import click import sys import os import numpy as np import warnings import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from tqdm import tqdm import cv2 from shapely import geometry with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") __doc__=\ """ tool to extract 2d or 3d RGB images from page xml data. In former case output will be 1 2D image array which each class has filled with a pixel value. In the case of 3D RGB image each class will be defined with a RGB value and beside images a text file of classes also will be produced. This classes.txt file is required for dhsegment tool. """ KERNEL = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) class pagexml2word: def __init__(self,dir_in, out_dir,output_type,experiment): self.dir=dir_in self.output_dir=out_dir self.output_type=output_type self.experiment=experiment def get_content_of_dir(self): """ Listing all ground truth page xml files. All files are needed to have xml format. """ gt_all=os.listdir(self.dir) self.gt_list=[file for file in gt_all if file.split('.')[ len(file.split('.'))-1 ]=='xml' ] def return_parent_contours(self,contours, hierarchy): contours_parent = [contours[i] for i in range(len(contours)) if hierarchy[0][i][3] == -1] return contours_parent def filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(self,image, contours, hierarchy, max_area, min_area): found_polygons_early = list() jv = 0 for c in contours: if len(c) < 3: # A polygon cannot have less than 3 points continue polygon = geometry.Polygon([point[0] for point in c]) # area = cv2.contourArea(c) area = polygon.area ##print([:2])) # Check that polygon has area greater than minimal area # print(hierarchy[0][jv][3],hierarchy ) if area >= min_area *[:2]) and area <= max_area *[:2]): # and hierarchy[0][jv][3]==-1 : # print(c[0][0][1]) found_polygons_early.append(np.array([[point] for point in polygon.exterior.coords], dtype=np.int32)) jv += 1 return found_polygons_early def return_contours_of_interested_region(self,region_pre_p, pixel, min_area=0.0002): # pixels of images are identified by 5 if len(region_pre_p.shape) == 3: cnts_images = (region_pre_p[:, :, 0] == pixel) * 1 else: cnts_images = (region_pre_p[:, :] == pixel) * 1 cnts_images = cnts_images.astype(np.uint8) cnts_images = np.repeat(cnts_images[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) imgray = cv2.cvtColor(cnts_images, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0) contours_imgs, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) contours_imgs = self.return_parent_contours(contours_imgs, hierarchy) contours_imgs = self.filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(thresh, contours_imgs, hierarchy, max_area=1, min_area=min_area) return contours_imgs def get_images_of_ground_truth(self): """ Reading the page xml files and write the ground truth images into given output directory. """ for index in tqdm(range(len(self.gt_list))): #try: tree1 = ET.parse(self.dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index]) root1=tree1.getroot() alltags=[elem.tag for elem in root1.iter()] link=alltags[0].split('}')[0]+'}' for jj in root1.iter(link+'Page'): y_len=int(jj.attrib['imageHeight']) x_len=int(jj.attrib['imageWidth']) if self.experiment=='word': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('Word')]) co_word=[] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}Word') or tag.endswith('}word'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_word.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len, 3) ) if self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_word, color=(1,1,1)) elif self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_word, color=(255,0,0)) try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) elif self.experiment=='glyph': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('Glyph')]) co_glyph=[] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}Glyph') or tag.endswith('}glyph'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_glyph.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len, 3) ) if self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_glyph, color=(1,1,1)) elif self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_glyph, color=(255,0,0)) try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) elif self.experiment=='textline': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('TextLine')]) co_line=[] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}TextLine') or tag.endswith('}textline'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_line.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len, 3) ) if self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_line, color=(1,1,1)) elif self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_line, color=(255,0,0)) try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) elif self.experiment == 'textline_new_concept': region_tags = np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('TextLine')]) co_line = [] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}TextLine') or tag.endswith('}textline'): # print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in = [] sumi = 0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag == link + 'Coords': coords = bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h = vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array([[int(x.split(',')[0]), int(x.split(',')[1])] for x in p_h])) break else: pass if vv.tag == link + 'Point': c_t_in.append([int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])), int(np.float(vv.attrib['y']))]) sumi += 1 # print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag != link + 'Point' and sumi >= 1: break co_line.