🠒 Move modstool into its own subdirectory

Gerber, Mike 6 years ago
commit 9b8aef12e1

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Extract the MODS metadata of a bunch of METS files into a pandas DataFrame.
Column names are derived from the corresponding MODS elements. Some domain
knowledge is used to convert elements to a useful column, e.g. produce sets
instead of ordered lists for topics, etc. Parts of the tool are specific to
our environment/needs at the State Library Berlin and may need to be changed for
your library.
## Usage
modstool /path/to/a/directory/containing/mets_files
## Example
In this example we convert the MODS metadata contained in the METS files in
`/srv/data/digisam_mets-sample-300` to a pandas DataFrame under
`mods_info_df.pkl`. This file can then be read by your data scientist using
% modstool /srv/data/digisam_mets-sample-300
INFO:root:Scanning directory /srv/data/digisam_mets-sample-300
301it [00:00, 19579.19it/s]
INFO:root:Processing METS files
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 301/301 [00:01<00:00, 162.59it/s]
INFO:root:Writing DataFrame to mods_info_df.pkl

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import csv
import logging
import os
import re
import warnings
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import List
from collections.abc import MutableMapping, Sequence
import click
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
ns = {
'mets': 'http://www.loc.gov/METS/',
'mods': 'http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3'
class TagGroup:
"""Helper class to simplify the parsing and checking of MODS metadata"""
def __init__(self, tag, group: List[ET.Element]):
self.tag = tag
self.group = group
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(str(ET.tostring(e), 'utf-8').strip() for e in self.group)
def is_singleton(self):
if len(self.group) != 1:
raise ValueError('More than one instance: {}'.format(self))
return self
def has_no_attributes(self):
return self.has_attributes({})
def has_attributes(self, attrib):
if not isinstance(attrib, Sequence):
attrib = [attrib]
if not all(e.attrib in attrib for e in self.group):
raise ValueError('One or more element has unexpected attributes: {}'.format(self))
return self
def ignore_attributes(self):
# This serves as documentation for now.
return self
def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False):
self.group = sorted(self.group, key=key, reverse=reverse)
return self
def text(self, separator='\n'):
t = ''
for e in self.group:
if t != '':
t += separator
t += e.text
return t
def text_set(self):
return {e.text for e in self.group}
def descend(self, raise_errors):
return mods_to_dict(self.is_singleton().group[0], raise_errors)
def filter(self, cond, warn=None):
new_group = []
for e in self.group:
if cond(e):
if warn:
warnings.warn('Filtered {} element ({})'.format(self.tag, warn))
return TagGroup(self.tag, new_group)
def force_singleton(self, warn=True):
if len(self.group) == 1:
return self
if warn:
warnings.warn('Forced single instance of {}'.format(self.tag))
return TagGroup(self.tag, self.group[:1])
RE_ISO8601_DATE = r'^\d{2}(\d{2}|XX)(-\d{2}-\d{2})?$' # Note: Includes non-specific century dates like '18XX'
RE_GERMAN_DATE = r'^(?P<dd>\d{2})\.(?P<mm>\d{2})\.(?P<yyyy>\d{4})$'
def fix_date(self):
for e in self.group:
if e.attrib.get('encoding') == 'w3cdtf':
# This should be 'iso8601' according to MODS-AP 2.3.1
warnings.warn('Changed w3cdtf encoding to iso8601')
e.attrib['encoding'] = 'iso8601'
new_group = []
for e in self.group:
if e.attrib.get('encoding') == 'iso8601' and re.match(self.RE_ISO8601_DATE, e.text):
elif re.match(self.RE_ISO8601_DATE, e.text):
warnings.warn('Added iso8601 encoding to date {}'.format(e.text))
e.attrib['encoding'] = 'iso8601'
elif re.match(self.RE_GERMAN_DATE, e.text):
warnings.warn('Converted date {} to iso8601 encoding'.format(e.text))
m = re.match(self.RE_GERMAN_DATE, e.text)
e.text = '{}-{}-{}'.format(m.group('yyyy'), m.group('mm'), m.group('dd'))
e.attrib['encoding'] = 'iso8601'
warnings.warn('Not a iso8601 date: "{}"'.format(e.text))
self.group = new_group
# Notes:
# - There are dates with the misspelled qualifier 'aproximate'
# - Rough periods are sometimes given either by:
# - years like '19xx'
# - or 'approximate' date ranges with point="start"/"end" attributes set
# (this could be correct according to MODS-AP 2.3.1)
# - Some very specific dates like '06.08.1820' are sometimes given the 'approximate' qualifier
# - Sometimes, approximate date ranges are given in the text "1785-1800 (ca.)"
return self
def fix_event_type(self):
