@ -252,9 +252,90 @@ def mets_to_dict(mets, raise_errors=True):
raise ValueError('Unknown tag "{}"'.format(tag))
return value
def pages_to_dict(mets, raise_errors=True) -> list[dict]:
# TODO replace asserts by ValueError
result = []
def get_mets_recordIdentifier(*, source="gbv-ppn"):
return (mets.xpath(f'//mets:dmdSec[1]//mods:mods/mods:recordInfo/mods:recordIdentifier[@source="{source}"]',
namespaces=ns) or [None])[0].text
ppn = get_mets_recordIdentifier()
# Getting per-page/structure information is a bit different
structMap_PHYSICAL = (mets.xpath('//mets:structMap[@TYPE="PHYSICAL"]', namespaces=ns) or [None])[0]
if not structMap_PHYSICAL:
raise ValueError("No structMap[@TYPE='PHYSICAL'] found")
div_physSequence = structMap_PHYSICAL[0]
assert div_physSequence.attrib.get("TYPE") == "physSequence"
for page in div_physSequence:
# TODO sort by ORDER?
assert page.attrib.get("TYPE") == "page"
page_dict = {}
page_dict["ppn"] = ppn
page_dict["ID"] = page.attrib.get("ID")
for fptr in page:
assert fptr.tag == "{http://www.loc.gov/METS/}fptr"
file_id = fptr.attrib.get("FILEID")
assert file_id
def get_mets_file(*, ID):
if ID:
file_ = (mets.xpath(f'//mets:file[@ID="{ID}"]', namespaces=ns) or [None])[0]
return file_
file_ = get_mets_file(ID=file_id)
fileGrp_USE = file_.getparent().attrib.get("USE")
file_FLocat_href = (file_.xpath('mets:FLocat/@xlink:href', namespaces=ns) or [None])[0]
page_dict[f"fileGrp_{fileGrp_USE}_file_FLocat_href"] = file_FLocat_href
def get_struct_log(*, to_phys):
Get the logical structMap elements that link to the given physical page.
Keyword arguments:
to_phys -- ID of the page, as per structMap[@TYPE="PHYSICAL"]
# This is all XLink, there might be a more generic way to traverse the links. However, currently,
# it suffices to do this the old-fashioned way.
sm_links = mets.xpath(f'//mets:structLink/mets:smLink[@xlink:to="{to_phys}"]', namespaces=ns)
targets = []
for sm_link in sm_links:
xlink_from = sm_link.attrib.get(f"{{{ns['xlink']}}}from")
targets.extend(mets.xpath(f'//mets:div[@ID="{xlink_from}"]', namespaces=ns))
return targets
struct_divs = set(get_struct_log(to_phys=page_dict["ID"]))
# In our documents, there are already links to parent elements, but we want to make
# sure and add them.
def get_struct_log_parents(div):
cursor = div
while (cursor := cursor.getparent()).tag == f"{{{ns['mets']}}}div":
yield cursor
for struct_div in struct_divs:
for struct_div in struct_divs:
type_ = struct_div.attrib.get("TYPE")
assert type_
page_dict[f"structmap_LOGICAL_TYPE_{type_}"] = 1
from pprint import pprint; pprint(page_dict); print()
return result
@click.argument('mets_files', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, nargs=-1)
@ -286,6 +367,7 @@ def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str, output_csv: str, output_xls
with open(output_file + '.warnings.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
mods_info = []
page_info = []
logger.info('Processing METS files')
for mets_file in tqdm(mets_files_real, leave=False):
@ -298,6 +380,7 @@ def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str, output_csv: str, output_xls
d = flatten(mods_to_dict(mods, raise_errors=True))
d_mets = flatten(mets_to_dict(mets, raise_errors=True))
for k, v in d_mets.items():
@ -305,7 +388,11 @@ def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str, output_csv: str, output_xls
# "meta"
d['mets_file'] = mets_file
# METS - per-page
page_info_doc: list[dict] = pages_to_dict(mets, raise_errors=True)
if caught_warnings:
# PyCharm thinks caught_warnings is not Iterable: