@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ from markupsafe import escape
from qurator.dinglehopper import *
def gen_diff_report(gt_things, ocr_things, css_prefix, joiner, none, align):
def gen_diff_report(gt_in, ocr_in, css_prefix, joiner, none):
gtx = ''
ocrx = ''
def format_thing(t, css_classes=None):
def format_thing(t, css_classes=None, id_=None):
if t is None:
html_t = none
css_classes += ' ellipsis'
@ -21,19 +21,52 @@ def gen_diff_report(gt_things, ocr_things, css_prefix, joiner, none, align):
html_t = escape(t)
html_custom_attrs = ""
# XXX must sanitize id_ or do we trust the XML?
if id_:
html_custom_attrs = 'data-segment-id="{}"'.format(id_)
if css_classes:
return '<span class="{css_classes}">{html_t}</span>'.format(css_classes=css_classes, html_t=html_t)
return '<span class="{css_classes}" {html_custom_attrs}>{html_t}</span>'.format(css_classes=css_classes, html_t=html_t, html_custom_attrs=html_custom_attrs)
return '{html_t}'.format(html_t=html_t)
for k, (g, o) in enumerate(align(gt_things, ocr_things)):
if g == o:
css_classes = None
if isinstance(gt_in, ExtractedText):
if not isinstance(ocr_in, ExtractedText):
raise TypeError()
# XXX splitting should be done in ExtractedText
gt_things = list(grapheme_clusters(gt_in.text))
ocr_things = list(grapheme_clusters(ocr_in.text))
gt_things = gt_in
ocr_things = ocr_in
g_pos = 0
o_pos = 0
for k, (g, o) in enumerate(seq_align(gt_things, ocr_things)):
css_classes = None
gt_id = None
ocr_id = None
if g != o:
css_classes = '{css_prefix}diff{k} diff'.format(css_prefix=css_prefix, k=k)
if isinstance(gt_in, ExtractedText):
gt_id = gt_in.segment_id_for_pos(g_pos) if g is not None else None
ocr_id = ocr_in.segment_id_for_pos(o_pos) if o is not None else None
# XXX note that deletions and inserts only produce one id + None, UI must
# support this, i.e. display for the one id produced
# XXX otherwise, it should always display for BOTH ids
gtx += joiner + format_thing(g, css_classes, gt_id)
ocrx += joiner + format_thing(o, css_classes, ocr_id)
if g is not None:
g_pos += len(g)
if o is not None:
o_pos += len(o)
gtx += joiner + format_thing(g, css_classes)
ocrx += joiner + format_thing(o, css_classes)
return \
@ -51,20 +84,21 @@ def process(gt, ocr, report_prefix, *, metrics=True):
Click on a wrapper.
gt_text = text(gt)
ocr_text = text(ocr)
gt_text = extract(gt)
ocr_text = extract(ocr)
gt_text = substitute_equivalences(gt_text)
ocr_text = substitute_equivalences(ocr_text)
#gt_text = substitute_equivalences(gt_text)
#ocr_text = substitute_equivalences(ocr_text)
cer, n_characters = character_error_rate_n(gt_text, ocr_text)
wer, n_words = word_error_rate_n(gt_text, ocr_text)
char_diff_report = gen_diff_report(gt_text, ocr_text, css_prefix='c', joiner='', none='·', align=align)
char_diff_report = gen_diff_report(gt_text, ocr_text, css_prefix='c', joiner='', none='·')
gt_words = words_normalized(gt_text)
ocr_words = words_normalized(ocr_text)
word_diff_report = gen_diff_report(gt_words, ocr_words, css_prefix='w', joiner=' ', none='⋯', align=seq_align)
word_diff_report = gen_diff_report(gt_words, ocr_words, css_prefix='w', joiner=' ', none='⋯')
def json_float(value):
"""Convert a float value to an JSON float.