You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

3348 lines
146 KiB

Unused methods from eynollah
import numpy as np
from shapely import geometry
import cv2
def color_images_diva(seg, n_classes):
XXX unused
ann_u = range(n_classes)
if len(np.shape(seg)) == 3:
seg = seg[:, :, 0]
seg_img = np.zeros((np.shape(seg)[0], np.shape(seg)[1], 3)).astype(float)
# colors=sns.color_palette("hls", n_classes)
colors = [[1, 0, 0], [8, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0]]
for c in ann_u:
c = int(c)
segl = seg == c
seg_img[:, :, 0][seg == c] = colors[c][0] # segl*(colors[c][0])
seg_img[:, :, 1][seg == c] = colors[c][1] # seg_img[:,:,1]=segl*(colors[c][1])
seg_img[:, :, 2][seg == c] = colors[c][2] # seg_img[:,:,2]=segl*(colors[c][2])
return seg_img
def find_polygons_size_filter(contours, median_area, scaler_up=1.2, scaler_down=0.8):
XXX unused
found_polygons_early = list()
for c in contours:
if len(c) < 3: # A polygon cannot have less than 3 points
polygon = geometry.Polygon([point[0] for point in c])
area = polygon.area
# Check that polygon has area greater than minimal area
if area >= median_area * scaler_down and area <= median_area * scaler_up:
found_polygons_early.append(np.array([point for point in polygon.exterior.coords], dtype=np.uint))
return found_polygons_early
def resize_ann(seg_in, input_height, input_width):
XXX unused
return cv2.resize(seg_in, (input_width, input_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
def get_one_hot(seg, input_height, input_width, n_classes):
seg = seg[:, :, 0]
seg_f = np.zeros((input_height, input_width, n_classes))
for j in range(n_classes):
seg_f[:, :, j] = (seg == j).astype(int)
return seg_f
def color_images(seg, n_classes):
ann_u = range(n_classes)
if len(np.shape(seg)) == 3:
seg = seg[:, :, 0]
seg_img = np.zeros((np.shape(seg)[0], np.shape(seg)[1], 3)).astype(np.uint8)
colors = sns.color_palette("hls", n_classes)
for c in ann_u:
c = int(c)
segl = seg == c
seg_img[:, :, 0] = segl * c
seg_img[:, :, 1] = segl * c
seg_img[:, :, 2] = segl * c
return seg_img
def cleaning_probs(probs, sigma):
# Smooth
if sigma > 0.0:
return cv2.GaussianBlur(probs, (int(3 * sigma) * 2 + 1, int(3 * sigma) * 2 + 1), sigma)
elif sigma == 0.0:
return cv2.fastNlMeansDenoising((probs * 255).astype(np.uint8), h=20) / 255
else: # Negative sigma, do not do anything
return probs
def early_deskewing_slope_calculation_based_on_lines(region_pre_p):
# lines are labels by 6 in this model
seperators_closeup = ((region_pre_p[:, :, :] == 6)) * 1
seperators_closeup = seperators_closeup.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(seperators_closeup, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_lines, hierachy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
slope_lines, dist_x, x_min_main, x_max_main, cy_main, slope_lines_org, y_min_main, y_max_main, cx_main = find_features_of_lines(contours_lines)
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org[slope_lines == 0]
args = np.array(range(len(slope_lines)))
len_x = seperators_closeup.shape[1] / 4.0
args_hor = args[slope_lines == 0]
dist_x_hor = dist_x[slope_lines == 0]
x_min_main_hor = x_min_main[slope_lines == 0]
x_max_main_hor = x_max_main[slope_lines == 0]
cy_main_hor = cy_main[slope_lines == 0]
args_hor = args_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x / 2.0]
x_max_main_hor = x_max_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x / 2.0]
x_min_main_hor = x_min_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x / 2.0]
cy_main_hor = cy_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x / 2.0]
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x / 2.0]
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org_hor[np.abs(slope_lines_org_hor) < 1.2]
slope_mean_hor = np.mean(slope_lines_org_hor)
if np.abs(slope_mean_hor) > 1.2:
slope_mean_hor = 0
# deskewed_new=rotate_image(image_regions_eraly_p[:,:,:],slope_mean_hor)
args_ver = args[slope_lines == 1]
y_min_main_ver = y_min_main[slope_lines == 1]
y_max_main_ver = y_max_main[slope_lines == 1]
x_min_main_ver = x_min_main[slope_lines == 1]
x_max_main_ver = x_max_main[slope_lines == 1]
cx_main_ver = cx_main[slope_lines == 1]
dist_y_ver = y_max_main_ver - y_min_main_ver
len_y = seperators_closeup.shape[0] / 3.0
return slope_mean_hor, cx_main_ver, dist_y_ver
def boosting_text_only_regions_by_header(textregion_pre_np, img_only_text):
result = ((img_only_text[:, :] == 1) | (textregion_pre_np[:, :, 0] == 2)) * 1
return result
def return_rotated_contours(slope, img_patch):
dst = rotate_image(img_patch, slope)
dst = dst.astype(np.uint8)
dst = dst[:, :, 0]
dst[dst != 0] = 1
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(dst, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel)
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
return contours
def get_textlines_for_each_textregions(self, textline_mask_tot, boxes):
textline_mask_tot = cv2.erode(textline_mask_tot, self.kernel, iterations=1)
self.area_of_cropped = []
self.all_text_region_raw = []
for jk in range(len(boxes)):
crop_img, crop_coor = crop_image_inside_box(boxes[jk], np.repeat(textline_mask_tot[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2))
crop_img = crop_img.astype(np.uint8)
self.all_text_region_raw.append(crop_img[:, :, 0])
self.area_of_cropped.append(crop_img.shape[0] * crop_img.shape[1])
def deskew_region_prediction(regions_prediction, slope):
image_regions_deskewd = np.zeros(regions_prediction[:, :].shape)
for ind in np.unique(regions_prediction[:, :]):
interest_reg = (regions_prediction[:, :] == ind) * 1
interest_reg = interest_reg.astype(np.uint8)
deskewed_new = rotate_image(interest_reg, slope)
deskewed_new = deskewed_new[:, :]
deskewed_new[deskewed_new != 0] = ind
image_regions_deskewd = image_regions_deskewd + deskewed_new
return image_regions_deskewd
def deskew_erarly(textline_mask):
textline_mask_org = np.copy(textline_mask)
# print(textline_mask.shape,np.unique(textline_mask),'hizzzzz')
# slope_new=0#deskew_images(img_patch)
textline_mask = np.repeat(textline_mask[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) * 255
textline_mask = textline_mask.astype(np.uint8)
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(textline_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# print(hirarchy)
commenst_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image(thresh, contours, hirarchy, max_area=0.01, min_area=0.003)
main_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image(thresh, contours, hirarchy, max_area=1, min_area=0.003)
interior_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image_interiors(thresh, contours, hirarchy, max_area=1, min_area=0)
img_comm = np.zeros(thresh.shape)
img_comm_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_comm, pts=main_contours, color=(255, 255, 255))
###img_comm_in=cv2.fillPoly(img_comm, pts =interior_contours, color=(0,0,0))
img_comm_in = np.repeat(img_comm_in[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
img_comm_in = img_comm_in.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img_comm_in, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
##imgray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
##mask = cv2.inRange(imgray, lower_blue, upper_blue)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
# print(np.unique(mask))
##ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
areas = [cv2.contourArea(contours[jj]) for jj in range(len(contours))]
median_area = np.mean(areas)
contours_slope = contours # self.find_polugons_size_filter(contours,median_area=median_area,scaler_up=100,scaler_down=0.5)
if len(contours_slope) > 0:
for jv in range(len(contours_slope)):
new_poly = list(contours_slope[jv])
if jv == 0:
merged_all = new_poly
merged_all = merged_all + new_poly
merge = np.array(merged_all)
img_in = np.zeros(textline_mask.shape)
img_p_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_in, pts=[merge], color=(255, 255, 255))
rect = cv2.minAreaRect(merge)
box = cv2.boxPoints(rect)
box = np.int0(box)
indexes = [0, 1, 2, 3]
x_list = box[:, 0]
y_list = box[:, 1]
index_y_sort = np.argsort(y_list)
index_upper_left = index_y_sort[np.argmin(x_list[index_y_sort[0:2]])]
index_upper_right = index_y_sort[np.argmax(x_list[index_y_sort[0:2]])]
index_lower_left = index_y_sort[np.argmin(x_list[index_y_sort[2:]]) + 2]
index_lower_right = index_y_sort[np.argmax(x_list[index_y_sort[2:]]) + 2]
alpha1 = float(box[index_upper_right][1] - box[index_upper_left][1]) / (float(box[index_upper_right][0] - box[index_upper_left][0]))
alpha2 = float(box[index_lower_right][1] - box[index_lower_left][1]) / (float(box[index_lower_right][0] - box[index_lower_left][0]))
slope_true = (alpha1 + alpha2) / 2.0
# slope=0#slope_true/np.pi*180
# if abs(slope)>=1:
# slope=0
# dst=rotate_image(textline_mask,slope_true)
# dst=dst[:,:,0]
# dst[dst!=0]=1
image_regions_deskewd = np.zeros(textline_mask_org[:, :].shape)
for ind in np.unique(textline_mask_org[:, :]):
interest_reg = (textline_mask_org[:, :] == ind) * 1
interest_reg = interest_reg.astype(np.uint8)
deskewed_new = rotate_image(interest_reg, slope_true)
deskewed_new = deskewed_new[:, :]
deskewed_new[deskewed_new != 0] = ind
image_regions_deskewd = image_regions_deskewd + deskewed_new
return image_regions_deskewd, slope_true
def get_all_image_patches_coordination(self, image_page):
self.all_box_coord = []
for jk in range(len(self.boxes)):
_, crop_coor = crop_image_inside_box(self.boxes[jk], image_page)
def find_num_col_olddd(self, regions_without_seperators, sigma_, multiplier=3.8):
regions_without_seperators_0 = regions_without_seperators[:, :].sum(axis=1)
meda_n_updown = regions_without_seperators_0[len(regions_without_seperators_0) :: -1]
first_nonzero = next((i for i, x in enumerate(regions_without_seperators_0) if x), 0)
last_nonzero = next((i for i, x in enumerate(meda_n_updown) if x), 0)
last_nonzero = len(regions_without_seperators_0) - last_nonzero
y = regions_without_seperators_0 # [first_nonzero:last_nonzero]
y_help = np.zeros(len(y) + 20)
y_help[10 : len(y) + 10] = y
x = np.array(range(len(y)))
zneg_rev = -y_help + np.max(y_help)
zneg = np.zeros(len(zneg_rev) + 20)
zneg[10 : len(zneg_rev) + 10] = zneg_rev
z = gaussian_filter1d(y, sigma_)
zneg = gaussian_filter1d(zneg, sigma_)
peaks_neg, _ = find_peaks(zneg, height=0)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(z, height=0)
peaks_neg = peaks_neg - 10 - 10
last_nonzero = last_nonzero - 0 # 100
first_nonzero = first_nonzero + 0 # +100
peaks_neg = peaks_neg[(peaks_neg > first_nonzero) & (peaks_neg < last_nonzero)]
peaks = peaks[(peaks > 0.06 * regions_without_seperators.shape[1]) & (peaks < 0.94 * regions_without_seperators.shape[1])]
interest_pos = z[peaks]
interest_pos = interest_pos[interest_pos > 10]
interest_neg = z[peaks_neg]
if interest_neg[0] < 0.1:
interest_neg = interest_neg[1:]
if interest_neg[len(interest_neg) - 1] < 0.1:
interest_neg = interest_neg[: len(interest_neg) - 1]
min_peaks_pos = np.min(interest_pos)
min_peaks_neg = 0 # np.min(interest_neg)
dis_talaei = (min_peaks_pos - min_peaks_neg) / multiplier
grenze = min_peaks_pos - dis_talaei # np.mean(y[peaks_neg[0]:peaks_neg[len(peaks_neg)-1]])-np.std(y[peaks_neg[0]:peaks_neg[len(peaks_neg)-1]])/2.0
interest_neg_fin = interest_neg # [(interest_neg<grenze)]
peaks_neg_fin = peaks_neg # [(interest_neg<grenze)]
interest_neg_fin = interest_neg # [(interest_neg<grenze)]
num_col = (len(interest_neg_fin)) + 1
p_l = 0
p_u = len(y) - 1
p_m = int(len(y) / 2.0)
p_g_l = int(len(y) / 3.0)
p_g_u = len(y) - int(len(y) / 3.0)
diff_peaks = np.abs(np.diff(peaks_neg_fin))
diff_peaks_annormal = diff_peaks[diff_peaks < 30]
return interest_neg_fin
def return_regions_without_seperators_new(self, regions_pre, regions_only_text):
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
regions_without_seperators = ((regions_pre[:, :] != 6) & (regions_pre[:, :] != 0) & (regions_pre[:, :] != 1) & (regions_pre[:, :] != 2)) * 1
# plt.imshow(regions_without_seperators)
regions_without_seperators_n = ((regions_without_seperators[:, :] == 1) | (regions_only_text[:, :] == 1)) * 1
# regions_without_seperators=( (image_regions_eraly_p[:,:,:]!=6) & (image_regions_eraly_p[:,:,:]!=0) & (image_regions_eraly_p[:,:,:]!=5) & (image_regions_eraly_p[:,:,:]!=8) & (image_regions_eraly_p[:,:,:]!=7))*1
regions_without_seperators_n = regions_without_seperators_n.astype(np.uint8)
regions_without_seperators_n = cv2.erode(regions_without_seperators_n, kernel, iterations=6)
return regions_without_seperators_n
def find_images_contours_and_replace_table_and_graphic_pixels_by_image(region_pre_p):
# pixels of images are identified by 5
cnts_images = (region_pre_p[:, :, 0] == 5) * 1
cnts_images = cnts_images.astype(np.uint8)
cnts_images = np.repeat(cnts_images[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(cnts_images, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_imgs, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_imgs = return_parent_contours(contours_imgs, hiearchy)
# print(len(contours_imgs),'contours_imgs')
contours_imgs = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(thresh, contours_imgs, hiearchy, max_area=1, min_area=0.0003)
# print(len(contours_imgs),'contours_imgs')
boxes_imgs = return_bonding_box_of_contours(contours_imgs)
for i in range(len(boxes_imgs)):
x1 = int(boxes_imgs[i][0])
x2 = int(boxes_imgs[i][0] + boxes_imgs[i][2])
y1 = int(boxes_imgs[i][1])
y2 = int(boxes_imgs[i][1] + boxes_imgs[i][3])
region_pre_p[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0][region_pre_p[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0] == 8] = 5
region_pre_p[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0][region_pre_p[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0] == 7] = 5
return region_pre_p
def order_and_id_of_texts_old(found_polygons_text_region, matrix_of_orders, indexes_sorted):
id_of_texts = []
order_of_texts = []
index_b = 0
for mm in range(len(found_polygons_text_region)):
id_of_texts.append("r" + str(index_b))
index_matrix = matrix_of_orders[:, 0][(matrix_of_orders[:, 1] == 1) & (matrix_of_orders[:, 4] == mm)]
order_of_texts.append(np.where(indexes_sorted == index_matrix)[0][0])
index_b += 1
return order_of_texts, id_of_texts
def order_of_regions_old(textline_mask, contours_main):
mada_n = textline_mask.sum(axis=1)
y = mada_n[:]
y_help = np.zeros(len(y) + 40)
y_help[20 : len(y) + 20] = y
x = np.array(range(len(y)))
peaks_real, _ = find_peaks(gaussian_filter1d(y, 3), height=0)
sigma_gaus = 8
z = gaussian_filter1d(y_help, sigma_gaus)
zneg_rev = -y_help + np.max(y_help)
zneg = np.zeros(len(zneg_rev) + 40)
zneg[20 : len(zneg_rev) + 20] = zneg_rev
zneg = gaussian_filter1d(zneg, sigma_gaus)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(z, height=0)
peaks_neg, _ = find_peaks(zneg, height=0)
peaks_neg = peaks_neg - 20 - 20
peaks = peaks - 20
if contours_main != None:
areas_main = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contours_main[j]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
M_main = [cv2.moments(contours_main[j]) for j in range(len(contours_main))]
cx_main = [(M_main[j]["m10"] / (M_main[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_main))]
cy_main = [(M_main[j]["m01"] / (M_main[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_main))]
x_min_main = np.array([np.min(contours_main[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
x_max_main = np.array([np.max(contours_main[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
y_min_main = np.array([np.min(contours_main[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
y_max_main = np.array([np.max(contours_main[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
if contours_main != None:
indexer_main = np.array(range(len(contours_main)))
if contours_main != None:
len_main = len(contours_main)
len_main = 0
matrix_of_orders = np.zeros((len_main, 5))
matrix_of_orders[:, 0] = np.array(range(len_main))
matrix_of_orders[:len_main, 1] = 1
matrix_of_orders[len_main:, 1] = 2
matrix_of_orders[:len_main, 2] = cx_main
matrix_of_orders[:len_main, 3] = cy_main
matrix_of_orders[:len_main, 4] = np.array(range(len_main))
peaks_neg_new = []
for iii in range(len(peaks_neg)):
final_indexers_sorted = []
for i in range(len(peaks_neg_new) - 1):
top = peaks_neg_new[i]
