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376 lines
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Tool to load model and binarize a given image.
import sys
from glob import glob
from os import environ, devnull
from os.path import join
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import cv2
environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = open(devnull, 'w')
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as tensorflow_backend
from tensorflow.keras import layers
import tensorflow.keras.losses
from tensorflow.keras.layers import *
sys.stderr = stderr
import logging
projection_dim = 64
patch_size = 1
num_patches =14*14
def resize_image(img_in, input_height, input_width):
return cv2.resize(img_in, (input_width, input_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
class Patches(layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Patches, self).__init__()
self.patch_size = patch_size
def call(self, images):
batch_size = tf.shape(images)[0]
patches = tf.image.extract_patches(
sizes=[1, self.patch_size, self.patch_size, 1],
strides=[1, self.patch_size, self.patch_size, 1],
rates=[1, 1, 1, 1],
patch_dims = patches.shape[-1]
patches = tf.reshape(patches, [batch_size, -1, patch_dims])
return patches
def get_config(self):
config = super().get_config().copy()
'patch_size': self.patch_size,
return config
class PatchEncoder(layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(PatchEncoder, self).__init__()
self.num_patches = num_patches
self.projection = layers.Dense(units=projection_dim)
self.position_embedding = layers.Embedding(
input_dim=num_patches, output_dim=projection_dim
def call(self, patch):
positions = tf.range(start=0, limit=self.num_patches, delta=1)
encoded = self.projection(patch) + self.position_embedding(positions)
return encoded
def get_config(self):
config = super().get_config().copy()
'num_patches': self.num_patches,
'projection': self.projection,
'position_embedding': self.position_embedding,
return config
class SbbBinarizer:
def __init__(self, model_dir, logger=None):
self.model_dir = model_dir
self.log = logger if logger else logging.getLogger('SbbBinarizer')
self.model_files = glob('%s/*.h5' % self.model_dir)
self.models = []
for model_file in self.model_files:
def start_new_session(self):
config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
self.session = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) # tf.InteractiveSession()
def end_session(self):
del self.session
def load_model(self, model_name):
model = load_model(join(self.model_dir, model_name), compile=False)
self.margin_percent = 0.1
model = load_model(join(self.model_dir, model_name) , compile=False,custom_objects = {"PatchEncoder": PatchEncoder, "Patches": Patches})
self.margin_percent = 0.15
model_height = model.layers[len(model.layers)-1].output_shape[1]
model_width = model.layers[len(model.layers)-1].output_shape[2]
n_classes = model.layers[len(model.layers)-1].output_shape[3]
return model, model_height, model_width, n_classes
def predict(self, model_in, img, use_patches):
model, model_height, model_width, n_classes = model_in
img_org_h = img.shape[0]
img_org_w = img.shape[1]
if img.shape[0] < model_height and img.shape[1] >= model_width:
img_padded = np.zeros(( model_height, img.shape[1], img.shape[2] ))
index_start_h = int( abs( img.shape[0] - model_height) /2.)
index_start_w = 0
img_padded [ index_start_h: index_start_h+img.shape[0], :, : ] = img[:,:,:]
elif img.shape[0] >= model_height and img.shape[1] < model_width:
img_padded = np.zeros(( img.shape[0], model_width, img.shape[2] ))
index_start_h = 0
index_start_w = int( abs( img.shape[1] - model_width) /2.)
img_padded [ :, index_start_w: index_start_w+img.shape[1], : ] = img[:,:,:]
elif img.shape[0] < model_height and img.shape[1] < model_width:
img_padded = np.zeros(( model_height, model_width, img.shape[2] ))
index_start_h = int( abs( img.shape[0] - model_height) /2.)
index_start_w = int( abs( img.shape[1] - model_width) /2.)
