scaling and cropping of labels and org images

vahidrezanezhad 9 months ago
parent 4640d9f2dc
commit 821290c464

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
"use_case": "layout",
"use_case": "textline",
"textregions":{ "rest_as_paragraph": 1, "header":2 , "heading":2 , "marginalia":3 },
"graphicregions" :{"rest_as_decoration":6},
"artificial_class_on_boundry": ["paragraph"],
"columns_width":{"1":1000, "2":1300, "3":1600, "4":2000, "5":2300, "6":2500}

@ -14,10 +14,22 @@ def main():
help="directory of GT page-xml files",
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False),
help="directory of org images. If print space cropping or scaling is needed for labels it would be great to provide the original images to apply the same function on them. So if -ps is not set true or in config files no columns_width key is given this argumnet can be ignored. File stems in this directory should be the same as those in dir_xml.",
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False),
help="directory where the output org images after undergoing a process (like print space cropping or scaling) will be written.",
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False),
help="directory where ground truth images would be written",
help="directory where ground truth label images would be written",
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False),
@ -33,8 +45,14 @@ def main():
help="this defines how output should be. A 2d image array or a 3d image array encoded with RGB color. Just pass 2d or 3d. The file will be saved one directory up. 2D image array is 3d but only information of one channel would be enough since all channels have the same values.",
help="if this parameter set to true, generated labels and in the case of provided org images cropping will be imposed and cropped labels and images will be written in output directories.",
def pagexml2label(dir_xml,dir_out,type_output,config):
def pagexml2label(dir_xml,dir_out,type_output,config, printspace, dir_images, dir_out_images):
if config:
with open(config) as f:
config_params = json.load(f)
@ -42,7 +60,7 @@ def pagexml2label(dir_xml,dir_out,type_output,config):
config_params = None
gt_list = get_content_of_dir(dir_xml)
get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list,dir_xml,dir_out,type_output, config, config_params)
get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list,dir_xml,dir_out,type_output, config, config_params, printspace, dir_images, dir_out_images)
@ -181,7 +199,7 @@ def machine_based_reading_order(dir_xml, dir_out_modal_image, dir_out_classes, i
for i in range(len(texts_corr_order_index_int)):
for j in range(len(texts_corr_order_index_int)):
if i!=j:
input_matrix = np.zeros((input_height,input_width,3)).astype(np.int8)
input_multi_visual_modal = np.zeros((input_height,input_width,3)).astype(np.int8)
final_f_name = f_name+'_'+str(indexer+indexer_start)
order_class_condition = texts_corr_order_index_int[i]-texts_corr_order_index_int[j]
if order_class_condition<0:
@ -189,13 +207,13 @@ def machine_based_reading_order(dir_xml, dir_out_modal_image, dir_out_classes, i
class_type = 0
input_matrix[:,:,0] = resize_image(labels_con[:,:,i], input_height, input_width)
input_matrix[:,:,1] = resize_image(img_poly[:,:,0], input_height, input_width)
input_matrix[:,:,2] = resize_image(labels_con[:,:,j], input_height, input_width)
input_multi_visual_modal[:,:,0] = resize_image(labels_con[:,:,i], input_height, input_width)
input_multi_visual_modal[:,:,1] = resize_image(img_poly[:,:,0], input_height, input_width)
input_multi_visual_modal[:,:,2] = resize_image(labels_con[:,:,j], input_height, input_width),final_f_name+'.npy' ), class_type)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_out_modal_image,final_f_name+'.png' ), input_matrix)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_out_modal_image,final_f_name+'.png' ), input_multi_visual_modal)
indexer = indexer+1

