@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ from lxml import etree as ET
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Dict, List
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import MutableMapping, Sequence
import click
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from .lib import sorted_groupby, TagGroup, ns, flatten, dicts_to_df
from .lib import sorted_groupby, TagGroup, ns, flatten, dicts_to_df, insert_into_db, insert_into_db_multiple
@ -396,45 +397,16 @@ def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str, output_page_info: str):
current_columns = []
def valid_column_key(k):
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9 _-]+$", k):
return True
return False
def insert_into_db(con, d: Dict):
# Create table if necessary
if not current_columns:
for k in d.keys():
assert valid_column_key(k), f"\"{k}\" is not a valid column name"
con.execute(f"CREATE TABLE mods_info({",".join(f"\"{c}\"" for c in current_columns)})")
# Add columns if necessary
for k in d.keys():
if not k in current_columns:
assert valid_column_key(k), f"\"{k}\" is not a valid column name"
con.execute(f"ALTER TABLE mods_info ADD COLUMN \"{k}\"")
# Insert
# Unfortunately, Python3's sqlite3 does not like named placeholders with spaces, so we
# have use qmark style here.
columns = d.keys()
"INSERT INTO mods_info"
f"( {",".join(f"\"{c}\"" for c in columns)} )"
f"( {",".join("?" for c in columns)} )",
[str(d[c]) for c in columns]
# Process METS files
output_file_sqlite3 = output_file + ".sqlite3"
con = sqlite3.connect(output_file_sqlite3)
if output_page_info:
output_page_info_sqlite3 = output_page_info + ".sqlite3"
con_page_info = sqlite3.connect(output_page_info_sqlite3)
with open(output_file + '.warnings.csv', 'w') as csvfile:
csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
mods_info = []
@ -463,11 +435,11 @@ def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str, output_page_info: str):
if output_page_info:
page_info_doc: list[dict] = pages_to_dict(mets, raise_errors=True)
insert_into_db(con, d)
insert_into_db(con, "mods_info", d)
#if output_page_info:
# page_info.extend(page_info_doc)
if output_page_info:
insert_into_db_multiple(con_page_info, "page_info", page_info_doc)
if caught_warnings:
# PyCharm thinks caught_warnings is not Iterable:
@ -478,18 +450,21 @@ def process(mets_files: List[str], output_file: str, output_page_info: str):
logger.exception('Exception in {}'.format(mets_file))
# Convert the mods_info List[Dict] to a pandas DataFrame
mods_info_df = dicts_to_df(mods_info, index_column="recordInfo_recordIdentifier")
# mods_info_df = dicts_to_df(mods_info, index_column="recordInfo_recordIdentifier")
# Save the DataFrame
logger.info('Writing DataFrame to {}'.format(output_file))
#logger.info('Writing DataFrame to {}'.format(output_file))
# Convert page_info
if output_page_info:
page_info_df = dicts_to_df(page_info, index_column=("ppn", "ID"))
# Save the DataFrame
logger.info('Writing DataFrame to {}'.format(output_page_info))
# if output_page_info:
# page_info_df = dicts_to_df(page_info, index_column=("ppn", "ID"))
# # Save the DataFrame
# logger.info('Writing DataFrame to {}'.format(output_page_info))
# page_info_df.to_parquet(output_page_info)
def main():