down = peaks_neg_new[i + 1]
indexes_in = matrix_of_orders[:, 0][(matrix_of_orders[:, 3] >= top) & ((matrix_of_orders[:, 3] < down))]
cxs_in = matrix_of_orders[:, 2][(matrix_of_orders[:, 3] >= top) & ((matrix_of_orders[:, 3] < down))]
sorted_inside = np.argsort(cxs_in)
ind_in_int = indexes_in[sorted_inside]
for j in range(len(ind_in_int)):
return final_indexers_sorted, matrix_of_orders
def remove_headers_and_mains_intersection(seperators_closeup_n, img_revised_tab, boxes):
for ind in range(len(boxes)):
asp = np.zeros((img_revised_tab[:, :, 0].shape[0], seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1]))
asp[int(boxes[ind][2]) : int(boxes[ind][3]), int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1])] = img_revised_tab[int(boxes[ind][2]) : int(boxes[ind][3]), int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0]
head_patch_con = (asp[:, :] == 2) * 1
main_patch_con = (asp[:, :] == 1) * 1
# print(head_patch_con)
head_patch_con = head_patch_con.astype(np.uint8)
main_patch_con = main_patch_con.astype(np.uint8)
head_patch_con = np.repeat(head_patch_con[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
main_patch_con = np.repeat(main_patch_con[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(head_patch_con, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_head_patch_con, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_head_patch_con = return_parent_contours(contours_head_patch_con, hiearchy)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(main_patch_con, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_main_patch_con, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_main_patch_con = return_parent_contours(contours_main_patch_con, hiearchy)
y_patch_head_min, y_patch_head_max, _ = find_features_of_contours(contours_head_patch_con)
y_patch_main_min, y_patch_main_max, _ = find_features_of_contours(contours_main_patch_con)
for i in range(len(y_patch_head_min)):
for j in range(len(y_patch_main_min)):
if y_patch_head_max[i] > y_patch_main_min[j] and y_patch_head_min[i] < y_patch_main_min[j]:
y_down = y_patch_head_max[i]
y_up = y_patch_main_min[j]
patch_intersection = np.zeros(asp.shape)
patch_intersection[y_up:y_down, :] = asp[y_up:y_down, :]
head_patch_con = (patch_intersection[:, :] == 2) * 1
main_patch_con = (patch_intersection[:, :] == 1) * 1
head_patch_con = head_patch_con.astype(np.uint8)
main_patch_con = main_patch_con.astype(np.uint8)
head_patch_con = np.repeat(head_patch_con[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
main_patch_con = np.repeat(main_patch_con[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(head_patch_con, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_head_patch_con, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_head_patch_con = return_parent_contours(contours_head_patch_con, hiearchy)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(main_patch_con, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_main_patch_con, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_main_patch_con = return_parent_contours(contours_main_patch_con, hiearchy)
_, _, areas_head = find_features_of_contours(contours_head_patch_con)
_, _, areas_main = find_features_of_contours(contours_main_patch_con)
if np.sum(areas_head) > np.sum(areas_main):
img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0][img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0] == 1] = 2
img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0][img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0] == 2] = 1
elif y_patch_head_min[i] < y_patch_main_max[j] and y_patch_head_max[i] > y_patch_main_max[j]:
y_down = y_patch_main_max[j]
y_up = y_patch_head_min[i]
patch_intersection = np.zeros(asp.shape)
patch_intersection[y_up:y_down, :] = asp[y_up:y_down, :]
head_patch_con = (patch_intersection[:, :] == 2) * 1
main_patch_con = (patch_intersection[:, :] == 1) * 1
head_patch_con = head_patch_con.astype(np.uint8)
main_patch_con = main_patch_con.astype(np.uint8)
head_patch_con = np.repeat(head_patch_con[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
main_patch_con = np.repeat(main_patch_con[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(head_patch_con, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_head_patch_con, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_head_patch_con = return_parent_contours(contours_head_patch_con, hiearchy)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(main_patch_con, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_main_patch_con, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_main_patch_con = return_parent_contours(contours_main_patch_con, hiearchy)
_, _, areas_head = find_features_of_contours(contours_head_patch_con)
_, _, areas_main = find_features_of_contours(contours_main_patch_con)
if np.sum(areas_head) > np.sum(areas_main):
img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0][img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0] == 1] = 2
img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0][img_revised_tab[y_up:y_down, int(boxes[ind][0]) : int(boxes[ind][1]), 0] == 2] = 1
# print(np.unique(patch_intersection) )
return img_revised_tab
def tear_main_texts_on_the_boundaries_of_boxes(img_revised_tab, boxes):
for i in range(len(boxes)):
img_revised_tab[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][1] - 10) : int(boxes[i][1]), 0][img_revised_tab[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][1] - 10) : int(boxes[i][1]), 0] == 1] = 0
img_revised_tab[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][1] - 10) : int(boxes[i][1]), 1][img_revised_tab[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][1] - 10) : int(boxes[i][1]), 1] == 1] = 0
img_revised_tab[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][1] - 10) : int(boxes[i][1]), 2][img_revised_tab[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][1] - 10) : int(boxes[i][1]), 2] == 1] = 0
return img_revised_tab
def combine_hor_lines_and_delete_cross_points_and_get_lines_features_back(self, regions_pre_p):
seperators_closeup = ((regions_pre_p[:, :] == 6)) * 1
seperators_closeup = seperators_closeup.astype(np.uint8)
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
seperators_closeup = cv2.dilate(seperators_closeup, kernel, iterations=1)
seperators_closeup = cv2.erode(seperators_closeup, kernel, iterations=1)
seperators_closeup = cv2.erode(seperators_closeup, kernel, iterations=1)
seperators_closeup = cv2.dilate(seperators_closeup, kernel, iterations=1)
if len(seperators_closeup.shape) == 2:
seperators_closeup_n = np.zeros((seperators_closeup.shape[0], seperators_closeup.shape[1], 3))
seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0] = seperators_closeup
seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 1] = seperators_closeup
seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 2] = seperators_closeup
seperators_closeup_n = seperators_closeup[:, :, :]
# seperators_closeup=seperators_closeup.astype(np.uint8)
seperators_closeup_n = seperators_closeup_n.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(seperators_closeup_n, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_lines, hierachy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
slope_lines, dist_x, x_min_main, x_max_main, cy_main, slope_lines_org, y_min_main, y_max_main, cx_main = find_features_of_lines(contours_lines)
dist_y = np.abs(y_max_main - y_min_main)
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org[slope_lines == 0]
args = np.array(range(len(slope_lines)))
len_x = seperators_closeup.shape[1] * 0
len_y = seperators_closeup.shape[0] * 0.01
args_hor = args[slope_lines == 0]
dist_x_hor = dist_x[slope_lines == 0]
dist_y_hor = dist_y[slope_lines == 0]
x_min_main_hor = x_min_main[slope_lines == 0]
x_max_main_hor = x_max_main[slope_lines == 0]
cy_main_hor = cy_main[slope_lines == 0]
y_min_main_hor = y_min_main[slope_lines == 0]
y_max_main_hor = y_max_main[slope_lines == 0]
args_hor = args_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
x_max_main_hor = x_max_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
x_min_main_hor = x_min_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
cy_main_hor = cy_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
y_min_main_hor = y_min_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
y_max_main_hor = y_max_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
dist_y_hor = dist_y_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
dist_x_hor = dist_x_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
args_ver = args[slope_lines == 1]
dist_y_ver = dist_y[slope_lines == 1]
dist_x_ver = dist_x[slope_lines == 1]
x_min_main_ver = x_min_main[slope_lines == 1]
x_max_main_ver = x_max_main[slope_lines == 1]
y_min_main_ver = y_min_main[slope_lines == 1]
y_max_main_ver = y_max_main[slope_lines == 1]
cx_main_ver = cx_main[slope_lines == 1]
args_ver = args_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
x_max_main_ver = x_max_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
x_min_main_ver = x_min_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
cx_main_ver = cx_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
y_min_main_ver = y_min_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
y_max_main_ver = y_max_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
dist_x_ver = dist_x_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
dist_y_ver = dist_y_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
img_p_in_ver = np.zeros(seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 2].shape)
for jv in range(len(args_ver)):
img_p_in_ver = cv2.fillPoly(img_p_in_ver, pts=[contours_lines[args_ver[jv]]], color=(1, 1, 1))
img_in_hor = np.zeros(seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 2].shape)
for jv in range(len(args_hor)):
img_p_in_hor = cv2.fillPoly(img_in_hor, pts=[contours_lines[args_hor[jv]]], color=(1, 1, 1))
all_args_uniq = contours_in_same_horizon(cy_main_hor)
# print(all_args_uniq,'all_args_uniq')
if len(all_args_uniq) > 0:
if type(all_args_uniq[0]) is list:
contours_new = []
for dd in range(len(all_args_uniq)):
merged_all = None
some_args = args_hor[all_args_uniq[dd]]
some_cy = cy_main_hor[all_args_uniq[dd]]
some_x_min = x_min_main_hor[all_args_uniq[dd]]
some_x_max = x_max_main_hor[all_args_uniq[dd]]
img_in = np.zeros(seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 2].shape)
for jv in range(len(some_args)):
img_p_in = cv2.fillPoly(img_p_in_hor, pts=[contours_lines[some_args[jv]]], color=(1, 1, 1))
img_p_in[int(np.mean(some_cy)) - 5 : int(np.mean(some_cy)) + 5, int(np.min(some_x_min)) : int(np.max(some_x_max))] = 1
img_p_in = seperators_closeup
img_p_in = seperators_closeup
sep_ver_hor = img_p_in + img_p_in_ver
sep_ver_hor_cross = (sep_ver_hor == 2) * 1
sep_ver_hor_cross = np.repeat(sep_ver_hor_cross[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
sep_ver_hor_cross = sep_ver_hor_cross.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(sep_ver_hor_cross, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_cross, _ = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
cx_cross, cy_cross, _, _, _, _, _ = find_new_features_of_contoures(contours_cross)
for ii in range(len(cx_cross)):
sep_ver_hor[int(cy_cross[ii]) - 15 : int(cy_cross[ii]) + 15, int(cx_cross[ii]) + 5 : int(cx_cross[ii]) + 40] = 0
sep_ver_hor[int(cy_cross[ii]) - 15 : int(cy_cross[ii]) + 15, int(cx_cross[ii]) - 40 : int(cx_cross[ii]) - 4] = 0
img_p_in[:, :] = sep_ver_hor[:, :]
if len(img_p_in.shape) == 2:
seperators_closeup_n = np.zeros((img_p_in.shape[0], img_p_in.shape[1], 3))
seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0] = img_p_in
seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 1] = img_p_in
seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 2] = img_p_in
seperators_closeup_n = img_p_in[:, :, :]
# seperators_closeup=seperators_closeup.astype(np.uint8)
seperators_closeup_n = seperators_closeup_n.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(seperators_closeup_n, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_lines, hierachy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
slope_lines, dist_x, x_min_main, x_max_main, cy_main, slope_lines_org, y_min_main, y_max_main, cx_main = find_features_of_lines(contours_lines)
dist_y = np.abs(y_max_main - y_min_main)
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org[slope_lines == 0]
args = np.array(range(len(slope_lines)))
len_x = seperators_closeup.shape[1] * 0.04
len_y = seperators_closeup.shape[0] * 0.08
args_hor = args[slope_lines == 0]
dist_x_hor = dist_x[slope_lines == 0]
dist_y_hor = dist_y[slope_lines == 0]
x_min_main_hor = x_min_main[slope_lines == 0]
x_max_main_hor = x_max_main[slope_lines == 0]
cy_main_hor = cy_main[slope_lines == 0]
y_min_main_hor = y_min_main[slope_lines == 0]
y_max_main_hor = y_max_main[slope_lines == 0]
args_hor = args_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
x_max_main_hor = x_max_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
x_min_main_hor = x_min_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
cy_main_hor = cy_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
y_min_main_hor = y_min_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
y_max_main_hor = y_max_main_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
slope_lines_org_hor = slope_lines_org_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
dist_y_hor = dist_y_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
dist_x_hor = dist_x_hor[dist_x_hor >= len_x]
args_ver = args[slope_lines == 1]
dist_y_ver = dist_y[slope_lines == 1]
dist_x_ver = dist_x[slope_lines == 1]
x_min_main_ver = x_min_main[slope_lines == 1]
x_max_main_ver = x_max_main[slope_lines == 1]
y_min_main_ver = y_min_main[slope_lines == 1]
y_max_main_ver = y_max_main[slope_lines == 1]
cx_main_ver = cx_main[slope_lines == 1]
args_ver = args_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
x_max_main_ver = x_max_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
x_min_main_ver = x_min_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
cx_main_ver = cx_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
y_min_main_ver = y_min_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
y_max_main_ver = y_max_main_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
dist_x_ver = dist_x_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
dist_y_ver = dist_y_ver[dist_y_ver >= len_y]
matrix_of_lines_ch = np.zeros((len(cy_main_hor) + len(cx_main_ver), 10))
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 0] = args_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 0] = args_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 1] = cx_main_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 2] = x_min_main_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 2] = x_min_main_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 3] = x_max_main_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 3] = x_max_main_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 4] = dist_x_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 4] = dist_x_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 5] = cy_main_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 6] = y_min_main_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 6] = y_min_main_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 7] = y_max_main_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 7] = y_max_main_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[: len(cy_main_hor), 8] = dist_y_hor
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 8] = dist_y_ver
matrix_of_lines_ch[len(cy_main_hor) :, 9] = 1
return matrix_of_lines_ch, seperators_closeup_n
def image_change_background_pixels_to_zero(self, image_page):
image_back_zero = np.zeros((image_page.shape[0], image_page.shape[1]))
image_back_zero[:, :] = image_page[:, :, 0]
image_back_zero[:, :][image_back_zero[:, :] == 0] = -255
image_back_zero[:, :][image_back_zero[:, :] == 255] = 0
image_back_zero[:, :][image_back_zero[:, :] == -255] = 255
return image_back_zero
def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_without_seperator(spliter_y_new, image_p_rev, regions_without_seperators, matrix_of_lines_ch, seperators_closeup_n):
boxes = []