img_padded [ index_start_h: index_start_h+img.shape[0], index_start_w: index_start_w+img.shape[1], : ] = img[:,:,:]
index_start_h = 0
index_start_w = 0
img_padded = np.copy(img)
img_org_h_pad = img_padded.shape[0]
img_org_w_pad = img_padded.shape[1]
index_start_h_alw = 0#100
index_start_w_alw = 0#100
#img_padded_alw = np.zeros(( img_padded.shape[0]+2*index_start_h_alw, img.shape[1]+2*index_start_w_alw, img.shape[2] ))
#img_padded_alw [ 0: index_start_h_alw, index_start_w_alw: index_start_w_alw+img_padded.shape[1], : ] = img_padded[:index_start_h_alw,:,:]
#img_padded_alw [ index_start_h_alw: index_start_h_alw+img_padded.shape[0], 0:index_start_w_alw, : ] = img_padded[:,0:index_start_w_alw,:]
#img_padded_alw [ img_padded_alw.shape[0]-index_start_h_alw: img_padded_alw.shape[0], index_start_w_alw: index_start_w_alw+img_padded.shape[1], : ] = img_padded[img_padded.shape[0]-index_start_h_alw:img_padded.shape[0],:,:]
#img_padded_alw [ index_start_h_alw: index_start_h_alw+img_padded.shape[0],img_padded_alw.shape[1]-index_start_w_alw: img_padded_alw.shape[1], : ] = img_padded[:,img_padded.shape[1]-index_start_w_alw:img_padded.shape[1],:]
#img_padded_alw [ index_start_h_alw: index_start_h_alw+img_padded.shape[0], index_start_w_alw: index_start_w_alw+img_padded.shape[1], : ] = img_padded[:,:,:]
img = np.copy(img_padded)
if use_patches:
margin = int(self.margin_percent * model_width)
width_mid = model_width - 2 * margin
height_mid = model_height - 2 * margin
img = img / float(255.0)
img_h = img.shape[0]
img_w = img.shape[1]
prediction_true = np.zeros((img_h, img_w, 3))
mask_true = np.zeros((img_h, img_w))
nxf = img_w / float(width_mid)
nyf = img_h / float(height_mid)
if nxf > int(nxf):
nxf = int(nxf) + 1
nxf = int(nxf)
if nyf > int(nyf):
nyf = int(nyf) + 1
nyf = int(nyf)
for i in range(nxf):
for j in range(nyf):
if i == 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + model_width
elif i > 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + model_width
if j == 0:
index_y_d = j * height_mid
index_y_u = index_y_d + model_height
elif j > 0:
index_y_d = j * height_mid
index_y_u = index_y_d + model_height
if index_x_u > img_w:
index_x_u = img_w
index_x_d = img_w - model_width
if index_y_u > img_h:
index_y_u = img_h
index_y_d = img_h - model_height
img_patch = img[index_y_d:index_y_u, index_x_d:index_x_u, :]
#h_res = int( img_patch.shape[0]/1.05)
#w_res = int( img_patch.shape[1]/1.05)
#img_patch_resize = resize_image(img_patch, h_res, w_res)
#img_patch_resized_padded =np.ones((img_patch.shape[0],img_patch.shape[1],img_patch.shape[2])).astype(float)#self.do_padding()
#h_start=int( abs(img_patch.shape[0]-img_patch_resize.shape[0])/2. )
#w_start=int( abs(img_patch.shape[1]-img_patch_resize.shape[1])/2. )
#label_p_pred_padded = model.predict(img_patch_resized_padded.reshape(1, img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1], img_patch.shape[2]))
label_p_pred = model.predict(img_patch.reshape(1, img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1], img_patch.shape[2]))
#seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)[0]
#label_p_pred = model.predict(img_patch.reshape(1, img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1], img_patch.shape[2]))
seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)[0]
seg_color = np.repeat(seg[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
#seg_color = np.repeat(seg[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
if i == 0 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf-1 and j == nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i == 0 and j == nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf-1 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i == 0 and j != 0 and j != nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf-1 and j != 0 and j != nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i != 0 and i != nxf-1 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i != 0 and i != nxf-1 and j == nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
#prediction_true = prediction_true[index_start_h_alw: index_start_h_alw+img_org_h_pad, index_start_w_alw: index_start_w_alw+img_org_w_pad,:]
prediction_true = prediction_true[index_start_h: index_start_h+img_org_h, index_start_w: index_start_w+img_org_w,:]
prediction_true = prediction_true.astype(np.uint8)
img_h_page = img.shape[0]
img_w_page = img.shape[1]
img = img / float(255.0)
img = resize_image(img, model_height, model_width)
label_p_pred = model.predict(img.reshape(1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))
seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)[0]
seg_color = np.repeat(seg[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
prediction_true = resize_image(seg_color, img_h_page, img_w_page)
prediction_true = prediction_true.astype(np.uint8)
return prediction_true[:,:,0]
def run(self, image=None, image_path=None, save=None, use_patches=False):
if (image is not None and image_path is not None) or \
(image is None and image_path is None):
raise ValueError("Must pass either a opencv2 image or an image_path")
if image_path is not None:
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
img_last = 0
for n, (model, model_file) in enumerate(zip(self.models, self.model_files)):
|'Predicting with model %s [%s/%s]' % (model_file, n + 1, len(self.model_files)))
res = self.predict(model, image, use_patches)
img_fin = np.zeros((res.shape[0], res.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :][res[:, :] == 0] = 2
res = res - 1
res = res * 255
img_fin[:, :, 0] = res
img_fin[:, :, 1] = res
img_fin[:, :, 2] = res
img_fin = img_fin.astype(np.uint8)
img_fin = (res[:, :] == 0) * 255
img_last = img_last + img_fin
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
img_last[:, :][img_last[:, :] > 0] = 255
img_last = (img_last[:, :] == 0) * 255
if save:
cv2.imwrite(save, img_last)
return img_last