@ -115,11 +115,15 @@ def update_region_contours(co_text, img_boundary, erosion_rate, dilation_rate, y
img_boundary[:,:][boundary[:,:]==1] =1
return co_text_eroded, img_boundary
def get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list, dir_in, output_dir, output_type, config_file, config_params):
def get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list, dir_in, output_dir, output_type, config_file, config_params, printspace, dir_images, dir_out_images):
Reading the page xml files and write the ground truth images into given output directory.
## to do: add footnote to text regions
if dir_images:
ls_org_imgs = os.listdir(dir_images)
ls_org_imgs_stem = [item.split('.')[0] for item in ls_org_imgs]
for index in tqdm(range(len(gt_list))):
tree1 = ET.parse(dir_in+'/'+gt_list[index], parser = ET.XMLParser(encoding = 'iso-8859-5'))
@ -133,6 +137,72 @@ def get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list, dir_in, output_dir, output_type, config_
if 'columns_width' in list(config_params.keys()):
columns_width_dict = config_params['columns_width']
metadata_element = root1.find(link+'Metadata')
comment_is_sub_element = False
for child in metadata_element:
tag2 = child.tag
if tag2.endswith('}Comments') or tag2.endswith('}comments'):
text_comments = child.text
num_col = int(text_comments.split('num_col')[1])
comment_is_sub_element = True
if not comment_is_sub_element:
num_col = None
if num_col:
x_new = columns_width_dict[str(num_col)]
y_new = int ( x_new * (y_len / float(x_len)) )
if printspace:
region_tags = np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('PrintSpace') or x.endswith('Border')])
co_use_case = []
for tag in region_tags:
tag_endings = ['}PrintSpace','}Border']
if tag.endswith(tag_endings[0]) or tag.endswith(tag_endings[1]):
for nn in root1.iter(tag):
c_t_in = []
sumi = 0
for vv in nn.iter():
# check the format of coords
if vv.tag == link + 'Coords':
coords = bool(vv.attrib)
if coords:
p_h = vv.attrib['points'].split(' ')
np.array([[int(x.split(',')[0]), int(x.split(',')[1])] for x in p_h]))
if vv.tag == link + 'Point':
c_t_in.append([int(float(vv.attrib['x'])), int(float(vv.attrib['y']))])
sumi += 1
elif vv.tag != link + 'Point' and sumi >= 1:
img = np.zeros((y_len, x_len, 3))
img_poly = cv2.fillPoly(img, pts=co_use_case, color=(1, 1, 1))
img_poly = img_poly.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img_poly, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cnt_size = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contours[j]) for j in range(len(contours))])
cnt = contours[np.argmax(cnt_size)]
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt)
bb_xywh = [x, y, w, h]
if config_file and (config_params['use_case']=='textline' or config_params['use_case']=='word' or config_params['use_case']=='glyph' or config_params['use_case']=='printspace'):
keys = list(config_params.keys())
if "artificial_class_label" in keys:
@ -186,7 +256,6 @@ def get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list, dir_in, output_dir, output_type, config_
if "artificial_class_label" in keys:
img_boundary = np.zeros((y_len, x_len))
erosion_rate = 1
@ -205,12 +274,32 @@ def get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list, dir_in, output_dir, output_type, config_
img_poly[:,:,0][img_boundary[:,:]==1] = artificial_class_rgb_color[0]
img_poly[:,:,1][img_boundary[:,:]==1] = artificial_class_rgb_color[1]
img_poly[:,:,2][img_boundary[:,:]==1] = artificial_class_rgb_color[2]
if printspace and config_params['use_case']!='printspace':
img_poly = img_poly[bb_xywh[1]:bb_xywh[1]+bb_xywh[3], bb_xywh[0]:bb_xywh[0]+bb_xywh[2], :]
if 'columns_width' in list(config_params.keys()) and num_col and config_params['use_case']!='printspace':
img_poly = resize_image(img_poly, y_new, x_new)
cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/' + gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0] + '.png',
xml_file_stem = gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, xml_file_stem + '.png'), img_poly)
cv2.imwrite(output_dir + '/' + gt_list[index].split('.')[0] + '.png', img_poly)
xml_file_stem = gt_list[index].split('.')[0]
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, xml_file_stem + '.png'), img_poly)
if dir_images:
org_image_name = ls_org_imgs[ls_org_imgs_stem.index(xml_file_stem)]
img_org = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_images, org_image_name))
if printspace and config_params['use_case']!='printspace':
img_org = img_org[bb_xywh[1]:bb_xywh[1]+bb_xywh[3], bb_xywh[0]:bb_xywh[0]+bb_xywh[2], :]
if 'columns_width' in list(config_params.keys()) and num_col and config_params['use_case']!='printspace':
img_org = resize_image(img_org, y_new, x_new)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_out_images, org_image_name), img_org)
if config_file and config_params['use_case']=='layout':
@ -616,11 +705,31 @@ def get_images_of_ground_truth(gt_list, dir_in, output_dir, output_type, config_
if printspace:
img_poly = img_poly[bb_xywh[1]:bb_xywh[1]+bb_xywh[3], bb_xywh[0]:bb_xywh[0]+bb_xywh[2], :]
if 'columns_width' in list(config_params.keys()) and num_col:
img_poly = resize_image(img_poly, y_new, x_new)
cv2.imwrite(output_dir+'/'+gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly )
xml_file_stem = gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, xml_file_stem + '.png'), img_poly)
cv2.imwrite(output_dir+'/'+gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly )
xml_file_stem = gt_list[index].split('.')[0]
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(output_dir, xml_file_stem + '.png'), img_poly)
if dir_images:
org_image_name = ls_org_imgs[ls_org_imgs_stem.index(xml_file_stem)]
img_org = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_images, org_image_name))
if printspace:
img_org = img_org[bb_xywh[1]:bb_xywh[1]+bb_xywh[3], bb_xywh[0]:bb_xywh[0]+bb_xywh[2], :]
if 'columns_width' in list(config_params.keys()) and num_col:
img_org = resize_image(img_org, y_new, x_new)
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_out_images, org_image_name), img_org)