# here I go through main spliters and i do check whether a vertical seperator there is. If so i am searching for \
# holes in the text and also finding spliter which covers more than one columns.
for i in range(len(spliter_y_new) - 1):
# print(spliter_y_new[i],spliter_y_new[i+1])
matrix_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > spliter_y_new[i]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < spliter_y_new[i + 1])]
# print(len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] ))
# print(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1],'gaddaaa')
# check to see is there any vertical seperator to find holes.
if np.abs(spliter_y_new[i + 1] - spliter_y_new[i]) > 1.0 / 3.0 * regions_without_seperators.shape[0]: # len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1])>=0.1*(np.abs(spliter_y_new[i+1]-spliter_y_new[i] )):
# org_img_dichte=-gaussian_filter1d(( image_page[int(spliter_y_new[i]):int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),:,0]/255.).sum(axis=0) ,30)
# org_img_dichte=org_img_dichte-np.min(org_img_dichte)
num_col, peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(spliter_y_new[i]) : int(spliter_y_new[i + 1]), :], multiplier=2.4)
# num_col, peaks_neg_fin=find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(spliter_y_new[i]):int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),:],multiplier=7.0)
x_min_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 2][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
x_max_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 3][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
cy_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 5][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
arg_org_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 0][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
peaks_neg_tot = return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin, 0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1])
start_index_of_hor, newest_peaks, arg_min_hor_sort, lines_length_dels, lines_indexes_deleted = return_hor_spliter_by_index_for_without_verticals(peaks_neg_tot, x_min_hor_some, x_max_hor_some)
arg_org_hor_some_sort = arg_org_hor_some[arg_min_hor_sort]
start_index_of_hor_with_subset = [start_index_of_hor[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0] # start_index_of_hor[lines_length_dels>0]
arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset = [arg_min_hor_sort[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset = [lines_indexes_deleted[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
lines_length_dels_with_subset = [lines_length_dels[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
arg_org_hor_some_sort_subset = [arg_org_hor_some_sort[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
# arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset=arg_min_hor_sort[lines_length_dels>0]
# lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset=lines_indexes_deleted[lines_length_dels>0]
# lines_length_dels_with_subset=lines_length_dels[lines_length_dels>0]
# print(len(arg_min_hor_sort),len(arg_org_hor_some_sort),'vizzzzzz')
vahid_subset = np.zeros((len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset), len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset))) - 1
for kkk1 in range(len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset)):
# print(lines_indexes_deleted,'hiii')
index_del_sub = np.unique(lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[kkk1])
for kkk2 in range(len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset)):
if set(lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[kkk2][0]) < set(lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[kkk1][0]):
vahid_subset[kkk1, kkk2] = kkk1
# print(set(lines_indexes_deleted[kkk2][0]), set(lines_indexes_deleted[kkk1][0]))
# check the len of matrix if it has no length means that there is no spliter at all
if len(vahid_subset > 0):
# print('hihoo')
# find parenets args
line_int = np.zeros(vahid_subset.shape[0])
childs_id = []
arg_child = []
for li in range(vahid_subset.shape[0]):
if np.all(vahid_subset[:, li] == -1):
line_int[li] = -1
line_int[li] = 1
# childs_args_in=[ idd for idd in range(vahid_subset.shape[0]) if vahid_subset[idd,li]!=-1]
# helpi=[]
# for nad in range(len(childs_args_in)):
# helpi.append(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset[childs_args_in[nad]])
arg_parent = [arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij] == -1]
start_index_of_hor_parent = [start_index_of_hor_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij] == -1]
# arg_parent=[lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij]==-1]
# arg_parent=[lines_length_dels_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij]==-1]
# arg_child=[arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij]!=-1]
start_index_of_hor_child = [start_index_of_hor_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij] != -1]
cy_hor_some_sort = cy_hor_some[arg_parent]
newest_y_spliter_tot = []
for tj in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = []
if tj in np.unique(start_index_of_hor_parent):
cy_help = np.array(cy_hor_some_sort)[np.array(start_index_of_hor_parent) == tj]
cy_help_sort = np.sort(cy_help)
# print(tj,cy_hor_some_sort,start_index_of_hor,cy_help,'maashhaha')
for mj in range(len(cy_help_sort)):
newest_y_spliter.append(spliter_y_new[i + 1])
line_int = []
newest_y_spliter_tot = []
for tj in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = []
newest_y_spliter.append(spliter_y_new[i + 1])
# if line_int is all -1 means that big spliters have no child and we can easily go through
if np.all(np.array(line_int) == -1):
for j in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = newest_y_spliter_tot[j]
for n in range(len(newest_y_spliter) - 1):
# print(j,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'maaaa')
# print(matrix_new[:,0][ (matrix_new[:,9]==1 )])
for jvt in matrix_new[:, 0][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_new[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_new[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_new[:, 1]) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_new[:, 1]) > newest_peaks[j])]:
###plot_contour(regions_without_seperators.shape[0],regions_without_seperators.shape[1], contours_lines[int(jvt)])
# print(matrix_of_lines_ch[matrix_of_lines_ch[:,9]==1])
matrix_new_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > newest_peaks[j])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if 1 > 0: # len( matrix_new_new[:,9][matrix_new_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new_new[:,8][matrix_new_new[:,9]==1])>=0.2*(np.abs(newest_y_spliter[n+1]-newest_y_spliter[n] )):
# num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub=find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]):int(newest_y_spliter[n+1]),newest_peaks[j]:newest_peaks[j+1]],multiplier=2.3)
num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=2.4)
peaks_neg_fin_sub = []
peaks_sub = []
for kj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub)):
peaks_sub.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub[kj] + newest_peaks[j])
peaks_sub.append(newest_peaks[j + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_sub) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub[kh], peaks_sub[kh + 1], newest_y_spliter[n], newest_y_spliter[n + 1]])
for j in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = newest_y_spliter_tot[j]
if j in start_index_of_hor_parent:
x_min_ch = x_min_hor_some[arg_child]
x_max_ch = x_max_hor_some[arg_child]
cy_hor_some_sort_child = cy_hor_some[arg_child]
cy_hor_some_sort_child = np.sort(cy_hor_some_sort_child)
for n in range(len(newest_y_spliter) - 1):
cy_child_in = cy_hor_some_sort_child[(cy_hor_some_sort_child > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (cy_hor_some_sort_child < newest_y_spliter[n + 1])]
if len(cy_child_in) > 0:
###num_col_ch, peaks_neg_ch=find_num_col( regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]):int(newest_y_spliter[n+1]),newest_peaks[j]:newest_peaks[j+1]],multiplier=2.3)
num_col_ch, peaks_neg_ch = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=2.3)
peaks_neg_ch = peaks_neg_ch[:] + newest_peaks[j]
peaks_neg_ch_tot = return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_ch, newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j + 1])
ss_in_ch, nst_p_ch, arg_n_ch, lines_l_del_ch, lines_in_del_ch = return_hor_spliter_by_index_for_without_verticals(peaks_neg_ch_tot, x_min_ch, x_max_ch)
newest_y_spliter_ch_tot = []
for tjj in range(len(nst_p_ch) - 1):
newest_y_spliter_new = []
if tjj in np.unique(ss_in_ch):
# print(tj,cy_hor_some_sort,start_index_of_hor,cy_help,'maashhaha')
for mjj in range(len(cy_child_in)):
newest_y_spliter_new.append(newest_y_spliter[n + 1])
for jn in range(len(nst_p_ch) - 1):
newest_y_spliter_h = newest_y_spliter_ch_tot[jn]
for nd in range(len(newest_y_spliter_h) - 1):
matrix_new_new2 = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter_h[nd]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < nst_p_ch[jn + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > nst_p_ch[jn])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if 1 > 0: # len( matrix_new_new2[:,9][matrix_new_new2[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new_new2[:,8][matrix_new_new2[:,9]==1])>=0.2*(np.abs(newest_y_spliter_h[nd+1]-newest_y_spliter_h[nd] )):
# num_col_sub_ch, peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch=find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter_h[nd]):int(newest_y_spliter_h[nd+1]),nst_p_ch[jn]:nst_p_ch[jn+1]],multiplier=2.3)
num_col_sub_ch, peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(newest_y_spliter_h[nd]) : int(newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1]), nst_p_ch[jn] : nst_p_ch[jn + 1]], multiplier=2.3)
# print(peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch,'gada kutullllllll')
peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch = []
peaks_sub_ch = []
for kjj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch)):
peaks_sub_ch.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch[kjj] + nst_p_ch[jn])
peaks_sub_ch.append(nst_p_ch[jn + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for khh in range(len(peaks_sub_ch) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub_ch[khh], peaks_sub_ch[khh + 1], newest_y_spliter_h[nd], newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1]])
matrix_new_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > newest_peaks[j])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if 1 > 0: # len( matrix_new_new[:,9][matrix_new_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new_new[:,8][matrix_new_new[:,9]==1])>=0.2*(np.abs(newest_y_spliter[n+1]-newest_y_spliter[n] )):
###num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub=find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]):int(newest_y_spliter[n+1]),newest_peaks[j]:newest_peaks[j+1]],multiplier=2.3)
num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=2.3)
peaks_neg_fin_sub = []
peaks_sub = []
for kj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub)):
peaks_sub.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub[kj] + newest_peaks[j])
peaks_sub.append(newest_peaks[j + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_sub) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub[kh], peaks_sub[kh + 1], newest_y_spliter[n], newest_y_spliter[n + 1]])
for n in range(len(newest_y_spliter) - 1):
for jvt in matrix_new[:, 0][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_new[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_new[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_new[:, 1]) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_new[:, 1]) > newest_peaks[j])]:
# plot_contour(regions_without_seperators.shape[0],regions_without_seperators.shape[1], contours_lines[int(jvt)])
# print(matrix_of_lines_ch[matrix_of_lines_ch[:,9]==1])
matrix_new_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > newest_peaks[j])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if 1 > 0: # len( matrix_new_new[:,9][matrix_new_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new_new[:,8][matrix_new_new[:,9]==1])>=0.2*(np.abs(newest_y_spliter[n+1]-newest_y_spliter[n] )):
###num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub=find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]):int(newest_y_spliter[n+1]),newest_peaks[j]:newest_peaks[j+1]],multiplier=5.0)
num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=2.3)
peaks_neg_fin_sub = []
peaks_sub = []
for kj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub)):
peaks_sub.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub[kj] + newest_peaks[j])
peaks_sub.append(newest_peaks[j + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_sub) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub[kh], peaks_sub[kh + 1], newest_y_spliter[n], newest_y_spliter[n + 1]])
boxes.append([0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1], spliter_y_new[i], spliter_y_new[i + 1]])
return boxes
def return_region_segmentation_after_implementing_not_head_maintext_parallel(image_regions_eraly_p, boxes):
image_revised = np.zeros((image_regions_eraly_p.shape[0], image_regions_eraly_p.shape[1]))
for i in range(len(boxes)):
image_box = image_regions_eraly_p[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][0]) : int(boxes[i][1])]
image_box = np.array(image_box)
# plt.imshow(image_box)
# print(int(boxes[i][2]),int(boxes[i][3]),int(boxes[i][0]),int(boxes[i][1]),'addaa')
image_box = implent_law_head_main_not_parallel(image_box)
image_box = implent_law_head_main_not_parallel(image_box)
image_box = implent_law_head_main_not_parallel(image_box)
image_revised[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][0]) : int(boxes[i][1])] = image_box[:, :]
return image_revised
def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_2cols(spliter_y_new, regions_without_seperators, matrix_of_lines_ch, seperators_closeup_n):
boxes = []