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img_boundary = np.zeros((y_len, x_len)) co_textline_eroded = [] for con in co_line: # try: img_boundary_in = np.zeros((y_len, x_len)) img_boundary_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_boundary_in, pts=[con], color=(1, 1, 1)) # print('bidiahhhhaaa') # img_boundary_in = cv2.erode(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=7)#asiatica img_boundary_in = cv2.erode(img_boundary_in[:, :], KERNEL, iterations=1) pixel = 1 min_size = 0 con_eroded = self.return_contours_of_interested_region(img_boundary_in, pixel, min_size) try: co_textline_eroded.append(con_eroded[0]) except: co_textline_eroded.append(con) img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:, :], KERNEL, iterations=3) # img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=5) boundary = img_boundary_in_dilated[:, :] - img_boundary_in[:, :] img_boundary[:, :][boundary[:, :] == 1] = 1 img = np.zeros((y_len, x_len, 3)) if self.output_type == '2d': img_poly = cv2.fillPoly(img, pts=co_textline_eroded, color=(1, 1, 1)) img_poly[:, :][img_boundary[:, :] == 1] = 2 elif self.output_type == '3d': img_poly = cv2.fillPoly(img, pts=co_textline_eroded, color=(255, 0, 0)) img_poly[:, :, 0][img_boundary[:, :] == 1] = 255 img_poly[:, :, 1][img_boundary[:, :] == 1] = 125 img_poly[:, :, 2][img_boundary[:, :] == 1] = 125 try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir + '/' + self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0] + '.png', img_poly) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir + '/' + self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0] + '.png', img_poly) elif self.experiment=='layout_for_main_regions': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('Region')]) #print(region_tags) co_text=[] co_sep=[] co_img=[] #co_graphic=[] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}TextRegion') or tag.endswith('}Textregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_text.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}ImageRegion') or tag.endswith('}GraphicRegion') or tag.endswith('}imageregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_img.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}SeparatorRegion') or tag.endswith('}separatorregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_sep.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len,3) ) if self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text, color=(255,0,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_img, color=(0,255,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_sep, color=(0,0,255)) ##img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic, color=(255,125,125)) elif self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text, color=(1,1,1)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_img, color=(2,2,2)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_sep, color=(3,3,3)) try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) elif self.experiment=='textregion': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('TextRegion')]) co_textregion=[] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}TextRegion') or tag.endswith('}Textregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_textregion.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len,3) ) if self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_textregion, color=(255,0,0)) elif self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_textregion, color=(1,1,1)) try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) elif self.experiment=='layout': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('Region')]) co_text_paragraph=[] co_text_drop=[] co_text_heading=[] co_text_header=[] co_text_marginalia=[] co_text_catch=[] co_text_page_number=[] co_text_signature_mark=[] co_sep=[] co_img=[] co_table=[] co_graphic=[] co_graphic_text_annotation=[] co_graphic_decoration=[] co_noise=[] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}TextRegion') or tag.endswith('}Textregion'): for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in_drop=[] c_t_in_paragraph=[] c_t_in_heading=[] c_t_in_header=[] c_t_in_page_number=[] c_t_in_signature_mark=[] c_t_in_catch=[] c_t_in_marginalia=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: #print('birda1') p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') if "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='drop-capital': #if nn.attrib['type']=='paragraph': c_t_in_drop.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='heading': c_t_in_heading.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='signature-mark': c_t_in_signature_mark.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='header': c_t_in_header.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='catch-word': c_t_in_catch.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='page-number': c_t_in_page_number.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='marginalia': c_t_in_marginalia.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) else: c_t_in_paragraph.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': if "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='drop-capital': #if nn.attrib['type']=='paragraph': c_t_in_drop.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='heading': c_t_in_heading.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='signature-mark': c_t_in_signature_mark.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='header': c_t_in_header.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='catch-word': c_t_in_catch.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='page-number': c_t_in_page_number.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='marginalia': c_t_in_marginalia.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) sumi+=1 else: c_t_in_paragraph.