You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

291 lines
5.7 KiB

![sbb-ner-demo example](.screenshots/sbb_ner_demo.png?raw=true)
How the models have been obtained is described in our [paper](
# Installation:
Setup virtual environment:
virtualenv --python=python3.6 venv
Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Upgrade pip:
pip install -U pip
Install package together with its dependencies in development mode:
pip install -e ./
Download required models:
Extract model archive:
tar -xzf models.tar.gz
Run webapp directly:
env FLASK_APP=qurator/sbb_ner/webapp/ env FLASK_ENV=development env USE_CUDA=True flask run --host=
Set USE_CUDA=False, if you do not have a GPU available/installed.
For production purposes rather use
env USE_CUDA=True/False gunicorn --bind qurator.sbb_ner.webapp.wsgi:app
If you want to use a different model configuration file:
env USE_CUDA=True/False env CONFIG=`realpath ./my-config.json` gunicorn --bind qurator.sbb_ner.webapp.wsgi:app
# Docker
## CPU-only:
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -t qurator/webapp-ner-cpu -f Dockerfile.cpu .
docker run -ti --rm=true --mount type=bind,source=data/konvens2019,target=/usr/src/qurator-sbb-ner/data/konvens2019 -p 5000:5000 qurator/webapp-ner-cpu
## GPU:
Make sure that your GPU is correctly set up and that nvidia-docker has been installed.
docker build --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy -t qurator/webapp-ner-gpu -f Dockerfile .
docker run -ti --rm=true --mount type=bind,source=data/konvens2019,target=/usr/src/qurator-sbb-ner/data/konvens2019 -p 5000:5000 qurator/webapp-ner-gpu
NER web-interface is availabe at http://localhost:5000 .
# REST - Interface
Get available models:
curl http://localhost:5000/models
"default": true,
"id": 1,
"model_dir": "data/konvens2019/build-wd_0.03/bert-all-german-de-finetuned",
"default": false,
"id": 2,
"model_dir": "data/konvens2019/build-on-all-german-de-finetuned/bert-sbb-de-finetuned",
"default": false,
"id": 3,
"model_dir": "data/konvens2019/build-wd_0.03/bert-sbb-de-finetuned",
"name": "DC-SBB + SBB"
"default": false,
"id": 4,
"model_dir": "data/konvens2019/build-wd_0.03/bert-all-german-baseline",
"name": "CONLL + GERMEVAL"
Perform NER using model 1:
curl -d '{ "text": "Paris Hilton wohnt im Hilton Paris in Paris." }' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/ner/1
"prediction": "B-PER",
"word": "Paris"
"prediction": "I-PER",
"word": "Hilton"
"prediction": "O",
"word": "wohnt"
"prediction": "O",
"word": "im"
"prediction": "B-ORG",
"word": "Hilton"
"prediction": "I-ORG",
"word": "Paris"
"prediction": "O",
"word": "in"
"prediction": "B-LOC",
"word": "Paris"
"prediction": "O",
"word": "."
The JSON above is the expected input format of the
[SBB named entity linking and disambiguation system](
# Model-Training
## Preprocessing of NER ground-truth:
### compile_conll
Read CONLL 2003 ner ground truth files from directory and
write the outcome of the data parsing to some pandas DataFrame that is
stored as pickle.
#### Usage
compile_conll --help
### compile_germ_eval
Read germ eval .tsv files from directory and write the
outcome of the data parsing to some pandas DataFrame that is stored as
#### Usage
compile_germ_eval --help
### compile_europeana_historic
Read europeana historic ner ground truth .bio files from directory
and write the outcome of the data parsing to some pandas
DataFrame that is stored as pickle.
#### Usage
compile_europeana_historic --help
### compile_wikiner
Read wikiner files from directory and write the outcome
of the data parsing to some pandas DataFrame that is stored as pickle.
#### Usage
compile_wikiner --help
## Train BERT - NER model:
### bert-ner
Perform BERT for NER supervised training and test/cross-validation.
#### Usage
bert-ner --help
## BERT-Pre-training:
### collectcorpus
collectcorpus --help
Reads the fulltext from a CSV or SQLITE3 file (see also altotool) and
write it to one big text file.
FULLTEXT_FILE: The CSV or SQLITE3 file to read from.
SELECTION_FILE: Consider only a subset of all pages that is defined by the
DataFrame that is stored in <selection_file>.
CORPUS_FILE: The output file that can be used by bert-pregenerate-trainingdata.
--chunksize INTEGER Process the corpus in chunks of <chunksize>.
--processes INTEGER Number of parallel processes. default: 6
--min-line-len INTEGER Lower bound of line length in output file.
--help Show this message and exit.
### bert-pregenerate-trainingdata
Generate data for BERT pre-training from a corpus text file where
the documents are separated by an empty line (output of corpuscollect).
#### Usage
bert-pregenerate-trainingdata --help
### bert-finetune
Perform BERT pre-training on pre-generated data.
#### Usage
bert-finetune --help