# According to MODS-AP 2.3.1, every originInfo should have its eventType set.
# Fix this for special cases.
for e in self.group:
if e.attrib.get('eventType') is None:
if e.find('mods:publisher', ns).text.startswith('Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin') and \
e.find('mods:edition', ns).text == '[Electronic ed.]':
e.attrib['eventType'] = 'digitization'
warnings.warn('Fixed eventType for electronic ed.')
except AttributeError:
if e.find('mods:dateIssued', ns) is not None:
e.attrib['eventType'] = 'publication'
warnings.warn('Fixed eventType for an issued origin')
except AttributeError:
if e.find('mods:dateCreated', ns) is not None:
e.attrib['eventType'] = 'production'
warnings.warn('Fixed eventType for a created origin')
except AttributeError:
return self
def fix_script_term(self):
for e in self.group:
# MODS-AP 2.3.1 is not clear about this, but it looks like that this should be lower case.
if e.attrib['authority'] == 'ISO15924':
e.attrib['authority'] = 'iso15924'
warnings.warn('Changed scriptTerm authority to lower case')
return self
def sorted_groupby(iterable, key=None):
Sort iterable by key and then group by the same key.
itertools.groupby() assumes that the iterable is already sorted. This function
conveniently sorts the iterable first, and then groups its elements.
return groupby(sorted(iterable, key=key), key=key)
def mods_to_dict(mods, raise_errors=True):
"""Convert MODS metadata to a nested dictionary"""
# The approach taken here is to handle each element explicitly. This also means that ignored elements are ignored
# explicitly.
value = {}
# Iterate through each group of tags
for tag, group in sorted_groupby(mods, key=attrgetter('tag')):
group = list(group)
if tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}location':
def only_current_location(location):
return location.get('type') != 'former'
value['location'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.filter(only_current_location) \
.has_attributes([{}, {'type': 'current'}]) \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}physicalLocation':
def no_display_label(physical_location):
return physical_location.get('displayLabel') is None
value['physicalLocation'] = TagGroup(tag, group).filter(no_display_label).text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}shelfLocator':
# This element should not be repeated according to MODS-AP 2.3.1, however a few of the files contain
# a second element with empty text and a "displayLabel" attribute set.
def no_display_label(shelf_locator):
return shelf_locator.get('displayLabel') is None
value['shelfLocator'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.filter(no_display_label) \
.is_singleton() \
.has_no_attributes() \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}originInfo':
def has_event_type(origin_info):
# According to MODS-AP 2.3.1, every originInfo should have its eventType set. However, some
# are empty and not fixable.
return origin_info.attrib.get('eventType') is not None
tag_group = TagGroup(tag, group).fix_event_type().filter(has_event_type, warn="has no eventType")
for event_type, grouped_group in sorted_groupby(tag_group.group, key=lambda g: g.attrib['eventType']):
for n, e in enumerate(grouped_group):
value['originInfo-{}{}'.format(event_type, n)] = mods_to_dict(e, raise_errors)
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}place':
value['place'] = TagGroup(tag, group).force_singleton(warn=False).has_no_attributes().descend(raise_errors)
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}placeTerm':
value['placeTerm'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_attributes({'type': 'text'}).text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}dateIssued':
value['dateIssued'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.fix_date() \
.sort(key=lambda d: d.attrib.get('keyDate') == 'yes', reverse=True) \
.ignore_attributes() \
.force_singleton() \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}dateCreated':
value['dateCreated'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.fix_date() \
.sort(key=lambda d: d.attrib.get('keyDate') == 'yes', reverse=True) \
.ignore_attributes() \
.force_singleton() \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}dateCaptured':
value['dateCaptured'] = TagGroup(tag, group).fix_date().ignore_attributes().is_singleton().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}dateOther':
value['dateOther'] = TagGroup(tag, group).fix_date().ignore_attributes().is_singleton().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}publisher':
value['publisher'] = TagGroup(tag, group).force_singleton(warn=False).has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}edition':
value['edition'] = TagGroup(tag, group).force_singleton().has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}classification':
authorities = {e.attrib['authority'] for e in group}
for authority in authorities:
sub_group = [e for e in group if e.attrib.get('authority') == authority]
value['classification-{}'.format(authority)] = TagGroup(tag, sub_group).text_set()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}recordInfo':
value['recordInfo'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_no_attributes().descend(raise_errors)
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}recordIdentifier':
value['recordIdentifier'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_attributes({'source': 'gbv-ppn'}).text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}identifier':
for e in group:
if len(e.attrib) != 1:
raise ValueError('Unknown attributes for identifier {}'.format(e.attrib))
value['identifier-{}'.format(e.attrib['type'])] = e.text
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}titleInfo':
def only_standard_title(title_info):
return title_info.attrib.get('type') is None
value['titleInfo'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.filter(only_standard_title) \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}title':
value['title'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}subTitle':
value['subTitle'] = TagGroup(tag, group).force_singleton().has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}note':
