enable flowing from directory

vahid 2 years ago
parent 0877199c68
commit 5c37d18cb0

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ sbb_binarize CLI
from click import command, option, argument, version_option, types
from .sbb_binarize import SbbBinarizer
import click
@ -11,5 +12,24 @@ from .sbb_binarize import SbbBinarizer
@option('--model-dir', '-m', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False), required=True, help='directory containing models for prediction')
def main(patches, model_dir, input_image, output_image):
SbbBinarizer(model_dir).run(image_path=input_image, use_patches=patches, save=output_image)
help="directory of images",
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False),
help="directory where the binarized images will be written",
type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=False),
def main(patches, model_dir, input_image, output_image, dir_in, dir_out):
if not dir_out and (dir_in):
print("Error: You used -di but did not set -do")
elif dir_out and not (dir_in):
print("Error: You used -do to write out binarized images but have not set -di")
SbbBinarizer(model_dir).run(image_path=input_image, use_patches=patches, save=output_image, dir_in=dir_in, dir_out=dir_out)

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ from glob import glob
from os import environ, devnull
from os.path import join
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter
import os
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
@ -242,33 +243,63 @@ class SbbBinarizer:
prediction_true = prediction_true.astype(np.uint8)
return prediction_true[:,:,0]
def run(self, image=None, image_path=None, save=None, use_patches=False):
if (image is not None and image_path is not None) or \
(image is None and image_path is None):
raise ValueError("Must pass either a opencv2 image or an image_path")
if image_path is not None:
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
img_last = 0
for n, (model, model_file) in enumerate(zip(self.models, self.model_files)):
self.log.info('Predicting with model %s [%s/%s]' % (model_file, n + 1, len(self.model_files)))
res = self.predict(model, image, use_patches)
img_fin = np.zeros((res.shape[0], res.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :][res[:, :] == 0] = 2
res = res - 1
res = res * 255
img_fin[:, :, 0] = res
img_fin[:, :, 1] = res
img_fin[:, :, 2] = res
img_fin = img_fin.astype(np.uint8)
img_fin = (res[:, :] == 0) * 255
img_last = img_last + img_fin
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
img_last[:, :][img_last[:, :] > 0] = 255
img_last = (img_last[:, :] == 0) * 255
if save:
cv2.imwrite(save, img_last)
return img_last
def run(self, image=None, image_path=None, save=None, use_patches=False, dir_in=None, dir_out=None):
if not dir_in:
if (image is not None and image_path is not None) or \
(image is None and image_path is None):
raise ValueError("Must pass either a opencv2 image or an image_path")
if image_path is not None:
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
img_last = 0
for n, (model, model_file) in enumerate(zip(self.models, self.model_files)):
self.log.info('Predicting with model %s [%s/%s]' % (model_file, n + 1, len(self.model_files)))
res = self.predict(model, image, use_patches)
img_fin = np.zeros((res.shape[0], res.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :][res[:, :] == 0] = 2
res = res - 1
res = res * 255
img_fin[:, :, 0] = res
img_fin[:, :, 1] = res
img_fin[:, :, 2] = res
img_fin = img_fin.astype(np.uint8)
img_fin = (res[:, :] == 0) * 255
img_last = img_last + img_fin
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
img_last[:, :][img_last[:, :] > 0] = 255
img_last = (img_last[:, :] == 0) * 255
if save:
cv2.imwrite(save, img_last)
return img_last
ls_imgs = os.listdir(dir_in)
for image_name in ls_imgs:
image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(dir_in,image_name) )
img_last = 0
for n, (model, model_file) in enumerate(zip(self.models, self.model_files)):
self.log.info('Predicting with model %s [%s/%s]' % (model_file, n + 1, len(self.model_files)))
res = self.predict(model, image, use_patches)
img_fin = np.zeros((res.shape[0], res.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :][res[:, :] == 0] = 2
res = res - 1
res = res * 255
img_fin[:, :, 0] = res
img_fin[:, :, 1] = res
img_fin[:, :, 2] = res
img_fin = img_fin.astype(np.uint8)
img_fin = (res[:, :] == 0) * 255
img_last = img_last + img_fin
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
img_last[:, :][img_last[:, :] > 0] = 255
img_last = (img_last[:, :] == 0) * 255
cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(dir_out,image_name), img_last)
