inference is implemented with batch size bigger than 1

vahidrezanezhad 6 months ago
parent 3095498162
commit 93cba20810

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class SbbBinarizer:
n_classes = model.layers[len(model.layers)-1].output_shape[3]
return model, model_height, model_width, n_classes
def predict(self, model_in, img, use_patches):
def predict(self, model_in, img, use_patches, n_batch_inference=5):
model, model_height, model_width, n_classes = model_in
@ -128,6 +128,18 @@ class SbbBinarizer:
nyf = int(nyf) + 1
nyf = int(nyf)
list_i_s = []
list_j_s = []
list_x_u = []
list_x_d = []
list_y_u = []
list_y_d = []
batch_indexer = 0
img_patch = np.zeros((n_batch_inference, model_height, model_width,3))
for i in range(nxf):
for j in range(nyf):
@ -152,77 +164,82 @@ class SbbBinarizer:
if index_y_u > img_h:
index_y_u = img_h
index_y_d = img_h - model_height
img_patch = img[index_y_d:index_y_u, index_x_d:index_x_u, :]
label_p_pred = model.predict(img_patch.reshape(1, img_patch.shape[0], img_patch.shape[1], img_patch.shape[2]))
seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)[0]
seg_color = np.repeat(seg[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
if i == 0 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf-1 and j == nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i == 0 and j == nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf-1 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i == 0 and j != 0 and j != nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, 0:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + 0:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i == nxf-1 and j != 0 and j != nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - 0]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i != 0 and i != nxf-1 and j == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[0:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + 0:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i != 0 and i != nxf-1 and j == nyf-1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - 0, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - 0, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
seg_color = seg_color[margin:seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
seg = seg[margin:seg.shape[0] - margin, margin:seg.shape[1] - margin]
mask_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin] = seg
prediction_true[index_y_d + margin:index_y_u - margin, index_x_d + margin:index_x_u - margin, :] = seg_color
img_patch[batch_indexer,:,:,:] = img[index_y_d:index_y_u, index_x_d:index_x_u, :]
batch_indexer = batch_indexer + 1
if batch_indexer == n_batch_inference:
label_p_pred = model.predict(img_patch,verbose=0)
seg = np.argmax(label_p_pred, axis=3)
#print(seg.shape, len(seg), len(list_i_s))
indexer_inside_batch = 0
for i_batch, j_batch in zip(list_i_s, list_j_s):
seg_in = seg[indexer_inside_batch,:,:]
seg_color = np.repeat(seg_in[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2)
index_y_u_in = list_y_u[indexer_inside_batch]
index_y_d_in = list_y_d[indexer_inside_batch]
index_x_u_in = list_x_u[indexer_inside_batch]
index_x_d_in = list_x_d[indexer_inside_batch]
if i_batch == 0 and j_batch == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0 : seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0 : seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + 0 : index_y_u_in - margin, index_x_d_in + 0 : index_x_u_in - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch == nxf - 1 and j_batch == nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin : seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin : seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + margin : index_y_u_in - 0, index_x_d_in + margin : index_x_u_in - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch == 0 and j_batch == nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin : seg_color.shape[0] - 0, 0 : seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + margin : index_y_u_in - 0, index_x_d_in + 0 : index_x_u_in - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch == nxf - 1 and j_batch == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0 : seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin : seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + 0 : index_y_u_in - margin, index_x_d_in + margin : index_x_u_in - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch == 0 and j_batch != 0 and j_batch != nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin : seg_color.shape[0] - margin, 0 : seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + margin : index_y_u_in - margin, index_x_d_in + 0 : index_x_u_in - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch == nxf - 1 and j_batch != 0 and j_batch != nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin : seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin : seg_color.shape[1] - 0, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + margin : index_y_u_in - margin, index_x_d_in + margin : index_x_u_in - 0, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch != 0 and i_batch != nxf - 1 and j_batch == 0:
seg_color = seg_color[0 : seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin : seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + 0 : index_y_u_in - margin, index_x_d_in + margin : index_x_u_in - margin, :] = seg_color
elif i_batch != 0 and i_batch != nxf - 1 and j_batch == nyf - 1:
seg_color = seg_color[margin : seg_color.shape[0] - 0, margin : seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + margin : index_y_u_in - 0, index_x_d_in + margin : index_x_u_in - margin, :] = seg_color
seg_color = seg_color[margin : seg_color.shape[0] - margin, margin : seg_color.shape[1] - margin, :]
prediction_true[index_y_d_in + margin : index_y_u_in - margin, index_x_d_in + margin : index_x_u_in - margin, :] = seg_color
indexer_inside_batch = indexer_inside_batch +1
list_i_s = []
list_j_s = []
list_x_u = []
list_x_d = []
list_y_u = []
list_y_d = []
batch_indexer = 0
img_patch = np.zeros((n_batch_inference, model_height, model_width,3))