# This could be useful if distinguished by type attribute.
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}part':
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}abstract':
value['abstract'] = TagGroup(tag, group).has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}subject':
authorities = {e.attrib.get('authority') for e in group}
for authority in authorities:
k = 'subject-{}'.format(authority) if authority is not None else 'subject'
sub_group = [e for e in group if e.attrib.get('authority') == authority]
value[k] = TagGroup(tag, sub_group).force_singleton().descend(raise_errors)
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}topic':
TagGroup(tag, group).text_set()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}cartographics':
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}geographic':
TagGroup(tag, group).text_set()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}temporal':
TagGroup(tag, group).text_set()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}genre':
authorities = {e.attrib.get('authority') for e in group}
for authority in authorities:
k = 'genre-{}'.format(authority) if authority is not None else 'genre'
value[k] = {e.text for e in group if e.attrib.get('authority') == authority}
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}language':
# Make languageTerm/scriptTerm sets
sub_dicts = [mods_to_dict(e) for e in group]
sub_tags = {k for d in sub_dicts for k in d.keys()}
for sub_tag in sub_tags:
value['language_{}'.format(sub_tag)] = {d.get(sub_tag) for d in sub_dicts if d.get(sub_tag)}
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}languageTerm':
value['languageTerm'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.is_singleton().has_attributes({'authority': 'iso639-2b', 'type': 'code'}) \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}scriptTerm':
value['scriptTerm'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.is_singleton() \
.fix_script_term() \
.has_attributes({'authority': 'iso15924', 'type': 'code'}) \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}relatedItem':
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}name':
for n, e in enumerate(group):
value['name{}'.format(n)] = mods_to_dict(e, raise_errors)
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}role':
value['role'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_no_attributes().descend(raise_errors)
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}roleTerm':
value['roleTerm'] = TagGroup(tag, group) \
.is_singleton().has_attributes({'authority': 'marcrelator', 'type': 'code'}) \
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}namePart':
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}displayForm':
value['displayForm'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}physicalDescription':
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}extension':
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}accessCondition':
for e in group:
if not e.attrib.get('type'):
raise ValueError('Unknown attributes for accessCondition {}'.format(e.attrib))
value['accessCondition-{}'.format(e.attrib['type'])] = e.text
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}typeOfResource':
value['typeOfResource'] = TagGroup(tag, group).is_singleton().has_no_attributes().text()
elif tag == '{http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}mods':
# XXX Ignore nested mods:mods for now (used in mods:subject)
if raise_errors:
raise ValueError('Unknown tag "{}"'.format(tag))
return value
def flatten(d: MutableMapping, parent='', separator='_'):
Flatten the given nested dict.
It is assumed that d maps strings to either another dictionary (similarly structured) or some other value.
items = []
for k, v in d.items():
if parent:
new_key = parent + separator + k
new_key = k
if isinstance(v, MutableMapping):
items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, separator=separator).items())
items.append((new_key, v))
return dict(items)
@click.argument('mets_files', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, nargs=-1)
@click.option('--output', '-o', 'output_file', type=click.Path(), help='Output pickle file',
default='mods_info_df.pkl', show_default=True)
def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str):
A tool to convert the MODS metadata in INPUT to a pandas DataFrame.
