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# check for things not installed via dpkg/apt and other junk
`dirname $0`/saubermann-common
echo "== Packages not in installed state"
dpkg -l | egrep -v "^(ii|Desired|\||\+)"
echo "== Orphan packages"
deborphan | egrep -v 'libc6-i686|lib.*-ruby$|opensync|gstreamer0.10-plugins.*|libtime-modules-perl|vpim|gnome-session-fallback|.*-globalmenu|gcalctool|clive|unity-scope'
echo "== *.dpkg in /etc"
find /etc -name "*.dpkg-*" -or -name "*.ucf-*"
echo "== Orphan packages according to aptitude"
aptitude search "~o"