# here I go through main spliters and i do check whether a vertical seperator there is. If so i am searching for \
# holes in the text and also finding spliter which covers more than one columns.
for i in range(len(spliter_y_new) - 1):
# print(spliter_y_new[i],spliter_y_new[i+1])
matrix_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > spliter_y_new[i]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < spliter_y_new[i + 1])]
# print(len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] ))
# print(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1],'gaddaaa')
# check to see is there any vertical seperator to find holes.
if 1 > 0: # len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1])>=0.1*(np.abs(spliter_y_new[i+1]-spliter_y_new[i] )):
# print(int(spliter_y_new[i]),int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),'burayaaaa galimiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr')
# org_img_dichte=-gaussian_filter1d(( image_page[int(spliter_y_new[i]):int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),:,0]/255.).sum(axis=0) ,30)
# org_img_dichte=org_img_dichte-np.min(org_img_dichte)
num_col, peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(spliter_y_new[i]) : int(spliter_y_new[i + 1]), :], multiplier=7.0)
peaks_neg_fin = []
num_col = 0
peaks_neg_tot = return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin, 0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_neg_tot) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_neg_tot[kh], peaks_neg_tot[kh + 1], spliter_y_new[i], spliter_y_new[i + 1]])
boxes.append([0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1], spliter_y_new[i], spliter_y_new[i + 1]])
return boxes
def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading(spliter_y_new, regions_without_seperators, matrix_of_lines_ch, seperators_closeup_n):
boxes = []
# here I go through main spliters and i do check whether a vertical seperator there is. If so i am searching for \
# holes in the text and also finding spliter which covers more than one columns.
for i in range(len(spliter_y_new) - 1):
# print(spliter_y_new[i],spliter_y_new[i+1])
matrix_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > spliter_y_new[i]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < spliter_y_new[i + 1])]
# print(len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] ))
# print(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1],'gaddaaa')
# check to see is there any vertical seperator to find holes.
if len(matrix_new[:, 9][matrix_new[:, 9] == 1]) > 0 and np.max(matrix_new[:, 8][matrix_new[:, 9] == 1]) >= 0.1 * (np.abs(spliter_y_new[i + 1] - spliter_y_new[i])):
# org_img_dichte=-gaussian_filter1d(( image_page[int(spliter_y_new[i]):int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),:,0]/255.).sum(axis=0) ,30)
# org_img_dichte=org_img_dichte-np.min(org_img_dichte)
num_col, peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(spliter_y_new[i]) : int(spliter_y_new[i + 1]), :], multiplier=7.0)
# num_col, peaks_neg_fin=find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(spliter_y_new[i]):int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),:],multiplier=7.0)
x_min_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 2][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
x_max_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 3][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
cy_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 5][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
arg_org_hor_some = matrix_new[:, 0][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 0)]
peaks_neg_tot = return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin, 0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1])
start_index_of_hor, newest_peaks, arg_min_hor_sort, lines_length_dels, lines_indexes_deleted = return_hor_spliter_by_index(peaks_neg_tot, x_min_hor_some, x_max_hor_some)
arg_org_hor_some_sort = arg_org_hor_some[arg_min_hor_sort]
start_index_of_hor_with_subset = [start_index_of_hor[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0] # start_index_of_hor[lines_length_dels>0]
arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset = [arg_min_hor_sort[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset = [lines_indexes_deleted[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
lines_length_dels_with_subset = [lines_length_dels[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
arg_org_hor_some_sort_subset = [arg_org_hor_some_sort[vij] for vij in range(len(start_index_of_hor)) if lines_length_dels[vij] > 0]
# arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset=arg_min_hor_sort[lines_length_dels>0]
# lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset=lines_indexes_deleted[lines_length_dels>0]
# lines_length_dels_with_subset=lines_length_dels[lines_length_dels>0]
vahid_subset = np.zeros((len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset), len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset))) - 1
for kkk1 in range(len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset)):
index_del_sub = np.unique(lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[kkk1])
for kkk2 in range(len(start_index_of_hor_with_subset)):
if set(lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[kkk2][0]) < set(lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[kkk1][0]):
vahid_subset[kkk1, kkk2] = kkk1
# print(set(lines_indexes_deleted[kkk2][0]), set(lines_indexes_deleted[kkk1][0]))
# print(vahid_subset,'zartt222')
# check the len of matrix if it has no length means that there is no spliter at all
if len(vahid_subset > 0):
# print('hihoo')
# find parenets args
line_int = np.zeros(vahid_subset.shape[0])
childs_id = []
arg_child = []
for li in range(vahid_subset.shape[0]):
# print(vahid_subset[:,li])
if np.all(vahid_subset[:, li] == -1):
line_int[li] = -1
line_int[li] = 1
# childs_args_in=[ idd for idd in range(vahid_subset.shape[0]) if vahid_subset[idd,li]!=-1]
# helpi=[]
# for nad in range(len(childs_args_in)):
# helpi.append(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset[childs_args_in[nad]])
# line_int=vahid_subset[0,:]
# print(arg_child,line_int[0],'zartt33333')
arg_parent = [arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij] == -1]
start_index_of_hor_parent = [start_index_of_hor_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij] == -1]
# arg_parent=[lines_indexes_deleted_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij]==-1]
# arg_parent=[lines_length_dels_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij]==-1]
# arg_child=[arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij]!=-1]
start_index_of_hor_child = [start_index_of_hor_with_subset[vij] for vij in range(len(arg_min_hor_sort_with_subset)) if line_int[vij] != -1]
cy_hor_some_sort = cy_hor_some[arg_parent]
# print(start_index_of_hor, lines_length_dels ,lines_indexes_deleted,'zartt')
# args_indexes=np.array(range(len(start_index_of_hor) ))
newest_y_spliter_tot = []
for tj in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = []
if tj in np.unique(start_index_of_hor_parent):
cy_help = np.array(cy_hor_some_sort)[np.array(start_index_of_hor_parent) == tj]
cy_help_sort = np.sort(cy_help)
# print(tj,cy_hor_some_sort,start_index_of_hor,cy_help,'maashhaha')
for mj in range(len(cy_help_sort)):
newest_y_spliter.append(spliter_y_new[i + 1])
line_int = []
newest_y_spliter_tot = []
for tj in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = []
newest_y_spliter.append(spliter_y_new[i + 1])
# if line_int is all -1 means that big spliters have no child and we can easily go through
if np.all(np.array(line_int) == -1):
for j in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = newest_y_spliter_tot[j]
for n in range(len(newest_y_spliter) - 1):
# print(j,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'maaaa')
# print(matrix_new[:,0][ (matrix_new[:,9]==1 )])
for jvt in matrix_new[:, 0][(matrix_new[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_new[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_new[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_new[:, 1]) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_new[:, 1]) > newest_peaks[j])]:
###plot_contour(regions_without_seperators.shape[0],regions_without_seperators.shape[1], contours_lines[int(jvt)])
# print(matrix_of_lines_ch[matrix_of_lines_ch[:,9]==1])
matrix_new_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > newest_peaks[j])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if len(matrix_new_new[:, 9][matrix_new_new[:, 9] == 1]) > 0 and np.max(matrix_new_new[:, 8][matrix_new_new[:, 9] == 1]) >= 0.2 * (np.abs(newest_y_spliter[n + 1] - newest_y_spliter[n])):
num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=5.0)
peaks_neg_fin_sub = []
peaks_sub = []
for kj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub)):
peaks_sub.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub[kj] + newest_peaks[j])
peaks_sub.append(newest_peaks[j + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_sub) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub[kh], peaks_sub[kh + 1], newest_y_spliter[n], newest_y_spliter[n + 1]])
for j in range(len(newest_peaks) - 1):
newest_y_spliter = newest_y_spliter_tot[j]
if j in start_index_of_hor_parent:
x_min_ch = x_min_hor_some[arg_child]
x_max_ch = x_max_hor_some[arg_child]
cy_hor_some_sort_child = cy_hor_some[arg_child]
cy_hor_some_sort_child = np.sort(cy_hor_some_sort_child)
# print(cy_hor_some_sort_child,'ychilds')
for n in range(len(newest_y_spliter) - 1):
cy_child_in = cy_hor_some_sort_child[(cy_hor_some_sort_child > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (cy_hor_some_sort_child < newest_y_spliter[n + 1])]
if len(cy_child_in) > 0:
num_col_ch, peaks_neg_ch = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=5.0)
# print(peaks_neg_ch,'mizzzz')
# peaks_neg_ch=[]
# for djh in range(len(peaks_neg_ch)):
# peaks_neg_ch.append( peaks_neg_ch[djh]+newest_peaks[j] )
peaks_neg_ch_tot = return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_ch, newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j + 1])
ss_in_ch, nst_p_ch, arg_n_ch, lines_l_del_ch, lines_in_del_ch = return_hor_spliter_by_index(peaks_neg_ch_tot, x_min_ch, x_max_ch)
newest_y_spliter_ch_tot = []
for tjj in range(len(nst_p_ch) - 1):
newest_y_spliter_new = []
if tjj in np.unique(ss_in_ch):
# print(tj,cy_hor_some_sort,start_index_of_hor,cy_help,'maashhaha')
for mjj in range(len(cy_child_in)):
newest_y_spliter_new.append(newest_y_spliter[n + 1])
for jn in range(len(nst_p_ch) - 1):
newest_y_spliter_h = newest_y_spliter_ch_tot[jn]
for nd in range(len(newest_y_spliter_h) - 1):
matrix_new_new2 = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter_h[nd]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < nst_p_ch[jn + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > nst_p_ch[jn])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if len(matrix_new_new2[:, 9][matrix_new_new2[:, 9] == 1]) > 0 and np.max(matrix_new_new2[:, 8][matrix_new_new2[:, 9] == 1]) >= 0.2 * (np.abs(newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1] - newest_y_spliter_h[nd])):
num_col_sub_ch, peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter_h[nd]) : int(newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1]), nst_p_ch[jn] : nst_p_ch[jn + 1]], multiplier=5.0)
peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch = []
peaks_sub_ch = []
for kjj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch)):
peaks_sub_ch.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub_ch[kjj] + nst_p_ch[jn])
peaks_sub_ch.append(nst_p_ch[jn + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for khh in range(len(peaks_sub_ch) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub_ch[khh], peaks_sub_ch[khh + 1], newest_y_spliter_h[nd], newest_y_spliter_h[nd + 1]])
matrix_new_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > newest_peaks[j])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if len(matrix_new_new[:, 9][matrix_new_new[:, 9] == 1]) > 0 and np.max(matrix_new_new[:, 8][matrix_new_new[:, 9] == 1]) >= 0.2 * (np.abs(newest_y_spliter[n + 1] - newest_y_spliter[n])):
num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=5.0)
peaks_neg_fin_sub = []
peaks_sub = []
for kj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub)):
peaks_sub.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub[kj] + newest_peaks[j])
peaks_sub.append(newest_peaks[j + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_sub) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub[kh], peaks_sub[kh + 1], newest_y_spliter[n], newest_y_spliter[n + 1]])
for n in range(len(newest_y_spliter) - 1):
# plot_contour(regions_without_seperators.shape[0],regions_without_seperators.shape[1], contours_lines[int(jvt)])
# print(matrix_of_lines_ch[matrix_of_lines_ch[:,9]==1])
matrix_new_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 9] == 1) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > newest_y_spliter[n]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < newest_y_spliter[n + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] + 500) < newest_peaks[j + 1]) & ((matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 1] - 500) > newest_peaks[j])]
# print(matrix_new_new,newest_y_spliter[n],newest_y_spliter[n+1],newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j+1],'gada')
if len(matrix_new_new[:, 9][matrix_new_new[:, 9] == 1]) > 0 and np.max(matrix_new_new[:, 8][matrix_new_new[:, 9] == 1]) >= 0.2 * (np.abs(newest_y_spliter[n + 1] - newest_y_spliter[n])):
num_col_sub, peaks_neg_fin_sub = find_num_col(regions_without_seperators[int(newest_y_spliter[n]) : int(newest_y_spliter[n + 1]), newest_peaks[j] : newest_peaks[j + 1]], multiplier=5.0)
peaks_neg_fin_sub = []
peaks_sub = []
for kj in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_sub)):
peaks_sub.append(peaks_neg_fin_sub[kj] + newest_peaks[j])
peaks_sub.append(newest_peaks[j + 1])
# peaks_sub=return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin_sub+newest_peaks[j],newest_peaks[j], newest_peaks[j+1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_sub) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_sub[kh], peaks_sub[kh + 1], newest_y_spliter[n], newest_y_spliter[n + 1]])
boxes.append([0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1], spliter_y_new[i], spliter_y_new[i + 1]])
return boxes
def return_boxes_of_images_by_order_of_reading_without_seperators_2cols(spliter_y_new, image_p_rev, regions_without_seperators, matrix_of_lines_ch, seperators_closeup_n):
boxes = []
# here I go through main spliters and i do check whether a vertical seperator there is. If so i am searching for \
# holes in the text and also finding spliter which covers more than one columns.
for i in range(len(spliter_y_new) - 1):
# print(spliter_y_new[i],spliter_y_new[i+1])
matrix_new = matrix_of_lines_ch[:, :][(matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 6] > spliter_y_new[i]) & (matrix_of_lines_ch[:, 7] < spliter_y_new[i + 1])]