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) sumi+=1 #c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break if len(c_t_in_drop)>0: co_text_drop.append(np.array(c_t_in_drop)) if len(c_t_in_paragraph)>0: co_text_paragraph.append(np.array(c_t_in_paragraph)) if len(c_t_in_heading)>0: co_text_heading.append(np.array(c_t_in_heading)) if len(c_t_in_header)>0: co_text_header.append(np.array(c_t_in_header)) if len(c_t_in_page_number)>0: co_text_page_number.append(np.array(c_t_in_page_number)) if len(c_t_in_catch)>0: co_text_catch.append(np.array(c_t_in_catch)) if len(c_t_in_signature_mark)>0: co_text_signature_mark.append(np.array(c_t_in_signature_mark)) if len(c_t_in_marginalia)>0: co_text_marginalia.append(np.array(c_t_in_marginalia)) elif tag.endswith('}GraphicRegion') or tag.endswith('}graphicregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] c_t_in_text_annotation=[] c_t_in_decoration=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') #c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) if "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='handwritten-annotation': #if nn.attrib['type']=='paragraph': c_t_in_text_annotation.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='decoration': c_t_in_decoration.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) else: c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': if "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='handwritten-annotation': #if nn.attrib['type']=='paragraph': c_t_in_text_annotation.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 elif "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='decoration': c_t_in_decoration.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) #print(c_t_in_paragraph) sumi+=1 else: c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 if len(c_t_in_text_annotation)>0: co_graphic_text_annotation.append(np.array(c_t_in_text_annotation)) if len(c_t_in_decoration)>0: co_graphic_decoration.append(np.array(c_t_in_decoration)) if len(c_t_in)>0: co_graphic.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}ImageRegion') or tag.endswith('}imageregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_img.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}SeparatorRegion') or tag.endswith('}separatorregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_sep.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}TableRegion') or tag.endswith('}tableregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_table.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}NoiseRegion') or tag.endswith('}noiseregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_noise.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len,3) ) if self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_paragraph, color=(255,0,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_heading, color=(255,125,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_header, color=(255,0,125)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_catch, color=(125,255,125)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_signature_mark, color=(125,125,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic_decoration, color=(0,125,255)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_page_number, color=(0,125,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_marginalia, color=(125,125,125)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_drop, color=(0,125,255)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic_text_annotation, color=(125,0,125)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_img, color=(0,255,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_sep, color=(0,0,255)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_table, color=(0,255,255)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic, color=(255,125,125)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_noise, color=(255,0,255)) elif self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_paragraph, color=(1,1,1)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_heading, color=(2,2,2)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_header, color=(2,2,2)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_catch, color=(3,3,3)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_signature_mark, color=(4,4,4)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic_decoration, color=(5,5,5)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_page_number, color=(6,6,6)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_marginalia, color=(7,7,7)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_drop, color=(8,8,8)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic_text_annotation, color=(9,9,9)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_img, color=(10,10,10)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_sep, color=(11,11,11)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_table, color=(12,12,12)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic, color=(13,13,14)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_noise, color=(15,15,15)) try: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) elif self.experiment=='layout_for_main_regions_new_concept': region_tags=np.unique([x for x in alltags if x.endswith('Region')]) #print(region_tags) co_text=[] co_sep=[] co_img=[] co_drop = [] co_graphic=[] co_table = [] for tag in region_tags: if tag.endswith('}TextRegion') or tag.endswith('}Textregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] c_t_in_drop = [] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') if "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='drop-capital': c_t_in_drop.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) else: c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': if "type" in nn.attrib and nn.attrib['type']=='drop-capital': c_t_in_drop.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 else: c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break if len(c_t_in)>0: co_text.append(np.array(c_t_in)) if len(c_t_in_drop)>0: co_drop.append(np.array(c_t_in_drop)) elif tag.endswith('}ImageRegion') or tag.endswith('}GraphicRegion') or tag.endswith('}imageregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_img.