INPUT is assumed to be a METS document with MODS metadata. INPUT may optionally be a directory. The tool then reads
all files in the directory.
modstool writes two output files: A pickled pandas DataFrame and a CSV file with all conversion warnings.
# Extend file list if directories are given
mets_files_real = []
for m in mets_files:
if os.path.isdir(m):
logging.info('Scanning directory {}'.format(m))
mets_files_real.extend(f.path for f in tqdm(os.scandir(m))
if f.is_file() and not f.name.startswith('.'))
# Process METS files
with open(output_file + '.warnings.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
mods_info = []
logging.info('Processing METS files')
for mets_file in tqdm(mets_files_real):
dmd_sec = ET.parse(mets_file).getroot().find('mets:dmdSec', ns)
mods = dmd_sec.find('.//mods:mods', ns)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught_warnings:
warnings.simplefilter('always') # do NOT filter double occurrences
d = flatten(mods_to_dict(mods, raise_errors=True))
d['mets_file'] = mets_file
if caught_warnings:
# PyCharm thinks caught_warnings is not Iterable:
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
for caught_warning in caught_warnings:
csvwriter.writerow([mets_file, caught_warning.message])
except Exception as e:
warnings.warn('Exception in {}:\n{}'.format(mets_file, e))
# Convert the mods_info List[Dict] to a pandas DataFrame
columns = []
for m in mods_info:
for c in m.keys():
if c not in columns:
data = [[m.get(c) for c in columns] for m in mods_info]
index = [m['recordInfo_recordIdentifier'] for m in mods_info] # PPN
mods_info_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns)
# Pickle the DataFrame
logging.info('Writing DataFrame to {}'.format(output_file))
def main():
for prefix, uri in ns.items():
ET.register_namespace(prefix, uri)
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
from qurator.modstool.modstool import mods_to_dict, flatten
import pytest
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
def dict_fromstring(x):
"""Helper function to parse a MODS XML string to a flattened dict"""
return flatten(mods_to_dict(ET.fromstring(x)))
def test_languageTerm():
Different languages have multiple mods:language elements.
See MODS-AP 2.3.1
d = dict_fromstring("""
<mods:mods xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3">
<mods:language><mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">lat</mods:languageTerm></mods:language>
<mods:language><mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">ger</mods:languageTerm></mods:language>
assert d['language_languageTerm'] == {'ger', 'lat'}
def test_scriptTerm():
Same language using different scripts have one mods:language, with multiple scriptTerms inside.
See MODS-AP 2.3.1.
d = dict_fromstring("""
<mods:mods xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3">
<mods:languageTerm authority="iso639-2b" type="code">ger</mods:languageTerm>
<mods:scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">215</mods:scriptTerm>
<mods:scriptTerm authority="iso15924" type="code">217</mods:scriptTerm>
assert d['language_scriptTerm'] == {'215', '217'}
def test_recordInfo():
d = dict_fromstring("""
<mods:mods xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3">
<mods:recordIdentifier source="gbv-ppn">PPN610714341</mods:recordIdentifier>
assert d['recordInfo_recordIdentifier'] == 'PPN610714341'
def test_accessCondition():
d = dict_fromstring("""
<mods:mods xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3">
<mods:accessCondition type="use and reproduction">UNKNOWN</mods:accessCondition>
assert d['accessCondition-use and reproduction'] == 'UNKNOWN'
def test_originInfo_no_event_type():
with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as ws:
d = dict_fromstring("""
<mods:mods xmlns:mods="http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3">
<mods:place><mods:placeTerm type="text">Berlin</mods:placeTerm></mods:place>
assert d == {} # empty
assert len(ws) == 1
assert ws[0].message.args[0] == 'Filtered {http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3}originInfo element (has no eventType)'

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from io import open
from setuptools import find_packages, setup
with open('requirements.txt') as fp:
install_requires = fp.read()
author='Mike Gerber, The QURATOR SPK Team',
author_email='mike.gerber@sbb.spk-berlin.de, qurator@sbb.spk-berlin.de',
description='Convert MODS metadata to a pandas DataFrame',
long_description=open('README.md', 'r', encoding='utf-8').read(),
keywords='qurator mets mots library',
packages=find_packages(exclude=['*.tests', '*.tests.*',
'tests.*', 'tests']),
'console_scripts': [