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881 B

TSV - Processing Tools


Setup virtual environment:

virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv

Activate virtual environment:

source venv/bin/activate

Upgrade pip:

pip install -U pip

Install package together with its dependencies in development mode:

pip install -e ./


Create a URL-annotated TSV file from an existing TSV file:

annotate-tsv enp_DE.tsv enp_DE-annotated.tsv

Create a corresponding URL-mapping file:

extract-doc-links enp_DE.tsv  enp_DE-urls.tsv

By loading the annotated TSV as well as the url mapping file into ner.edith, you will be able to jump directly to the original image where the full text has been extracted from.

PAGE-XML to TSV Transformation


Create a TSV file from OCR in PAGE-XML format (with word segmentation):

python PAGE.xml > PAGE.tsv