# print(len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] ))
# print(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1],'gaddaaa')
# check to see is there any vertical seperator to find holes.
if np.abs(spliter_y_new[i + 1] - spliter_y_new[i]) > 1.0 / 3.0 * regions_without_seperators.shape[0]: # len( matrix_new[:,9][matrix_new[:,9]==1] )>0 and np.max(matrix_new[:,8][matrix_new[:,9]==1])>=0.1*(np.abs(spliter_y_new[i+1]-spliter_y_new[i] )):
# org_img_dichte=-gaussian_filter1d(( image_page[int(spliter_y_new[i]):int(spliter_y_new[i+1]),:,0]/255.).sum(axis=0) ,30)
# org_img_dichte=org_img_dichte-np.min(org_img_dichte)
num_col, peaks_neg_fin = find_num_col_only_image(image_p_rev[int(spliter_y_new[i]) : int(spliter_y_new[i + 1]), :], multiplier=2.4)
peaks_neg_fin = []
num_col = 0
peaks_neg_tot = return_points_with_boundies(peaks_neg_fin, 0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1])
for kh in range(len(peaks_neg_tot) - 1):
boxes.append([peaks_neg_tot[kh], peaks_neg_tot[kh + 1], spliter_y_new[i], spliter_y_new[i + 1]])
boxes.append([0, seperators_closeup_n[:, :, 0].shape[1], spliter_y_new[i], spliter_y_new[i + 1]])
return boxes
def add_tables_heuristic_to_layout(image_regions_eraly_p, boxes, slope_mean_hor, spliter_y, peaks_neg_tot, image_revised):
image_revised_1 = delete_seperator_around(spliter_y, peaks_neg_tot, image_revised)
img_comm_e = np.zeros(image_revised_1.shape)
img_comm = np.repeat(img_comm_e[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
for indiv in np.unique(image_revised_1):
# print(indiv,'indd')
image_col = (image_revised_1 == indiv) * 255
img_comm_in = np.repeat(image_col[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
img_comm_in = img_comm_in.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(img_comm_in, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
main_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(thresh, contours, hirarchy, max_area=1, min_area=0.0001)
img_comm = cv2.fillPoly(img_comm, pts=main_contours, color=(indiv, indiv, indiv))
###img_comm_in=cv2.fillPoly(img_comm, pts =interior_contours, color=(0,0,0))
# img_comm=np.repeat(img_comm[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
img_comm = img_comm.astype(np.uint8)
if not isNaN(slope_mean_hor):
image_revised_last = np.zeros((image_regions_eraly_p.shape[0], image_regions_eraly_p.shape[1], 3))
for i in range(len(boxes)):
image_box = img_comm[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][0]) : int(boxes[i][1]), :]
image_box_tabels_1 = (image_box[:, :, 0] == 7) * 1
contours_tab, _ = return_contours_of_image(image_box_tabels_1)
contours_tab = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(image_box_tabels_1, contours_tab, _, 1, 0.001)
image_box_tabels_1 = (image_box[:, :, 0] == 6) * 1
image_box_tabels_and_m_text = ((image_box[:, :, 0] == 7) | (image_box[:, :, 0] == 1)) * 1
image_box_tabels_and_m_text = image_box_tabels_and_m_text.astype(np.uint8)
image_box_tabels_1 = image_box_tabels_1.astype(np.uint8)
image_box_tabels_1 = cv2.dilate(image_box_tabels_1, self.kernel, iterations=5)
contours_table_m_text, _ = return_contours_of_image(image_box_tabels_and_m_text)
image_box_tabels = np.repeat(image_box_tabels_1[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
image_box_tabels = image_box_tabels.astype(np.uint8)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(image_box_tabels, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_line, hierachy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
y_min_main_line, y_max_main_line, _ = find_features_of_contours(contours_line)
# _,_,y_min_main_line ,y_max_main_line,x_min_main_line,x_max_main_line=find_new_features_of_contoures(contours_line)
y_min_main_tab, y_max_main_tab, _ = find_features_of_contours(contours_tab)
cx_tab_m_text, cy_tab_m_text, x_min_tab_m_text, x_max_tab_m_text, y_min_tab_m_text, y_max_tab_m_text = find_new_features_of_contoures(contours_table_m_text)
cx_tabl, cy_tabl, x_min_tabl, x_max_tabl, y_min_tabl, y_max_tabl, _ = find_new_features_of_contoures(contours_tab)
if len(y_min_main_tab) > 0:
y_down_tabs = []
y_up_tabs = []
for i_t in range(len(y_min_main_tab)):
y_down_tab = []
y_up_tab = []
for i_l in range(len(y_min_main_line)):
if y_min_main_tab[i_t] > y_min_main_line[i_l] and y_max_main_tab[i_t] > y_min_main_line[i_l] and y_min_main_tab[i_t] > y_max_main_line[i_l] and y_max_main_tab[i_t] > y_min_main_line[i_l]:
elif y_min_main_tab[i_t] < y_max_main_line[i_l] and y_max_main_tab[i_t] < y_max_main_line[i_l] and y_max_main_tab[i_t] < y_min_main_line[i_l] and y_min_main_tab[i_t] < y_min_main_line[i_l]:
elif np.abs(y_max_main_line[i_l] - y_min_main_line[i_l]) < 100:
y_up_tab.append(np.min([y_min_main_line[i_l], y_min_main_tab[i_t]]))
y_down_tab.append(np.max([y_max_main_line[i_l], y_max_main_tab[i_t]]))
if len(y_up_tab) == 0:
for v_n in range(len(cx_tab_m_text)):
if cx_tabl[i_t] <= x_max_tab_m_text[v_n] and cx_tabl[i_t] >= x_min_tab_m_text[v_n] and cy_tabl[i_t] <= y_max_tab_m_text[v_n] and cy_tabl[i_t] >= y_min_tab_m_text[v_n] and cx_tabl[i_t] != cx_tab_m_text[v_n] and cy_tabl[i_t] != cy_tab_m_text[v_n]:
# y_up_tabs.append(y_min_main_tab[i_t])
# y_down_tabs.append(y_max_main_tab[i_t])
y_down_tabs = []
y_up_tabs = []
for ii in range(len(y_up_tabs)):
image_box[y_up_tabs[ii] : y_down_tabs[ii], :, 0] = 7
image_revised_last[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][0]) : int(boxes[i][1]), :] = image_box[:, :, :]
for i in range(len(boxes)):
image_box = img_comm[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][0]) : int(boxes[i][1]), :]
image_revised_last[int(boxes[i][2]) : int(boxes[i][3]), int(boxes[i][0]) : int(boxes[i][1]), :] = image_box[:, :, :]
return image_revised_last
def get_regions_from_xy_2models_ens(self, img):
img_org = np.copy(img)
img_height_h = img_org.shape[0]
img_width_h = img_org.shape[1]
model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_region_dir_p_ens)
gaussian_filter = False
patches = False
binary = False
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
prediction_regions_long = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_long = resize_image(prediction_regions_long, img_height_h, img_width_h)
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1.2
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_org_y = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_org_y = resize_image(prediction_regions_org_y, img_height_h, img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_org[:,:,0])
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_org_y = prediction_regions_org_y[:, :, 0]
mask_zeros_y = (prediction_regions_org_y[:, :] == 0) * 1
ratio_x = 1.2
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_org = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_org = resize_image(prediction_regions_org, img_height_h, img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_org[:,:,0])
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_org = prediction_regions_org[:, :, 0]
prediction_regions_org[(prediction_regions_org[:, :] == 1) & (mask_zeros_y[:, :] == 1)] = 0
prediction_regions_org[(prediction_regions_long[:, :, 0] == 1) & (prediction_regions_org[:, :] == 2)] = 1
del model_region
del session_region
return prediction_regions_org
def resize_and_enhance_image(self, is_image_enhanced):
dpi = self.check_dpi()
img = cv2.imread(self.image_dir)
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
# sys.exit()
if dpi < 298:
if img.shape[0] < 1000:
img_h_new = int(img.shape[0] * 3)
img_w_new = int(img.shape[1] * 3)
if img_h_new < 2800:
img_h_new = 3000
img_w_new = int(img.shape[1] / float(img.shape[0]) * 3000)
elif img.shape[0] >= 1000 and img.shape[0] < 2000:
img_h_new = int(img.shape[0] * 2)
img_w_new = int(img.shape[1] * 2)
if img_h_new < 2800:
img_h_new = 3000
img_w_new = int(img.shape[1] / float(img.shape[0]) * 3000)
img_h_new = int(img.shape[0] * 1.5)
img_w_new = int(img.shape[1] * 1.5)
img_new = resize_image(img, img_h_new, img_w_new)
image_res = self.predict_enhancement(img_new)
# cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.dir_out, self.f_name) + ".tif",self.image)
# self.image=self.image.astype(np.uint16)
# self.scale_x=1
# self.scale_y=1
# self.height_org = self.image.shape[0]
# self.width_org = self.image.shape[1]
is_image_enhanced = True
is_image_enhanced = False
image_res = np.copy(img)
return is_image_enhanced, img, image_res
def resize_and_enhance_image_new(self, is_image_enhanced):
# self.check_dpi()
img = cv2.imread(self.image_dir)
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
# sys.exit()
image_res = np.copy(img)
return is_image_enhanced, img, image_res
def get_image_and_scales_deskewd(self, img_deskewd):
self.image = img_deskewd
self.image_org = np.copy(self.image)
self.height_org = self.image.shape[0]
self.width_org = self.image.shape[1]
self.img_hight_int = int(self.image.shape[0] * 1)
self.img_width_int = int(self.image.shape[1] * 1)
self.scale_y = self.img_hight_int / float(self.image.shape[0])
self.scale_x = self.img_width_int / float(self.image.shape[1])
self.image = resize_image(self.image, self.img_hight_int, self.img_width_int)
def extract_drop_capital_13(self, img, patches, cols):
img_height_h = img.shape[0]
img_width_h = img.shape[1]
patches = False
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_region_dir_fully_np)
img_1 = img[: int(img.shape[0] / 3.0), :, :]
img_2 = img[int(img.shape[0] / 3.0) : int(2 * img.shape[0] / 3.0), :, :]
img_3 = img[int(2 * img.shape[0] / 3.0) :, :, :]
# img_1 = otsu_copy_binary(img_1)#otsu_copy(img)
# img_1 = img_1.astype(np.uint16)
# img_2 = otsu_copy_binary(img_2)#otsu_copy(img)
# img_2 = img_2.astype(np.uint16)
# img_3 = otsu_copy_binary(img_3)#otsu_copy(img)
# img_3 = img_3.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_1 = self.do_prediction(patches, img_1, model_region)
prediction_regions_2 = self.do_prediction(patches, img_2, model_region)
prediction_regions_3 = self.do_prediction(patches, img_3, model_region)
prediction_regions = np.zeros((img_height_h, img_width_h))
prediction_regions[: int(img.shape[0] / 3.0), :] = prediction_regions_1[:, :, 0]
prediction_regions[int(img.shape[0] / 3.0) : int(2 * img.shape[0] / 3.0), :] = prediction_regions_2[:, :, 0]
prediction_regions[int(2 * img.shape[0] / 3.0) :, :] = prediction_regions_3[:, :, 0]
del img_1
del img_2
del img_3
del prediction_regions_1
del prediction_regions_2
del prediction_regions_3
del model_region
del session_region
del img
return prediction_regions
def extract_only_text_regions(self, img, patches):
model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_only_text)
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
img_org = np.copy(img)
img_h = img_org.shape[0]
img_w = img_org.shape[1]
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * 1), int(img_org.shape[1] * 1))
prediction_regions1 = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions1 = resize_image(prediction_regions1, img_h, img_w)
# prediction_regions1 = cv2.dilate(prediction_regions1, self.kernel, iterations=4)
# prediction_regions1 = cv2.erode(prediction_regions1, self.kernel, iterations=7)
# prediction_regions1 = cv2.dilate(prediction_regions1, self.kernel, iterations=2)
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * 1), int(img_org.shape[1] * 1))
prediction_regions2 = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions2 = resize_image(prediction_regions2, img_h, img_w)
# prediction_regions2 = cv2.dilate(prediction_regions2, self.kernel, iterations=2)
prediction_regions2 = cv2.erode(prediction_regions2, self.kernel, iterations=2)
prediction_regions2 = cv2.dilate(prediction_regions2, self.kernel, iterations=2)
# prediction_regions=( (prediction_regions2[:,:,0]==1) & (prediction_regions1[:,:,0]==1) )
# prediction_regions=(prediction_regions1[:,:,0]==1)
del model_region
del session_region
return prediction_regions1[:, :, 0]
def extract_binarization(self, img, patches):
model_bin, session_bin = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_binafrization)
img_h = img.shape[0]
img_w = img.shape[1]
img = resize_image(img, int(img.shape[0] * 1), int(img.shape[1] * 1))
prediction_regions = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_bin)
res = (prediction_regions[:, :, 0] != 0) * 1
img_fin = np.zeros((res.shape[0], res.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :][res[:, :] == 0] = 2
res = res - 1
res = res * 255
img_fin[:, :, 0] = res
img_fin[:, :, 1] = res
img_fin[:, :, 2] = res
del model_bin
del session_bin
# plt.imshow(img_fin[:,:,0])
return img_fin
def get_text_region_contours_and_boxes(self, image):
rgb_class_of_texts = (1, 1, 1)
mask_texts = np.all(image == rgb_class_of_texts, axis=-1)
image = np.repeat(mask_texts[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) * 255
image = image.astype(np.uint8)
image = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.kernel)
image = cv2.morphologyEx(image, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
main_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image(thresh, contours, hirarchy, max_area=1, min_area=0.00001)
self.boxes = []
for jj in range(len(main_contours)):
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(main_contours[jj])
self.boxes.append([x, y, w, h])
return main_contours
def textline_contours_to_get_slope_correctly(self, textline_mask, img_patch, contour_interest):
slope_new = 0 # deskew_images(img_patch)
