Rewrote binarization script to always use patches, but in a much more efficient way and adding support for batch-conversion with multiple GPUs.
@ -1,272 +1,168 @@
Tool to load model and binarize a given image.
import argparse
import argparse
import sys
import gc
from os import environ, devnull
import itertools
import math
import os
from pathlib import Path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
from typing import Union, List, Any
import cv2
import cv2
import numpy as np
import numpy as np
environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'
stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stderr = open(devnull, 'w')
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from mpire import WorkerPool
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as tensorflow_backend
from mpire.utils import make_single_arguments
from import load_model
sys.stderr = stderr
import logging
def resize_image(img_in, input_height, input_width):
return cv2.resize(img_in, (input_width, input_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
class SbbBinarizer:
class SbbBinarizer:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def __init__(self, model_dir: Union[str, Path], logger=None):
self.model: Any = None
self.model_height: int = 0
self.model_width: int = 0
self.n_classes: int = 0
def load_model(self, model_dir: Union[str, Path]):
model_dir = Path(model_dir)
model_dir = Path(model_dir)
self.log = logger if logger else logging.getLogger('SbbBinarizer')
self.model = load_model(str(model_dir.absolute()), compile=False)
self.model_height = self.model.layers[len(self.model.layers) - 1].output_shape[1]
self.model_width = self.model.layers[len(self.model.layers) - 1].output_shape[2]
self.n_classes = self.model.layers[len(self.model.layers) - 1].output_shape[3]
self.model_files = list([str(p.absolute()) for p in model_dir.rglob("*.h5")])
if not self.model_files:
def binarize_image(self, image_path: Path, save_path: Path):
raise ValueError(f"No models found in {str(model_dir)}")
if not image_path.exists():
raise ValueError(f"Image not found: {str(image_path)}")
self.models = []
for model_file in self.model_files:
# Most operations are expecting BGR as this is the standard way how CV2 reads images
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
img = cv2.imread(str(image_path))
def start_new_session(self):
original_image_height, original_image_width, image_channels = img.shape
config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
# Padded images must be multiples of model size
padded_image_height = math.ceil(original_image_height / self.model_height) * self.model_height
self.session = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) # tf.InteractiveSession()
padded_image_width = math.ceil(original_image_width / self.model_width) * self.model_width
padded_image = np.zeros((padded_image_height, padded_image_width, image_channels))
padded_image[0:original_image_height, 0:original_image_width, :] = img[:, :, :]
def end_session(self):
image_batch = np.expand_dims(padded_image, 0) # To create the batch information
patches = tf.image.extract_patches(
del self.session
sizes=[1, self.model_height, self.model_width, 1],
def load_model(self, model_path: str):
strides=[1, self.model_height, self.model_width, 1],
model = load_model(model_path, compile=False)
rates=[1, 1, 1, 1],
model_height = model.layers[len(model.layers) - 1].output_shape[1]
model_width = model.layers[len(model.layers) - 1].output_shape[2]
n_classes = model.layers[len(model.layers) - 1].output_shape[3]
return model, model_height, model_width, n_classes
number_of_horizontal_patches = patches.shape[1]
number_of_vertical_patches = patches.shape[2]
def predict(self, model_in, img, use_patches):
total_number_of_patches = number_of_horizontal_patches * number_of_vertical_patches
target_shape = (total_number_of_patches, self.model_height, self.model_width, image_channels)
model, model_height, model_width, n_classes = model_in
# Squeeze all image patches (n, m, width, height, channels) into a single big batch (b, width, height, channels)
image_patches = tf.reshape(patches, target_shape)
img_org_h = img.shape[0]
# Normalize the image to values between 0.0 - 1.0
img_org_w = img.shape[1]
image_patches = image_patches / float(255.0)
if img.shape[0] < model_height and img.shape[1] >= model_width:
predicted_patches = self.model.predict(image_patches)
img_padded = np.zeros((model_height, img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))
# We have to manually call garbage collection and clear_session here to avoid memory leaks.
# Taken from
index_start_h = int(abs(img.shape[0] - model_height) / 2.)
index_start_w = 0
img_padded[index_start_h: index_start_h + img.shape[0], :, :] = img[:, :, :]
binary_patches = np.invert(np.argmax(predicted_patches, axis=3).astype(bool)).astype(np.uint8) * 255
full_image_with_padding = self._patches_to_image(
elif img.shape[0] >= model_height and img.shape[1] < model_width:
img_padded = np.zeros((img.shape[0], model_width, img.shape[2]))
index_start_h = 0
index_start_w = int(abs(img.shape[1] - model_width) / 2.)
img_padded[:, index_start_w: index_start_w + img.shape[1], :] = img[:, :, :]
full_image = full_image_with_padding[0:original_image_height, 0:original_image_width]
Path(save_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
elif img.shape[0] < model_height and img.shape[1] < model_width:
cv2.imwrite(str(save_path), full_image)
img_padded = np.zeros((model_height, model_width, img.shape[2]))
def _patches_to_image(
index_start_h = int(abs(img.shape[0] - model_height) / 2.)
index_start_w = int(abs(img.shape[1] - model_width) / 2.)
