You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Extract the MODS/ALTO metadata of a bunch of METS/ALTO files into pandas DataFrames.
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**mods4pandas** converts the MODS metadata from METS files into a pandas DataFrame.
Column names are derived from the corresponding MODS elements. Some domain
knowledge is used to convert elements to a useful column, e.g. produce sets
instead of ordered lists for topics, etc. Parts of the tool are specific to
our environment/needs at the State Library Berlin and may need to be changed for
your library.
Per-page information (e.g. structure information from the METS structMap) can
be converted as well (`--output-page-info`).
**alto4pandas** converts the metadata from ALTO files into a pandas DataFrame.
Column names are derived from the corresponding ALTO elements. Some columns
contain descriptive statistics (e.g. counts or mean) of the corresponding ALTO
elements or attributes.
## Usage
mods4pandas /path/to/a/directory/containing/mets_files
alto4pandas /path/to/a/directory/full/of/alto_files
### Conversion to other formats
python -c 'import pandas as pd; pd.read_parquet("mods_info_df.parquet").to_csv("mods_info_df.csv")'
Excel (requires `XlsxWriter`):
python -c 'import pandas as pd; pd.read_parquet("mods_info_df.parquet").to_excel("mods_info_df.xlsx"
, engine="xlsxwriter")'
## Example
In this example we convert the MODS metadata contained in the METS files in
`/srv/data/digisam_mets-sample-300` to a pandas DataFrame under
`mods_info_df.parquet`. This file can then be read by your data scientist using
% mods4pandas /srv/data/digisam_mets-sample-300
INFO:root:Scanning directory /srv/data/digisam_mets-sample-300
301it [00:00, 19579.19it/s]
INFO:root:Processing METS files
100%|████████████████████████████████████████| 301/301 [00:01<00:00, 162.59it/s]
INFO:root:Writing DataFrame to mods_info_df.parquet
In the next example we convert the metadata from the ALTO files in the test data
% alto4pandas qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/PPN636777308
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/734008031
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/PPN895016346
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/PPN640992293
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/alto-ner
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/PPN767883624
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/PPN715049151
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/749782137
Scanning directory qurator/mods4pandas/tests/data/alto/weird-ns
INFO:alto4pandas:Processing ALTO files
INFO:alto4pandas:Writing DataFrame to alto_info_df.parquet