textline_mask = np.repeat(textline_mask[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) * 255
textline_mask = textline_mask.astype(np.uint8)
textline_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(textline_mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.kernel)
textline_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(textline_mask, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel)
textline_mask = cv2.erode(textline_mask, self.kernel, iterations=1)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(textline_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
_, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.kernel)
thresh = cv2.morphologyEx(thresh, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, self.kernel)
contours, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
main_contours = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(thresh, contours, hirarchy, max_area=1, min_area=0.003)
textline_maskt = textline_mask[:, :, 0]
textline_maskt[textline_maskt != 0] = 1
peaks_point, _ = seperate_lines(textline_maskt, contour_interest, slope_new)
mean_dis = np.mean(np.diff(peaks_point))
len_x = thresh.shape[1]
slope_lines = []
contours_slope_new = []
for kk in range(len(main_contours)):
if len(main_contours[kk].shape) == 2:
xminh = np.min(main_contours[kk][:, 0])
xmaxh = np.max(main_contours[kk][:, 0])
yminh = np.min(main_contours[kk][:, 1])
ymaxh = np.max(main_contours[kk][:, 1])
elif len(main_contours[kk].shape) == 3:
xminh = np.min(main_contours[kk][:, 0, 0])
xmaxh = np.max(main_contours[kk][:, 0, 0])
yminh = np.min(main_contours[kk][:, 0, 1])
ymaxh = np.max(main_contours[kk][:, 0, 1])
if ymaxh - yminh <= mean_dis and (xmaxh - xminh) >= 0.3 * len_x: # xminh>=0.05*len_x and xminh<=0.4*len_x and xmaxh<=0.95*len_x and xmaxh>=0.6*len_x:
rows, cols = thresh.shape[:2]
[vx, vy, x, y] = cv2.fitLine(main_contours[kk], cv2.DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01)
slope_lines.append((vy / vx) / np.pi * 180)
if len(slope_lines) >= 2:
slope = np.mean(slope_lines) # slope_true/np.pi*180
slope = 999
slope = 0
return slope
def return_deskew_slope_new(self, img_patch, sigma_des):
max_x_y = max(img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1])
img_patch_copy = np.zeros((img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1]))
img_patch_copy[:, :] = img_patch[:, :] # img_patch_org[:,:,0]
img_patch_padded = np.zeros((int(max_x_y * (1.4)), int(max_x_y * (1.4))))
img_patch_padded_center_p = int(img_patch_padded.shape[0] / 2.0)
len_x_org_patch_half = int(img_patch_copy.shape[1] / 2.0)
len_y_org_patch_half = int(img_patch_copy.shape[0] / 2.0)
img_patch_padded[img_patch_padded_center_p - len_y_org_patch_half : img_patch_padded_center_p - len_y_org_patch_half + img_patch_copy.shape[0], img_patch_padded_center_p - len_x_org_patch_half : img_patch_padded_center_p - len_x_org_patch_half + img_patch_copy.shape[1]] = img_patch_copy[:, :]
# img_patch_padded[ int( img_patch_copy.shape[0]*(.1)):int( img_patch_copy.shape[0]*(.1))+img_patch_copy.shape[0] , int( img_patch_copy.shape[1]*(.8)):int( img_patch_copy.shape[1]*(.8))+img_patch_copy.shape[1] ]=img_patch_copy[:,:]
angles = np.linspace(-25, 25, 80)
res = []
num_of_peaks = []
index_cor = []
var_res = []
# plt.imshow(img_patch)
indexer = 0
for rot in angles:
# print(rot,'rot')
img_rotated = rotate_image(img_patch_padded, rot)
img_rotated[img_rotated != 0] = 1
# plt.imshow(img_rotated)
neg_peaks, var_spectrum = self.get_standard_deviation_of_summed_textline_patch_along_width(img_rotated, sigma_des, 20.3)
res_me = np.mean(neg_peaks)
if res_me == 0:
res_num = len(neg_peaks)
res_num = 0
var_spectrum = 0
if isNaN(res_me):
indexer = indexer + 1
var_res = np.array(var_res)
# print(var_res)
ang_int = angles[np.argmax(var_res)] # angels_sorted[arg_final]#angels[arg_sort_early[arg_sort[arg_final]]]#angels[arg_fin]
ang_int = 0
if abs(ang_int) > 15:
angles = np.linspace(-90, -50, 30)
res = []
num_of_peaks = []
index_cor = []
var_res = []
# plt.imshow(img_patch)
indexer = 0
for rot in angles:
# print(rot,'rot')
img_rotated = rotate_image(img_patch_padded, rot)
img_rotated[img_rotated != 0] = 1
# plt.imshow(img_rotated)
neg_peaks, var_spectrum = self.get_standard_deviation_of_summed_textline_patch_along_width(img_rotated, sigma_des, 20.3)
res_me = np.mean(neg_peaks)
if res_me == 0:
res_num = len(neg_peaks)
res_num = 0
var_spectrum = 0
if isNaN(res_me):
indexer = indexer + 1
var_res = np.array(var_res)
# print(var_res)
ang_int = angles[np.argmax(var_res)] # angels_sorted[arg_final]#angels[arg_sort_early[arg_sort[arg_final]]]#angels[arg_fin]
ang_int = 0
return ang_int
def get_slopes_and_deskew(self, contours, textline_mask_tot):
slope_biggest = 0 # return_deskew_slop(img_int_p,sigma_des, dir_of_all=self.dir_of_all, f_name=self.f_name)
num_cores = cpu_count()
q = Queue()
poly = Queue()
box_sub = Queue()
processes = []
nh = np.linspace(0, len(self.boxes), num_cores + 1)
for i in range(num_cores):
boxes_per_process = self.boxes[int(nh[i]) : int(nh[i + 1])]
contours_per_process = contours[int(nh[i]) : int(nh[i + 1])]
processes.append(Process(target=self.do_work_of_slopes, args=(q, poly, box_sub, boxes_per_process, textline_mask_tot, contours_per_process)))
for i in range(num_cores):
self.slopes = []
self.all_found_texline_polygons = []
self.boxes = []
for i in range(num_cores):
slopes_for_sub_process = q.get(True)
boxes_for_sub_process = box_sub.get(True)
polys_for_sub_process = poly.get(True)
for j in range(len(slopes_for_sub_process)):
for i in range(num_cores):
def write_into_page_xml_only_textlines(self, contours, page_coord, all_found_texline_polygons, all_box_coord, dir_of_image):
found_polygons_text_region = contours
# create the file structure
data = ET.Element("PcGts")
data.set("xmlns", "")
data.set("xmlns:xsi", "")
data.set("xsi:schemaLocation", "")
metadata = ET.SubElement(data, "Metadata")
author = ET.SubElement(metadata, "Creator")
author.text = "SBB_QURATOR"
created = ET.SubElement(metadata, "Created")
created.text = "2019-06-17T18:15:12"
changetime = ET.SubElement(metadata, "LastChange")
changetime.text = "2019-06-17T18:15:12"
page = ET.SubElement(data, "Page")
page.set("imageFilename", self.image_dir)
page.set("imageHeight", str(self.height_org))
page.set("imageWidth", str(self.width_org))
page.set("type", "content")
page.set("readingDirection", "left-to-right")
page.set("textLineOrder", "top-to-bottom")
page_print_sub = ET.SubElement(page, "PrintSpace")
coord_page = ET.SubElement(page_print_sub, "Coords")
points_page_print = ""
for lmm in range(len(self.cont_page[0])):
if len(self.cont_page[0][lmm]) == 2:
points_page_print = points_page_print + str(int((self.cont_page[0][lmm][0]) / self.scale_x))
points_page_print = points_page_print + ","
points_page_print = points_page_print + str(int((self.cont_page[0][lmm][1]) / self.scale_y))
points_page_print = points_page_print + str(int((self.cont_page[0][lmm][0][0]) / self.scale_x))
points_page_print = points_page_print + ","
points_page_print = points_page_print + str(int((self.cont_page[0][lmm][0][1]) / self.scale_y))
if lmm < (len(self.cont_page[0]) - 1):
points_page_print = points_page_print + " "
coord_page.set("points", points_page_print)
if len(contours) > 0:
id_indexer = 0
id_indexer_l = 0
for mm in range(len(found_polygons_text_region)):
textregion = ET.SubElement(page, "TextRegion")
textregion.set("id", "r" + str(id_indexer))
id_indexer += 1
textregion.set("type", "paragraph")
# if mm==0:
# textregion.set('type','header')
# else:
# textregion.set('type','paragraph')
coord_text = ET.SubElement(textregion, "Coords")
points_co = ""
for lmm in range(len(found_polygons_text_region[mm])):
if len(found_polygons_text_region[mm][lmm]) == 2:
points_co = points_co + str(int((found_polygons_text_region[mm][lmm][0] + page_coord[2]) / self.scale_x))
points_co = points_co + ","
points_co = points_co + str(int((found_polygons_text_region[mm][lmm][1] + page_coord[0]) / self.scale_y))
points_co = points_co + str(int((found_polygons_text_region[mm][lmm][0][0] + page_coord[2]) / self.scale_x))
points_co = points_co + ","
points_co = points_co + str(int((found_polygons_text_region[mm][lmm][0][1] + page_coord[0]) / self.scale_y))
if lmm < (len(found_polygons_text_region[mm]) - 1):
points_co = points_co + " "
# print(points_co)
coord_text.set("points", points_co)
for j in range(len(all_found_texline_polygons[mm])):
textline = ET.SubElement(textregion, "TextLine")
textline.set("id", "l" + str(id_indexer_l))
id_indexer_l += 1
coord = ET.SubElement(textline, "Coords")
texteq = ET.SubElement(textline, "TextEquiv")
uni = ET.SubElement(texteq, "Unicode")
uni.text = " "
# points = ET.SubElement(coord, 'Points')
points_co = ""
for l in range(len(all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j])):
# point = ET.SubElement(coord, 'Point')
# point.set('x',str(found_polygons[j][l][0]))
# point.set('y',str(found_polygons[j][l][1]))
if len(all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j][l]) == 2:
points_co = points_co + str(int((all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j][l][0] + page_coord[2]) / self.scale_x))
points_co = points_co + ","
points_co = points_co + str(int((all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j][l][1] + page_coord[0]) / self.scale_y))
points_co = points_co + str(int((all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j][l][0][0] + page_coord[2]) / self.scale_x))
points_co = points_co + ","
points_co = points_co + str(int((all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j][l][0][1] + page_coord[0]) / self.scale_y))
if l < (len(all_found_texline_polygons[mm][j]) - 1):
points_co = points_co + " "
# print(points_co)
coord.set("points", points_co)
texteqreg = ET.SubElement(textregion, "TextEquiv")
unireg = ET.SubElement(texteqreg, "Unicode")
unireg.text = " "
# print(dir_of_image)
# print(os.path.join(dir_of_image, self.f_name) + ".xml")
tree = ET.ElementTree(data)
tree.write(os.path.join(dir_of_image, self.f_name) + ".xml")
def return_teilwiese_deskewed_lines(self, text_regions_p, textline_rotated):
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
textline_rotated = cv2.erode(textline_rotated, kernel, iterations=1)
textline_rotated_new = np.zeros(textline_rotated.shape)
rgb_m = 1
rgb_h = 2
cnt_m, boxes_m = return_contours_of_interested_region_and_bounding_box(text_regions_p, rgb_m)
cnt_h, boxes_h = return_contours_of_interested_region_and_bounding_box(text_regions_p, rgb_h)
areas_cnt_m = np.array([cv2.contourArea(cnt_m[j]) for j in range(len(cnt_m))])
argmax = np.argmax(areas_cnt_m)
# plt.imshow(textline_rotated[ boxes_m[argmax][1]:boxes_m[argmax][1]+boxes_m[argmax][3] ,boxes_m[argmax][0]:boxes_m[argmax][0]+boxes_m[argmax][2]])
for argmax in range(len(boxes_m)):
textline_text_region = textline_rotated[boxes_m[argmax][1] : boxes_m[argmax][1] + boxes_m[argmax][3], boxes_m[argmax][0] : boxes_m[argmax][0] + boxes_m[argmax][2]]
textline_text_region_revised = self.seperate_lines_new(textline_text_region, 0)
# except:
# textline_text_region_revised=textline_rotated[ boxes_m[argmax][1]:boxes_m[argmax][1]+boxes_m[argmax][3] ,boxes_m[argmax][0]:boxes_m[argmax][0]+boxes_m[argmax][2] ]
textline_rotated_new[boxes_m[argmax][1] : boxes_m[argmax][1] + boxes_m[argmax][3], boxes_m[argmax][0] : boxes_m[argmax][0] + boxes_m[argmax][2]] = textline_text_region_revised[:, :]
# textline_rotated_new[textline_rotated_new>0]=1
# textline_rotated_new[textline_rotated_new<0]=0
# plt.imshow(textline_rotated_new)
def get_regions_from_xy_neu(self, img):
img_org = np.copy(img)
img_height_h = img_org.shape[0]
img_width_h = img_org.shape[1]
model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_region_dir_p)
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = True
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_org = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_org = resize_image(prediction_regions_org, img_height_h, img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_org[:,:,0])
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_org = prediction_regions_org[:, :, 0]
gaussian_filter = False
patches = False
binary = False
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_orgt = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_orgt = resize_image(prediction_regions_orgt, img_height_h, img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_orgt[:,:,0])
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_orgt = prediction_regions_orgt[:, :, 0]
mask_texts_longshot = (prediction_regions_orgt[:, :] == 1) * 1
mask_texts_longshot = np.uint8(mask_texts_longshot)
# mask_texts_longshot = cv2.dilate(mask_texts_longshot[:,:], self.kernel, iterations=2)
pixel_img = 1
polygons_of_only_texts_longshot = return_contours_of_interested_region(mask_texts_longshot, pixel_img)
longshot_true = np.zeros(mask_texts_longshot.shape)
# text_regions_p_true[:,:]=text_regions_p_1[:,:]
longshot_true = cv2.fillPoly(longshot_true, pts=polygons_of_only_texts_longshot, color=(1, 1, 1))
# plt.imshow(longshot_true)
gaussian_filter = False
patches = False
binary = False
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
one_third_upper_ny = int(img.shape[0] / 3.0)
img = img[0:one_third_upper_ny, :, :]
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_longshot_one_third = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_longshot_one_third = resize_image(prediction_regions_longshot_one_third, one_third_upper_ny, img_width_h)
