB_BINARIZE_DATA'], model_path) model_path = Path(environ['SBB_BINARIZE_DATA']).joinpath(model_path) model_path = model_path.resolve() if not model_path.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("Does not exist or is not a directory: %s" % model_path) # resolve relative path via OCR-D ResourceManager model_path = self.resolve_resource(str(model_path)) self.binarizer = SbbBinarizer(model_dir=model_path, logger=LOG) def process(self): """ Binarize images with sbb_binarization (based on selectional auto-encoders). For each page of the input file group, open and deserialize input PAGE-XML and its respective images. Then iterate over the element hierarchy down to the requested ``operation_level``. For each segment element, retrieve a raw (non-binarized) segment image according to the layout annotation (from an existing ``AlternativeImage``, or by cropping into the higher-level images, and deskewing when applicable). Pass the image to the binarizer (which runs in fixed-size windows/patches across the image and stitches the results together). Serialize the resulting bilevel image as PNG file and add it to the output file group (with file ID suffix ``.IMG-BIN``) along with the output PAGE-XML (referencing it as new ``AlternativeImage`` for the segment element). Produce a new PAGE output file by serialising the resulting hierarchy. """ LOG = getLogger('processor.SbbBinarize') assert_file_grp_cardinality(self.input_file_grp, 1) assert_file_grp_cardinality(self.output_file_grp, 1) oplevel = self.parameter['operation_level'] for n, input_file in enumerate(self.input_files): file_id = make_file_id(input_file, self.output_file_grp) page_id = input_file.pageId or input_file.ID"INPUT FILE %i / %s", n, page_id) pcgts = page_from_file(self.workspace.download_file(input_file)) self.add_metadata(pcgts) pcgts.set_pcGtsId(file_id) page = pcgts.get_Page() page_image, page_xywh, _ = self.workspace.image_from_page(page, page_id, feature_filter='binarized') if oplevel == 'page':"Binarizing on 'page' level in page '%s'", page_id) bin_image = cv2pil( # update METS (add the image file): bin_image_path = self.workspace.save_image_file(bin_image, file_id + '.IMG-BIN', page_id=input_file.pageId, file_grp=self.output_file_grp) page.add_AlternativeImage(AlternativeImageType(filename=bin_image_path, comments='%s,binarized' % page_xywh['features'])) elif oplevel == 'region': regions = page.get_AllRegions(['Text', 'Table'], depth=1) if not regions: LOG.warning("Page '%s' contains no text/table regions", page_id) for region in regions: region_image, region_xywh = self.workspace.image_from_segment(region, page_image, page_xywh, feature_filter='binarized') region_image_bin = cv2pil( region_image_bin_path = self.workspace.save_image_file( region_image_bin, "%s_%s.IMG-BIN" % (file_id,, page_id=input_file.pageId, file_grp=self.output_file_grp) region.add_AlternativeImage( AlternativeImageType(filename=region_image_bin_path, comments='%s,binarized' % region_xywh['features'])) elif oplevel == 'line': region_line_tuples = [(, r.get_TextLine()) for r in page.get_AllRegions(['Text'], depth=0)] if not region_line_tuples: LOG.warning("Page '%s' contains no text lines", page_id) for region_id, line in region_line_tuples: line_image, line_xywh = self.workspace.image_from_segment(line, page_image, page_xywh, feature_filter='binarized') line_image_bin = cv2pil( line_image_bin_path = self.workspace.save_image_file( line_image_bin, "%s_%s_%s.IMG-BIN" % (file_id, region_id,, page_id=input_file.pageId, file_grp=self.output_file_grp) line.add_AlternativeImage( AlternativeImageType(filename=line_image_bin_path, comments='%s,binarized' % line_xywh['features'])) self.workspace.add_file( ID=file_id, file_grp=self.output_file_grp, pageId=input_file.pageId, mimetype=MIMETYPE_PAGE, local_filename=join(self.output_file_grp, file_id + '.xml'), content=to_xml(pcgts)) @command() @ocrd_cli_options def cli(*args, **kwargs): return ocrd_cli_wrap_processor(SbbBinarizeProcessor, *args, **kwargs)