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}SeparatorRegion') or tag.endswith('}separatorregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_sep.append(np.array(c_t_in)) elif tag.endswith('}TableRegion') or tag.endswith('}tableregion'): #print('sth') for nn in root1.iter(tag): c_t_in=[] sumi=0 for vv in nn.iter(): # check the format of coords if vv.tag==link+'Coords': coords=bool(vv.attrib) if coords: p_h=vv.attrib['points'].split(' ') c_t_in.append( np.array( [ [ int(x.split(',')[0]) , int(x.split(',')[1]) ] for x in p_h] ) ) break else: pass if vv.tag==link+'Point': c_t_in.append([ int(np.float(vv.attrib['x'])) , int(np.float(vv.attrib['y'])) ]) sumi+=1 #print(vv.tag,'in') elif vv.tag!=link+'Point' and sumi>=1: break co_table.append(np.array(c_t_in)) img_boundary = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len) ) co_text_eroded = [] for con in co_text: #try: img_boundary_in = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len) ) img_boundary_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_boundary_in, pts=[con], color=(1, 1, 1)) #print('bidiahhhhaaa') #img_boundary_in = cv2.erode(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=7)#asiatica img_boundary_in = cv2.erode(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=2) pixel = 1 min_size = 0 con_eroded = self.return_contours_of_interested_region(img_boundary_in,pixel, min_size ) try: co_text_eroded.append(con_eroded[0]) except: co_text_eroded.append(con) img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=4) #img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=5) boundary = img_boundary_in_dilated[:,:] - img_boundary_in[:,:] img_boundary[:,:][boundary[:,:]==1] =1 ###co_table_eroded = [] ###for con in co_table: ####try: ###img_boundary_in = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len) ) ###img_boundary_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_boundary_in, pts=[con], color=(1, 1, 1)) ####print('bidiahhhhaaa') #####img_boundary_in = cv2.erode(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=7)#asiatica ###img_boundary_in = cv2.erode(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=2) ###pixel = 1 ###min_size = 0 ###con_eroded = self.return_contours_of_interested_region(img_boundary_in,pixel, min_size ) ###try: ###co_table_eroded.append(con_eroded[0]) ###except: ###co_table_eroded.append(con) ###img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=4) ###boundary = img_boundary_in_dilated[:,:] - img_boundary_in[:,:] ###img_boundary[:,:][boundary[:,:]==1] =1 #except: #pass #for con in co_img: #img_boundary_in = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len) ) #img_boundary_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_boundary_in, pts=[con], color=(1, 1, 1)) #img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=3) #boundary = img_boundary_in_dilated[:,:] - img_boundary_in[:,:] #img_boundary[:,:][boundary[:,:]==1] =1 #for con in co_sep: #img_boundary_in = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len) ) #img_boundary_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_boundary_in, pts=[con], color=(1, 1, 1)) #img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=3) #boundary = img_boundary_in_dilated[:,:] - img_boundary_in[:,:] img_boundary[:,:][boundary[:,:]==1] =1 for con in co_drop: img_boundary_in = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len) ) img_boundary_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_boundary_in, pts=[con], color=(1, 1, 1)) img_boundary_in_dilated = cv2.dilate(img_boundary_in[:,:], KERNEL, iterations=3) boundary = img_boundary_in_dilated[:,:] - img_boundary_in[:,:] img_boundary[:,:][boundary[:,:]==1] =1 img = np.zeros( (y_len,x_len,3) ) if self.output_type == '2d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_img, color=(2,2,2)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_eroded, color=(1,1,1)) ##img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic, color=(4,4,4)) ###img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_table, color=(1,1,1)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_drop, color=(1,1,1)) img_poly[:,:][img_boundary[:,:]==1] = 4 img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_sep, color=(3,3,3)) elif self.output_type == '3d': img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_img, color=(0,255,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_text_eroded, color=(255,0,0)) img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_drop, color=(0,125,255)) img_poly[:,:,0][img_boundary[:,:]==1]=255 img_poly[:,:,1][img_boundary[:,:]==1]=125 img_poly[:,:,2][img_boundary[:,:]==1]=125 img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_sep, color=(0,0,255)) ##img_poly=cv2.fillPoly(img, pts =co_graphic, color=(255,125,125)) #print('yazdimmm',self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png') try: #print('yazdimmm',self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png') cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('-')[1].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) except: cv2.imwrite(self.output_dir+'/'+self.gt_list[index].split('.')[0]+'.png',img_poly ) #except: #pass def run(self): self.get_content_of_dir() self.get_images_of_ground_truth() @click.command() @click.option( "--dir_xml", "-dx", help="directory of GT page-xml files", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False), ) @click.option( "--dir_out", "-do", help="directory where ground truth images would be written", type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False), ) @click.option( "--type_output", "-to", help="this defines how output should be. A 2d image array or a 3d image array encoded with RGB color. Just pass 2d or 3d. The file will be saved one directory up. 2D image array is 3d but only information of one channel would be enough since all channels have the same values.", ) @click.option( "--experiment", "-exp", help="experiment of ineterst. Word , textline , glyph and textregion are desired options.", ) def main(dir_xml,dir_out,type_output,experiment): x=pagexml2word(dir_xml,dir_out,type_output,experiment) if __name__=="__main__": main()