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
img = img[one_third_upper_ny : int(2 * one_third_upper_ny), :, :]
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_middle = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_middle = resize_image(prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_middle, one_third_upper_ny, img_width_h)
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
img = img[int(2 * one_third_upper_ny) :, :, :]
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_down = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_down = resize_image(prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_down, img_height_h - int(2 * one_third_upper_ny), img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_org[:,:,0])
# sys.exit()
prediction_regions_longshot = np.zeros((img_height_h, img_width_h))
# prediction_regions_longshot=prediction_regions_longshot[:,:,0]
# prediction_regions_longshot[0:one_third_upper_ny,:]=prediction_regions_longshot_one_third[:,:,0]
# prediction_regions_longshot[one_third_upper_ny:int(2*one_third_upper_ny):,:]=prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_middle[:,:,0]
# prediction_regions_longshot[int(2*one_third_upper_ny):,:]=prediction_regions_longshot_one_third_down[:,:,0]
prediction_regions_longshot = longshot_true[:, :]
# plt.imshow(prediction_regions_longshot)
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
ratio_x = 1 # 1.1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
# img= resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0]*0.8), int(img_org.shape[1]*1.6))
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
text_region1 = resize_image(prediction_regions, img_height_h, img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(text_region1[:,:,0])
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1.2 # 1.3
binary = False
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
text_region2 = resize_image(prediction_regions, img_height_h, img_width_h)
# plt.imshow(text_region2[:,:,0])
del model_region
del session_region
# text_region1=text_region1[:,:,0]
# text_region2=text_region2[:,:,0]
# text_region1[(text_region1[:,:]==2) & (text_region2[:,:]==1)]=1
mask_zeros_from_1 = (text_region2[:, :, 0] == 0) * 1
# mask_text_from_1=(text_region1[:,:,0]==1)*1
mask_img_text_region1 = (text_region1[:, :, 0] == 2) * 1
text_region2_1st_channel = text_region1[:, :, 0]
text_region2_1st_channel[mask_zeros_from_1 == 1] = 0
# text_region2_1st_channel[(mask_text_from_1==1) & (text_region2_1st_channel==2)]=1
mask_lines1 = (text_region1[:, :, 0] == 3) * 1
mask_lines2 = (text_region2[:, :, 0] == 3) * 1
mask_lines2[mask_lines1[:, :] == 1] = 1
# plt.imshow(text_region2_1st_channel)
text_region2_1st_channel = cv2.erode(text_region2_1st_channel[:, :], self.kernel, iterations=4)
# plt.imshow(text_region2_1st_channel)
text_region2_1st_channel = cv2.dilate(text_region2_1st_channel[:, :], self.kernel, iterations=4)
text_region2_1st_channel[mask_lines2[:, :] == 1] = 3
# text_region2_1st_channel[ (prediction_regions_org[:,:]==1) & (text_region2_1st_channel[:,:]==2)]=1
# only in the case of model 3
text_region2_1st_channel[(prediction_regions_longshot[:, :] == 1) & (text_region2_1st_channel[:, :] == 2)] = 1
text_region2_1st_channel[(prediction_regions_org[:, :] == 2) & (text_region2_1st_channel[:, :] == 0)] = 2
# text_region2_1st_channel[prediction_regions_org[:,:]==0]=0
# plt.imshow(text_region2_1st_channel)
# text_region2_1st_channel[:,:400]=0
mask_texts_only = (text_region2_1st_channel[:, :] == 1) * 1
mask_images_only = (text_region2_1st_channel[:, :] == 2) * 1
mask_lines_only = (text_region2_1st_channel[:, :] == 3) * 1
pixel_img = 1
polygons_of_only_texts = return_contours_of_interested_region(mask_texts_only, pixel_img)
polygons_of_only_images = return_contours_of_interested_region(mask_images_only, pixel_img)
polygons_of_only_lines = return_contours_of_interested_region(mask_lines_only, pixel_img)
text_regions_p_true = np.zeros(text_region2_1st_channel.shape)
# text_regions_p_true[:,:]=text_regions_p_1[:,:]
text_regions_p_true = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions_p_true, pts=polygons_of_only_lines, color=(3, 3, 3))
text_regions_p_true = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions_p_true, pts=polygons_of_only_images, color=(2, 2, 2))
text_regions_p_true = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions_p_true, pts=polygons_of_only_texts, color=(1, 1, 1))
# text_regions_p_true_3d=np.repeat(text_regions_p_1[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
# text_regions_p_true_3d=text_regions_p_true_3d.astype(np.uint8)
return text_regions_p_true # text_region2_1st_channel
def get_regions_from_xy(self, img):
img_org = np.copy(img)
img_height_h = img_org.shape[0]
img_width_h = img_org.shape[1]
model_region, session_region = self.start_new_session_and_model(self.model_region_dir_p)
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = True
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions_org = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
prediction_regions_org = prediction_regions_org[:, :, 0]
gaussian_filter = False
patches = True
binary = False
ratio_x = 1.1
ratio_y = 1
median_blur = False
# img= resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0]*0.8), int(img_org.shape[1]*1.6))
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
text_region1 = resize_image(prediction_regions, img_height_h, img_width_h)
ratio_x = 1
ratio_y = 1.1
binary = False
median_blur = False
img = resize_image(img_org, int(img_org.shape[0] * ratio_y), int(img_org.shape[1] * ratio_x))
if binary:
img = otsu_copy_binary(img) # otsu_copy(img)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
if median_blur:
img = cv2.medianBlur(img, 5)
if gaussian_filter:
img = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (5, 5), 0)
img = img.astype(np.uint16)
prediction_regions = self.do_prediction(patches, img, model_region)
text_region2 = resize_image(prediction_regions, img_height_h, img_width_h)
del model_region
del session_region
mask_zeros_from_1 = (text_region1[:, :, 0] == 0) * 1
# mask_text_from_1=(text_region1[:,:,0]==1)*1
mask_img_text_region1 = (text_region1[:, :, 0] == 2) * 1
text_region2_1st_channel = text_region2[:, :, 0]
text_region2_1st_channel[mask_zeros_from_1 == 1] = 0
text_region2_1st_channel[mask_img_text_region1[:, :] == 1] = 2
# text_region2_1st_channel[(mask_text_from_1==1) & (text_region2_1st_channel==2)]=1
mask_lines1 = (text_region1[:, :, 0] == 3) * 1
mask_lines2 = (text_region2[:, :, 0] == 3) * 1
mask_lines2[mask_lines1[:, :] == 1] = 1
text_region2_1st_channel = cv2.erode(text_region2_1st_channel[:, :], self.kernel, iterations=5)
text_region2_1st_channel = cv2.dilate(text_region2_1st_channel[:, :], self.kernel, iterations=5)
text_region2_1st_channel[mask_lines2[:, :] == 1] = 3
text_region2_1st_channel[(prediction_regions_org[:, :] == 1) & (text_region2_1st_channel[:, :] == 2)] = 1
text_region2_1st_channel[prediction_regions_org[:, :] == 3] = 3
return text_region2_1st_channel
def do_work_of_textline_seperation(self, queue_of_all_params, polygons_per_process, index_polygons_per_process, con_par_org, textline_mask_tot, mask_texts_only, num_col, scale_par, boxes_text):
textregions_cnt_tot_per_process = []
textlines_cnt_tot_per_process = []
index_polygons_per_process_per_process = []
polygons_per_par_process_per_process = []
textline_cnt_seperated = np.zeros(textline_mask_tot.shape)
for iiii in range(len(polygons_per_process)):
# crop_img,crop_coor=crop_image_inside_box(boxes_text[mv],image_page_rotated)
# arg_max=np.argmax(areas_cnt_only_text)
textregions_cnt_tot_per_process.append(polygons_per_process[iiii] / scale_par)
textline_region_in_image = np.zeros(textline_mask_tot.shape)
cnt_o_t_max = polygons_per_process[iiii]
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnt_o_t_max)
mask_biggest = np.zeros(mask_texts_only.shape)
mask_biggest = cv2.fillPoly(mask_biggest, pts=[cnt_o_t_max], color=(1, 1, 1))
mask_region_in_patch_region = mask_biggest[y : y + h, x : x + w]
textline_biggest_region = mask_biggest * textline_mask_tot
textline_rotated_seperated = self.seperate_lines_new2(textline_biggest_region[y : y + h, x : x + w], 0, num_col)
# new line added
textline_rotated_seperated[mask_region_in_patch_region[:, :] != 1] = 0
# till here
textline_cnt_seperated[y : y + h, x : x + w] = textline_rotated_seperated
textline_region_in_image[y : y + h, x : x + w] = textline_rotated_seperated
# plt.imshow(textline_region_in_image)
# plt.imshow(textline_cnt_seperated)
pixel_img = 1
cnt_textlines_in_image = return_contours_of_interested_textline(textline_region_in_image, pixel_img)
textlines_cnt_per_region = []
for jjjj in range(len(cnt_textlines_in_image)):
mask_biggest2 = np.zeros(mask_texts_only.shape)
mask_biggest2 = cv2.fillPoly(mask_biggest2, pts=[cnt_textlines_in_image[jjjj]], color=(1, 1, 1))
if num_col + 1 == 1:
mask_biggest2 = cv2.dilate(mask_biggest2, self.kernel, iterations=5)
mask_biggest2 = cv2.dilate(mask_biggest2, self.kernel, iterations=4)
pixel_img = 1
cnt_textlines_in_image_ind = return_contours_of_interested_textline(mask_biggest2, pixel_img)
textlines_cnt_per_region.append(cnt_textlines_in_image_ind[0] / scale_par)
# print(len(cnt_textlines_in_image_ind))
# plt.imshow(mask_biggest2)
queue_of_all_params.put([index_polygons_per_process_per_process, polygons_per_par_process_per_process, textregions_cnt_tot_per_process, textlines_cnt_tot_per_process])
def seperate_lines_new(img_path, thetha, num_col, dir_of_all, f_name):
if num_col == 1:
num_patches = int(img_path.shape[1] / 200.0)
num_patches = int(img_path.shape[1] / 100.0)
# num_patches=int(img_path.shape[1]/200.)
if num_patches == 0:
num_patches = 1
(h, w) = img_path.shape[:2]
center = (w // 2, h // 2)
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, -thetha, 1.0)
x_d = M[0, 2]
y_d = M[1, 2]
thetha = thetha / 180.0 * np.pi
rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(thetha), -np.sin(thetha)], [np.sin(thetha), np.cos(thetha)]])
x_min_cont = 0
x_max_cont = img_path.shape[1]
y_min_cont = 0
y_max_cont = img_path.shape[0]
xv = np.linspace(x_min_cont, x_max_cont, 1000)
mada_n = img_path.sum(axis=1)
first_nonzero = 0 # (next((i for i, x in enumerate(mada_n) if x), None))
y = mada_n[:] # [first_nonzero:last_nonzero]
y_help = np.zeros(len(y) + 40)
y_help[20 : len(y) + 20] = y
x = np.array(range(len(y)))
peaks_real, _ = find_peaks(gaussian_filter1d(y, 3), height=0)
if len(peaks_real) <= 2 and len(peaks_real) > 1:
sigma_gaus = 10
sigma_gaus = 6
z = gaussian_filter1d(y_help, sigma_gaus)
zneg_rev = -y_help + np.max(y_help)
zneg = np.zeros(len(zneg_rev) + 40)
zneg[20 : len(zneg_rev) + 20] = zneg_rev
zneg = gaussian_filter1d(zneg, sigma_gaus)
peaks, _ = find_peaks(z, height=0)
peaks_neg, _ = find_peaks(zneg, height=0)
for nn in range(len(peaks_neg)):
if peaks_neg[nn] > len(z) - 1:
peaks_neg[nn] = len(z) - 1
if peaks_neg[nn] < 0:
peaks_neg[nn] = 0
diff_peaks = np.abs(np.diff(peaks_neg))
cut_off = 20
peaks_neg_true = []
forest = []
for i in range(len(peaks_neg)):
if i == 0:
if i < (len(peaks_neg) - 1):
if diff_peaks[i] <= cut_off:
forest.append(peaks_neg[i + 1])
if diff_peaks[i] > cut_off:
# print(forest[np.argmin(z[forest]) ] )
if not isNaN(forest[np.argmin(z[forest])]):
# print(len(z),forest)
forest = []
forest.append(peaks_neg[i + 1])
if i == (len(peaks_neg) - 1):
# print(print(forest[np.argmin(z[forest]) ] ))
if not isNaN(forest[np.argmin(z[forest])]):
peaks_neg_true = np.array(peaks_neg_true)
#plt.title('Textline segmentation von Textregion')
#plt.title('Dichte entlang X')
#base = pyplot.gca().transData
#rot = transforms.Affine2D().rotate_deg(90)
##plt.plot([0,len(y)], [grenze,grenze])
peaks_neg_true = peaks_neg_true - 20 - 20
peaks = peaks - 20
# dis_up=peaks_neg_true[14]-peaks_neg_true[0]
# dis_down=peaks_neg_true[18]-peaks_neg_true[14]
img_patch_ineterst = img_path[:, :] # [peaks_neg_true[14]-dis_up:peaks_neg_true[15]+dis_down ,:]
length_x = int(img_path.shape[1] / float(num_patches))
margin = int(0.04 * length_x)
width_mid = length_x - 2 * margin
nxf = img_path.shape[1] / float(width_mid)
if nxf > int(nxf):
nxf = int(nxf) + 1
nxf = int(nxf)
slopes_tile_wise = []
for i in range(nxf):
if i == 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + length_x
elif i > 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + length_x
if index_x_u > img_path.shape[1]:
index_x_u = img_path.shape[1]
index_x_d = img_path.shape[1] - length_x
# img_patch = img[index_y_d:index_y_u, index_x_d:index_x_u, :]
img_xline = img_patch_ineterst[:, index_x_d:index_x_u]
sigma = 2
slope_xline = return_deskew_slop(img_xline, sigma, dir_of_all=dir_of_all, f_name=f_name)
slope_xline = 0
# print(slope_xline,'xlineeee')
img_line_rotated = rotate_image(img_xline, slope_xline)
img_line_rotated[:, :][img_line_rotated[:, :] != 0] = 1
for ui in range( nx-1 ):
slope_xline=return_deskew_slop(img_xline,sigma, dir_of_all=self.dir_of_all, f_name=self.f_name)
# dis_up=peaks_neg_true[14]-peaks_neg_true[0]
# dis_down=peaks_neg_true[18]-peaks_neg_true[14]
img_patch_ineterst = img_path[:, :] # [peaks_neg_true[14]-dis_up:peaks_neg_true[14]+dis_down ,:]
img_patch_ineterst_revised = np.zeros(img_patch_ineterst.shape)
for i in range(nxf):
