import re import pandas as pd from tqdm import tqdm as tqdm import click import codecs import os import sqlite3 from qurator.utils.parallel import run as prun class ChunkTask: selection = None def __init__(self, chunk, min_line_len): self._chunk = chunk self._min_line_len = min_line_len def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return ChunkTask.reformat_chunk(self._chunk, self._min_line_len) @staticmethod def reformat_chunk(chunk, min_line_len): """ Process a chunk of documents. :param chunk: pandas DataFrame that contains one document per row. :param min_line_len: Break the document text up in lines that have this minimum length. :return: One big text where the documents are separated by an empty line. """ text = '' for i, r in chunk.iterrows(): if type(r.text) != str: continue ppn = r.ppn if str(r.ppn).startswith('PPN') else 'PPN' + r.ppn filename = str(r['file name']) if not ChunkTask.selection.loc[(ppn, filename)].selected.iloc[0]: continue for se in sentence_split(str(r.text), min_line_len): text += se text += '\n\n' return text @staticmethod def initialize(selection_file): ChunkTask.selection = \ pd.read_pickle(selection_file).\ reset_index().\ set_index(['ppn', 'filename']).\ sort_index() def get_csv_chunks(alto_csv_file, chunksize): for ch in tqdm(pd.read_csv(alto_csv_file, chunksize=chunksize)): yield ch def get_sqlite_chunks(alto_sqlite_file, chunksize): yield pd.DataFrame() with sqlite3.connect(alto_sqlite_file) as conn: conn.execute('pragma journal_mode=wal') total = int(conn.execute('select count(*) from text;').fetchone()[0] / chunksize) for ch in tqdm(pd.read_sql('select * from text', conn, chunksize=chunksize), total=total): yield ch def get_chunk_tasks(chunks, min_len_len): for chunk in chunks: if len(chunk) == 0: continue yield ChunkTask(chunk, min_len_len) def sentence_split(s, min_len): """ Reformat text of an entire document such that each line has at least length min_len :param s: str :param min_len: minimum line length :return: reformatted text """ parts = s.split(' ') se = '' for p in parts: se += ' ' + p if len(se) > min_len and len(p) > 2 and re.match(r'.*([^0-9])[.]$', p): yield se + '\n' se = '' yield se + '\n' @click.command() @click.argument('fulltext-file', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, nargs=1) @click.argument('selection-file', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, nargs=1) @click.argument('corpus-file', type=click.Path(), required=True, nargs=1) @click.option('--chunksize', default=10**4, help="Process the corpus in chunks of . default:10**4") @click.option('--processes', default=6, help="Number of parallel processes. default: 6") @click.option('--min-line-len', default=80, help="Lower bound of line length in output file. default:80") def collect(fulltext_file, selection_file, corpus_file, chunksize, processes, min_line_len): """ Reads the fulltext from a CSV or SQLITE3 file (see also altotool) and write it to one big text file. FULLTEXT_FILE: The CSV or SQLITE3 file to read from. SELECTION_FILE: Consider only a subset of all pages that is defined by the DataFrame that is stored in . CORPUS_FILE: The output file that can be used by bert-pregenerate-trainingdata. """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(corpus_file), exist_ok=True) print('Open {}.'.format(corpus_file)) corpus_fh =, 'w+', 'utf-8') corpus_fh.write(u'\ufeff') if fulltext_file.endswith('.csv'): chunks = get_csv_chunks(fulltext_file, chunksize) elif fulltext_file.endswith('.sqlite3'): chunks = get_sqlite_chunks(fulltext_file, chunksize) else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported input file format.') for text in prun(get_chunk_tasks(chunks, min_line_len), processes=processes, initializer=ChunkTask.initialize, initargs=(selection_file,)): corpus_fh.write(text) corpus_fh.close() return if __name__ == '__main__': main()