patches: np.ndarray,
image_height: int,
img_padded[index_start_h: index_start_h + img.shape[0], index_start_w: index_start_w + img.shape[1], :] = img[:, :, :]
image_width: int,
patch_height: int,
patch_width: int
index_start_h = 0
index_start_w = 0
height = math.ceil(image_height / patch_height) * patch_height
img_padded = np.copy(img)
width = math.ceil(image_width / patch_width) * patch_width
img = np.copy(img_padded)
image_reshaped = np.reshape(
if use_patches:
[height // patch_height, width // patch_width, patch_height, patch_width]
margin = int(0.1 * model_width)
image_transposed = np.transpose(a=image_reshaped, axes=[0, 2, 1, 3])
image_resized = np.reshape(image_transposed, [height, width])
width_mid = model_width - 2 * margin
return image_resized
height_mid = model_height - 2 * margin
img = img / float(255.0)
def split_list_into_worker_batches(files: List[Any], number_of_workers: int) -> List[List[Any]]:
""" Splits any given list into batches for the specified number of workers and returns a list of lists. """
img_h = img.shape[0]
batches = []
img_w = img.shape[1]
batch_size = math.ceil(len(files) / number_of_workers)
batch_start = 0
prediction_true = np.zeros((img_h, img_w, 3))
for i in range(1, number_of_workers + 1):
mask_true = np.zeros((img_h, img_w))
batch_end = i * batch_size
nxf = img_w / float(width_mid)
file_batch_to_delete = files[batch_start: batch_end]
nyf = img_h / float(height_mid)
batch_start = batch_end
if nxf > int(nxf):
return batches
nxf = int(nxf) + 1
nxf = int(nxf)
def batch_predict(input_data):
model_dir, input_images, output_images, worker_number = input_data
if nyf > int(nyf):
print(f"Setting visible cuda devices to {str(worker_number)}")
nyf = int(nyf) + 1
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = str(worker_number)
binarizer = SbbBinarizer()
for image_path, output_path in zip(input_images, output_images):
binarizer.binarize_image(image_path=image_path, save_path=output_path)
print(f"Binarized {image_path}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-m', '--model_dir', default="model_2021_03_09", help="Path to the directory where the TF model resides or path to an h5 file.")
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input-path', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-path', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
input_path = Path(args.input_path)
output_path = Path(args.output_path)
model_directory = args.model_dir
if input_path.is_dir():
print(f"Enumerating all PNG files in {str(input_path)}")
all_input_images = list(input_path.rglob("*.png"))
print(f"Filtering images that have already been binarized in {str(output_path)}")
input_images = [i for i in all_input_images if not (output_path / (i.relative_to(input_path))).exists()]
output_images = [output_path / (i.relative_to(input_path)) for i in input_images]
input_images = [i for i in input_images]
print(f"Starting binarization of {len(input_images)} images")
number_of_gpus = len(tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU'))
number_of_workers = max(1, number_of_gpus)
image_batches = split_list_into_worker_batches(input_images, number_of_workers)
output_batches = split_list_into_worker_batches(output_images, number_of_workers)
with WorkerPool(n_jobs=number_of_workers, start_method='spawn') as pool:
model_dirs = itertools.repeat(model_directory, len(image_batches))
input_data = zip(model_dirs, image_batches, output_batches, range(number_of_workers))
contents = pool.map_unordered(
nyf = int(nyf)
binarizer = SbbBinarizer()
for i in range(nxf):
binarizer.binarize_image(image_path=input_path, save_path=output_path)
for j in range(nyf):
if i == 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + model_width
elif i > 0:
index_x_d = i * width_mid
index_x_u = index_x_d + model_width
if j == 0:
index_y_d = j * height_mid
index_y_u = index_y_d + model_height
elif j > 0:
index_y_d = j * height_mid
index_y_u = index_y_d + model_height
if index_x_u > img_w:
index_x_u = img_w
index_x_d = img_w - model_width
if index_y_u > img_h:
index_y_u = img_h
index_y_d = img_h - model_height
img_patch = img[index_y_d:index_y_u, index_x_d:index_x_u, :]
label_p_pred = model.predict(img_patch.reshape(1, img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1], img_patch.shape[2]))
seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)[0]
seg_color = np.repeat(seg[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
if i == 0 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf - 1 and j == nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i == 0 and j == nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf - 1 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i == 0 and j != 0 and j != nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf - 1 and j != 0 and j != nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i != 0 and i != nxf - 1 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i != 0 and i != nxf - 1 and j == nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
prediction_true = prediction_true[index_start_h: index_start_h + img_org_h, index_start_w: index_start_w + img_org_w, :]
prediction_true = prediction_true.astype(np.uint8)
img_h_page = img.shape[0]
img_w_page = img.shape[1]
img = img / float(255.0)
img = resize_image(img, model_height, model_width)
label_p_pred = model.predict(img.reshape(1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], img.shape[2]))
seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)[0]
seg_color = np.repeat(seg[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
prediction_true = resize_image(seg_color, img_h_page, img_w_page)
prediction_true = prediction_true.astype(np.uint8)
return prediction_true[:, :, 0]
def run(self, image=None, image_path=None, save=None, use_patches=False):
if (image is not None and image_path is not None) or (image is None and image_path is None):
raise ValueError("Must pass either a opencv2 image or an image_path")
if image_path is not None:
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
img_last = 0
for n, (model, model_file) in enumerate(zip(self.models, self.model_files)):
||||||"Predicting with model {model_file} [{n + 1}/{len(self.model_files)}]")
res = self.predict(model, image, use_patches)
img_fin = np.zeros((res.shape[0], res.shape[1], 3))
res[:, :][res[:, :] == 0] = 2
res = res - 1
res = res * 255
img_fin[:, :, 0] = res
img_fin[:, :, 1] = res
img_fin[:, :, 2] = res
img_fin = img_fin.astype(np.uint8)
img_fin = (res[:, :] == 0) * 255
img_last = img_last + img_fin
kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8)
img_last[:, :][img_last[:, :] > 0] = 255
img_last = (img_last[:, :] == 0) * 255
if save:
# Create the output directory (and if necessary it's parents) if it doesn't exist already
Path(save).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
cv2.imwrite(save, img_last)
return img_last
Reference in New Issue