if i == 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + length_x
elif i > 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + length_x
if index_x_u > img_path.shape[1]:
index_x_u = img_path.shape[1]
index_x_d = img_path.shape[1] - length_x
img_xline = img_patch_ineterst[:, index_x_d:index_x_u]
img_int = np.zeros((img_xline.shape[0], img_xline.shape[1]))
img_int[:, :] = img_xline[:, :] # img_patch_org[:,:,0]
img_resized = np.zeros((int(img_int.shape[0] * (1.2)), int(img_int.shape[1] * (3))))
img_resized[int(img_int.shape[0] * (0.1)) : int(img_int.shape[0] * (0.1)) + img_int.shape[0], int(img_int.shape[1] * (1)) : int(img_int.shape[1] * (1)) + img_int.shape[1]] = img_int[:, :]
img_line_rotated = rotate_image(img_resized, slopes_tile_wise[i])
img_line_rotated[:, :][img_line_rotated[:, :] != 0] = 1
img_patch_seperated = seperate_lines_new_inside_teils(img_line_rotated, 0)
img_patch_seperated_returned = rotate_image(img_patch_seperated, -slopes_tile_wise[i])
img_patch_seperated_returned[:, :][img_patch_seperated_returned[:, :] != 0] = 1
img_patch_seperated_returned_true_size = img_patch_seperated_returned[int(img_int.shape[0] * (0.1)) : int(img_int.shape[0] * (0.1)) + img_int.shape[0], int(img_int.shape[1] * (1)) : int(img_int.shape[1] * (1)) + img_int.shape[1]]
img_patch_seperated_returned_true_size = img_patch_seperated_returned_true_size[:, margin : length_x - margin]
img_patch_ineterst_revised[:, index_x_d + margin : index_x_u - margin] = img_patch_seperated_returned_true_size
for ui in range( nx-1 ):
img_resized=np.zeros((int( img_int.shape[0]*(1.2) ) , int( img_int.shape[1]*(3) ) ))
img_resized[ int( img_int.shape[0]*(.1)):int( img_int.shape[0]*(.1))+img_int.shape[0] , int( img_int.shape[1]*(1)):int( img_int.shape[1]*(1))+img_int.shape[1] ]=img_int[:,:]
#img_patch_seperated = seperate_lines_new_inside_teils(img_line_rotated,0)
img_patch_seperated = seperate_lines_new_inside_teils(img_line_rotated,0)
#plt.imshow(img_patch_seperated_returned[ int( img_int.shape[0]*(.1)):int( img_int.shape[0]*(.1))+img_int.shape[0] , int( img_int.shape[1]*(1)):int( img_int.shape[1]*(1))+img_int.shape[1] ])
img_patch_ineterst_revised[:,int(xline[ui]):int(xline[ui+1])]=img_patch_seperated_returned[ int( img_int.shape[0]*(.1)):int( img_int.shape[0]*(.1))+img_int.shape[0] , int( img_int.shape[1]*(1)):int( img_int.shape[1]*(1))+img_int.shape[1] ]
# print(img_patch_ineterst_revised.shape,np.unique(img_patch_ineterst_revised))
return img_patch_ineterst_revised
def return_contours_of_interested_region_and_bounding_box(region_pre_p, pixel):
# pixels of images are identified by 5
cnts_images = (region_pre_p[:, :, 0] == pixel) * 1
cnts_images = cnts_images.astype(np.uint8)
cnts_images = np.repeat(cnts_images[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(cnts_images, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
contours_imgs, hiearchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours_imgs = return_parent_contours(contours_imgs, hiearchy)
contours_imgs = filter_contours_area_of_image_tables(thresh, contours_imgs, hiearchy, max_area=1, min_area=0.0003)
boxes = []
for jj in range(len(contours_imgs)):
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(contours_imgs[jj])
boxes.append([int(x), int(y), int(w), int(h)])
return contours_imgs, boxes
def return_bonding_box_of_contours(cnts):
boxes_tot = []
for i in range(len(cnts)):
x, y, w, h = cv2.boundingRect(cnts[i])
box = [x, y, w, h]
return boxes_tot
def find_features_of_contours(contours_main):
areas_main = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contours_main[j]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
M_main = [cv2.moments(contours_main[j]) for j in range(len(contours_main))]
cx_main = [(M_main[j]["m10"] / (M_main[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_main))]
cy_main = [(M_main[j]["m01"] / (M_main[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_main))]
x_min_main = np.array([np.min(contours_main[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
x_max_main = np.array([np.max(contours_main[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
y_min_main = np.array([np.min(contours_main[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
y_max_main = np.array([np.max(contours_main[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
return y_min_main, y_max_main, areas_main
def filter_contours_area_of_image_interiors(image, contours, hirarchy, max_area, min_area):
found_polygons_early = list()
jv = 0
for c in contours:
if len(c) < 3: # A polygon cannot have less than 3 points
polygon = geometry.Polygon([point[0] for point in c])
area = polygon.area
if area >= min_area *[:2]) and area <= max_area *[:2]) and hirarchy[0][jv][3] != -1:
# print(c[0][0][1])
found_polygons_early.append(np.array([point for point in polygon.exterior.coords], dtype=np.uint))
jv += 1
return found_polygons_early
def return_hor_spliter_by_index_for_without_verticals(peaks_neg_fin_t, x_min_hor_some, x_max_hor_some):
# print(peaks_neg_fin_t,x_min_hor_some,x_max_hor_some)
arg_min_hor_sort = np.argsort(x_min_hor_some)
x_min_hor_some_sort = np.sort(x_min_hor_some)
x_max_hor_some_sort = x_max_hor_some[arg_min_hor_sort]
arg_minmax = np.array(range(len(peaks_neg_fin_t)))
indexer_lines = []
indexes_to_delete = []
indexer_lines_deletions_len = []
indexr_uniq_ind = []
for i in range(len(x_min_hor_some_sort)):
min_h = peaks_neg_fin_t - x_min_hor_some_sort[i]
max_h = peaks_neg_fin_t - x_max_hor_some_sort[i]
min_h[0] = min_h[0] # +20
max_h[len(max_h) - 1] = max_h[len(max_h) - 1] - 20
min_h_neg = arg_minmax[(min_h < 0)]
min_h_neg_n = min_h[min_h < 0]
min_h_neg = [min_h_neg[np.argmax(min_h_neg_n)]]
min_h_neg = []
max_h_neg = arg_minmax[(max_h > 0)]
max_h_neg_n = max_h[max_h > 0]
if len(max_h_neg_n) > 0:
max_h_neg = [max_h_neg[np.argmin(max_h_neg_n)]]
max_h_neg = []
if len(min_h_neg) > 0 and len(max_h_neg) > 0:
deletions = list(range(min_h_neg[0] + 1, max_h_neg[0]))
unique_delets_int = []
# print(deletions,len(deletions),'delii')
if len(deletions) > 0:
for j in range(len(deletions)):
# print(deletions,indexes_to_delete,'badiii')
unique_delets = np.unique(indexes_to_delete)
# print(min_h_neg[0],unique_delets)
unique_delets_int = unique_delets[unique_delets < min_h_neg[0]]
index_line_true = min_h_neg[0] - len(unique_delets_int)
# print(index_line_true)
if index_line_true > 0 and min_h_neg[0] >= 2:
index_line_true = index_line_true
index_line_true = min_h_neg[0]
if len(unique_delets_int) > 0:
for dd in range(len(unique_delets_int)):
peaks_true = []
for m in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_t)):
if m in indexes_to_delete:
return indexer_lines, peaks_true, arg_min_hor_sort, indexer_lines_deletions_len, indexr_uniq_ind
def otsu_copy(img):
img_r = np.zeros(img.shape)
img1 = img[:, :, 0]
img2 = img[:, :, 1]
img3 = img[:, :, 2]
# print(img.min())
# print(img[:,:,0].min())
# blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(5,5))
# ret3,th3 = cv2.threshold(blur,0,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY+cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
retval1, threshold1 = cv2.threshold(img1, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
retval2, threshold2 = cv2.threshold(img2, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
retval3, threshold3 = cv2.threshold(img3, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
img_r[:, :, 0] = threshold1
img_r[:, :, 1] = threshold1
img_r[:, :, 2] = threshold1
return img_r
def return_hor_spliter_by_index(peaks_neg_fin_t, x_min_hor_some, x_max_hor_some):
arg_min_hor_sort = np.argsort(x_min_hor_some)
x_min_hor_some_sort = np.sort(x_min_hor_some)
x_max_hor_some_sort = x_max_hor_some[arg_min_hor_sort]
arg_minmax = np.array(range(len(peaks_neg_fin_t)))
indexer_lines = []
indexes_to_delete = []
indexer_lines_deletions_len = []
indexr_uniq_ind = []
for i in range(len(x_min_hor_some_sort)):
min_h = peaks_neg_fin_t - x_min_hor_some_sort[i]
max_h = peaks_neg_fin_t - x_max_hor_some_sort[i]
min_h[0] = min_h[0] # +20
max_h[len(max_h) - 1] = max_h[len(max_h) - 1] ##-20
min_h_neg = arg_minmax[(min_h < 0) & (np.abs(min_h) < 360)]
max_h_neg = arg_minmax[(max_h >= 0) & (np.abs(max_h) < 360)]
if len(min_h_neg) > 0 and len(max_h_neg) > 0:
deletions = list(range(min_h_neg[0] + 1, max_h_neg[0]))
unique_delets_int = []
# print(deletions,len(deletions),'delii')
if len(deletions) > 0:
# print(deletions,len(deletions),'delii2')
for j in range(len(deletions)):
# print(deletions,indexes_to_delete,'badiii')
unique_delets = np.unique(indexes_to_delete)
# print(min_h_neg[0],unique_delets)
unique_delets_int = unique_delets[unique_delets < min_h_neg[0]]
index_line_true = min_h_neg[0] - len(unique_delets_int)
# print(index_line_true)
if index_line_true > 0 and min_h_neg[0] >= 2:
index_line_true = index_line_true
index_line_true = min_h_neg[0]
if len(unique_delets_int) > 0:
for dd in range(len(unique_delets_int)):
peaks_true = []
for m in range(len(peaks_neg_fin_t)):
if m in indexes_to_delete:
return indexer_lines, peaks_true, arg_min_hor_sort, indexer_lines_deletions_len, indexr_uniq_ind
def implent_law_head_main_not_parallel(text_regions):
# print(text_regions.shape)
text_indexes = [1, 2] # 1: main text , 2: header , 3: comments
for t_i in text_indexes:
textline_mask = text_regions[:, :] == t_i
textline_mask = textline_mask * 255.0
textline_mask = textline_mask.astype(np.uint8)
textline_mask = np.repeat(textline_mask[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
# print(type(textline_mask),np.unique(textline_mask),textline_mask.shape)
imgray = cv2.cvtColor(textline_mask, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, thresh = cv2.threshold(imgray, 0, 255, 0)
if t_i == 1:
contours_main, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# print(type(contours_main))
areas_main = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contours_main[j]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
M_main = [cv2.moments(contours_main[j]) for j in range(len(contours_main))]
cx_main = [(M_main[j]["m10"] / (M_main[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_main))]
cy_main = [(M_main[j]["m01"] / (M_main[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_main))]
x_min_main = np.array([np.min(contours_main[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
x_max_main = np.array([np.max(contours_main[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
y_min_main = np.array([np.min(contours_main[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
y_max_main = np.array([np.max(contours_main[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_main))])
# print(contours_main[0],np.shape(contours_main[0]),contours_main[0][:,0,0])
elif t_i == 2:
contours_header, hirarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
# print(type(contours_header))
areas_header = np.array([cv2.contourArea(contours_header[j]) for j in range(len(contours_header))])
M_header = [cv2.moments(contours_header[j]) for j in range(len(contours_header))]
cx_header = [(M_header[j]["m10"] / (M_header[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_header))]
cy_header = [(M_header[j]["m01"] / (M_header[j]["m00"] + 1e-32)) for j in range(len(M_header))]
x_min_header = np.array([np.min(contours_header[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_header))])
x_max_header = np.array([np.max(contours_header[j][:, 0, 0]) for j in range(len(contours_header))])
y_min_header = np.array([np.min(contours_header[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_header))])
y_max_header = np.array([np.max(contours_header[j][:, 0, 1]) for j in range(len(contours_header))])
args = np.array(range(1, len(cy_header) + 1))
args_main = np.array(range(1, len(cy_main) + 1))
for jj in range(len(contours_main)):
headers_in_main = [(cy_header > y_min_main[jj]) & ((cy_header < y_max_main[jj]))]
mains_in_main = [(cy_main > y_min_main[jj]) & ((cy_main < y_max_main[jj]))]
args_log = args * headers_in_main
res = args_log[args_log > 0]
res_true = res - 1
args_log_main = args_main * mains_in_main
res_main = args_log_main[args_log_main > 0]
res_true_main = res_main - 1
if len(res_true) > 0:
sum_header = np.sum(areas_header[res_true])
sum_main = np.sum(areas_main[res_true_main])
if sum_main > sum_header:
cnt_int = [contours_header[j] for j in res_true]
text_regions = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions, pts=cnt_int, color=(1, 1, 1))
cnt_int = [contours_main[j] for j in res_true_main]
text_regions = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions, pts=cnt_int, color=(2, 2, 2))
for jj in range(len(contours_header)):
main_in_header = [(cy_main > y_min_header[jj]) & ((cy_main < y_max_header[jj]))]
header_in_header = [(cy_header > y_min_header[jj]) & ((cy_header < y_max_header[jj]))]
args_log = args_main * main_in_header
res = args_log[args_log > 0]
res_true = res - 1
args_log_header = args * header_in_header
res_header = args_log_header[args_log_header > 0]
res_true_header = res_header - 1
if len(res_true) > 0:
sum_header = np.sum(areas_header[res_true_header])
sum_main = np.sum(areas_main[res_true])
if sum_main > sum_header:
cnt_int = [contours_header[j] for j in res_true_header]
text_regions = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions, pts=cnt_int, color=(1, 1, 1))
cnt_int = [contours_main[j] for j in res_true]
text_regions = cv2.fillPoly(text_regions, pts=cnt_int, color=(2, 2, 2))
return text_regions