# Textline Detection > Detect textlines in document images ## Introduction This tool performs printspace, region and textline detection from document image data and returns the results as [PAGE-XML](https://github.com/PRImA-Research-Lab/PAGE-XML). ## Installation `pip install .` ### Models In order to run this tool you also need trained models. You can download our pretrained models from here: https://qurator-data.de/sbb_textline_detector/ ## Usage `sbb_textline_detector -i -o -m ` ### Usage with OCR-D ~~~ ocrd-example-binarize -I OCR-D-IMG -O OCR-D-IMG-BIN ocrd-sbb-textline-detector -I OCR-D-IMG-BIN -O OCR-D-SEG-LINE-SBB \ -p '{ "model": "/path/to/the/models/textline_detection" }' ~~~ Segmentation works on raw RGB images, but respects and retains `AlternativeImage`s from binarization steps, so it's a good idea to do binarization first, then perform the textline detection. The used binarization processor must produce an `AlternativeImage` for the binarized image, not replace the original raw RGB image.