You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import sys
from pathlib import Path
from lxml import etree as ET
from qurator.mods4pandas.mods4pandas import pages_to_dict
TESTS_DATA_DIR = Path(__file__).parent / "data"
def removeprefix(s, prefix):
if sys.version_info < (3,9):
return s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s
return s.removeprefix(prefix)
def test_page_info():
"""Test creation of page_info"""
mets = ET.parse(TESTS_DATA_DIR / "mets-mods" / "PPN821507109-1361-pages.xml")
page_info = pages_to_dict(mets)
# We have 1361 pages for this one work.
assert len(page_info) == 1361
assert all(p["ppn"] == "PPN821507109" for p in page_info)
# Look closer at an interesting page
from pprint import pprint; pprint(page_info[0])
page_info_page = next(p for p in page_info if p["ID"] == "PHYS_0005")
assert page_info_page["fileGrp_PRESENTATION_file_FLocat_href"] == "file:///goobi/tiff001/sbb/PPN821507109/00000005.tif"
# This is a title page with an illustration, check that we correctly got this info from the
# structMap.
struct_types = sorted(removeprefix(k, "structMap-LOGICAL_TYPE_") for k, v in page_info_page.items() if k.startswith("structMap-LOGICAL_TYPE_") and v == 1)
assert struct_types == ["illustration", "monograph", "title_page"]